'Cause Now I Know It's All That I Wanted, chapter 1

"Thank you!" His heart almost jumped out of his shirt he was so happy. He cupped her face and kissed her, he seperrated her lips with his tongue. Their tongues gentaly touched. His tongue gently gazed her's. He pulled apart from her, she looked into his green eye's. She knew she wasn't going to get married to Jesse.

"Let's go." Billie took her by her hand and they walked out of the airport. Danielle's bag's would still be on the plane, so she had to make phone calls when she got to her home. As they walked to Billie's car, their fingers were laced together. They walked over to the passenger door, Danielle stopped walking and turned to Billie. She bit her lip and had an evil grin on her face.

"You know... You can spend the night with me.. If you want," she said as she wrapped her arms around Billie's neck, he knew what she ment. He gave an evil grin and he kissed her. He lightly pushed her up against the car. "Billie... Not in public," she sarcastically said as she lifted her lips off his. He laughed and went back to her lips with a gentle force. She pushed him away. "Come on... Let's go," she said in a cheeky way.

"Ohhhh... Do we have to?" He acted like he was 8. She laughed and so did he. He opened the car and she got in, he ran over to the drivers side and got in.
He closed the door and lent over to Danielle, she smiled and kissed him. They couldn't get their hands off each other. Billie finally got his lips off her's, he started the car.

"Hey Billie?" she said as she stared out of the window and watched them pass other cars on the high way. He looked at her and quickly looked back to the road.

"Yeah," he smiled.

"What about Adrienne?" The happiness drained from his body at the mention of her name.

"As far as I am concerned she is not in my life anymore... I never loved her," he said angrily. It was true what he had said, and he wasn't going to feel the same way about Adrienne ever again.

"What happened?"

"I...I... Umm..." he stuttered.

"Tell me..."

"Well I caught her fucking some guy..." he simply said.

"Ohhh Billie... I'm sorry.. "

"It's ok... I really couldn't give a fuck... I'm with you now." He smiled, he was angry with Adrienne but being with Danielle made him the happiest he would ever be. She smiled. Billie drove them to his house. "Just wait here... I'll be back in a second." He rushed as he got out of the car and ran up to his front door. He opened the door, he walked in and saw Adrienne crying.

"Billie... I'm so sorry!" she sobbed, she walked over to him. She put her head on his shoulder and cried.

"Look... I can't be with you... You cheated on me... And the fact that I never loved you the way I was meant to... It just makes it harder for me to stay with you... I won't leave Joey and Jakob, I will always love them... But I have to leave." He walked away from her, he went up the stairs and into his room. She followed him.

"BILLIE! JUST PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!" she cried as she watch him pack all of his clothes. He didn't say anything. It was now around 9 pm and Joey and Jacob were alseep. "Billie!! Please!" she pleaded.

"Dad? What are ya doing?" Joey said sleepy as he walked into the room.

"Joey... Go to bed..." Adrienne said as she cried. Billie walked over to Joey and picked him up. There was no way he would leave his kids. Even if he and Adrienne were no longer together.

"Joey, I'm going to be with Danni," he said hugging Joey tightly, he walked out his the room and walked into Jakob and Joey's room. Adrienne fell onto the bed crying.

"What do you mean?" Joey yawned. Billie laid him down on his bed and covered him.

"I will come over tomorrow and tell you and Jakob about it. Ok?"

"Ok Dad..." He yawned and fell asleep. He smiled and kissed him lightly on his forehead. He went over to Jakob's bed, he watched Jakob softly snore, he chuckled and bent down and put the covers over him. The covers seemed to have been kicked away by Jakob. He also lightly kissed Jakob on the forehead. Billie got up and walked to the door, he leant against the door framed and watched them sleep. He smile and turned around and walked to his room to continue packing. When he got into his room he found that his bags were all packed. He looked over to Adrienne, who was sitting on the bed.

"I know I did the wrong thing Billie... But the truth is...I never was in love with you either," she said as she looked to the floor. Billie smirked and picked up his bags.

"I'll come by tomorrow and pick up the rest of my stuff and talk to the boys. We will figure out what to do next with us." He walked out of the room and out of the house, he couldn't stay married to Adrienne. That was yet to be sorted out though. He walked out and saw Danielle leaning against his car smoking. He laughed. "Still haven't quit?" he said as he dragged his bags to the boot of the car. She helped him.

"Have you?" she asked.

"No. BUT...I don't smoke all the time," he chuckled, she threw the butt away.

"Same," she laughed. He chucked all his bags in the boot and closed it. "I think I have to tell Jesse... " she said as she looked at Billie. He nodded and walked to the driver's door and opened it, she froze. She didn't know how she was going to tell Jesse about how she was leaving him. But she couldn't be with Jesse, it's Billie she want's to be with and that was that. She sat down in the car and they drove to her house. When they got there they both just sat there not saying anything. "Billie...Come in with me," she said breaking the silence.

"Ok..." She opened the door and got out, Billie did the same. They both walked up to her front door, she was so nervous. Billie could tell, he slipped his hand in her's as she opened the door. They both walked in. She saw Jesse sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. Billie looked at him as Jesse rose his head.

"Holy Shit." This is going to get complicated...
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