'Cause Now I Know It's All That I Wanted, chapter 5

Nothing had changed when they both woke up, they were still in each others arms.
Danielle turned and face him. He put his arm over her and kissed her lips softly.

"Good morning," He smiled.

"You smell like wet dog," She laughed, he sniffed his shirt.

"I would prefer cat but you're right..." He chuckled getting up. He changed his clothes and went back in bed with her. "Now you're the one how smells like wet dog," She laughed and got up and changed her clothes and went back to him.
She cuddled up in his arms.

"I s'pose being in the rain wasn't the best idea..." She pointed out. He smiled and kissed her forehead.
She looked at him and started to laugh.

"What are you laughing at?" He asked with a raised eyebrow and a cheeky smile.

"Since when did you start wearing eyeliner?...It has ran and it's spread all over your eyes," She laughed even harder.

"Well I like men in eyeliner," He laughed. She went into hysterics.

"Me too.." She kissed him and then the one soft kiss became more deeper as her hand sliped up his shirt. Billie rolled himself on top of her, his tongue slipped in. His hand rubbed up her back, their feet tangling.

"SHIT!" Billie said once he snapped out from the kiss.

"What?" She asked from under him.

"I have to go to the studio...Fuck...I don't wanna go...I wanna stay with you," He said with puppy dog eyes. Danielle sighed.

"Me too...Can't you just stay home for a day...Please?" He unwillingly got off her.

"I can't, I have to go. This is really important to me. Please don't get angry,"
Danielle giggle and went and sat next to him at the edge of the bed.

"I won't get angry, I know how important it is. So you go and I'll go get Joey and Jacob and I will wait for you to come back, O.k?" She said as she put her arm over his shoulder and hugged him. He grinned.

"And that's why I love you so much," He kissed her on the cheek.


"Cya Billie...I'll be waiting," She winked. They both stood at the front of his car hugging. He kissed her deep, he couldn't leave her.

"I can't wait," She let go of him and he went to the door and opened it. She came to him and kissed him.

"Bye-Bye-Bye," He said in between kisses.

"You better come back," She laughed. He winked and got in the car. He wound down the window. He started the car, but when he looked at her he opened the car door and got out and kissed her passionately.

"That was just so I can last for the rest of the day." She laughed and he kissed her on the cheek and got in the car and watched him drive off.
She went back inside and went back to bed.

After an hour of sleeping she was awoken by the front door being knocked on. She ignored it the first time but then the knocking got louder and louder, like ten people were knocking on it. She sighed and got up and dragged herself to the front door. She heard people yelling. She opened the door cluelessly.

"DANIELLE...HOW COME YOU BROKE UP BILLIE'S MARRIED?!" About 20 people with cameras screamed at her. They all took snap shots, the blinking lights blinding her. She quickly shut the door.
She realised that they were media and Adrienne must have told them. She slid down the front door and put her head in her hands.

"HOW COULD YOU DO THAT?!" She heard a croud chant from outside. She felt a tear slip passed her cheek.


Billie walked in the front door of the studio. He walked in the studio and found Mike and Tre sitting on the couch with their producer Rob.

"Hey guys," Billie said.

"You have an interview with TRL in about a minute.." Rob informed him. Billie raised an eyebrow.

"O.k..." The studio phone rang and Rob picked it up.

"Yep...They will be talking to all 3 of them...O.k," Rob said into the phone, he handed the phone to Billie.

"Hello Billie Joe. How are you?" The TRL presenter asked.

"Hey...I'm fine...You?" He said, he could hear the TRL crowd scream.

"I'm good. First thing, Green Day making a new album?"

"Yes we are...We're in the studio as we speak," He chuckled.

"So when do you think the album will be released?"

"Sometime in September. We're working really hard on this album, and it has a different attidude to the other albums so make sure you go out and buy it," the crowd once again went wild.

"O.k Billie Joe, we have another question..."

"Hit me..." He laughed. The crowd once again went wild.

"We have heard you have called it quits with your wife of ten years. Is that true?"
The crowd went silent, Billie froze. Then he realised what Adrienne had done. Tre looked at Billie and then he looked over to Mike. Mike shrugged and continued looking at Billie.

"Yeah, we just didn't feel the same about each other...but this won't change anything with our music," Billie informed. The crowd screamed.

"Now, what we have heard was that you cheated on Adrienne with Danielle Blake. Is that true?...I'm sorry I don't mean to put you on the spot..."

"Well what I have to say is that is bullshit..." The crowd suddenly screamed.
The presenter laughed. "Well I haven't cheated on anyone but Danielle and me go way back...And nothing else really needs to be said."

"Well Billie Joe thanks for your time."

"It's cool."

"After the breal we will be hearing from Tre Cool."
Billie gave the phone back to Rob.

Billie stormed straight out of the room and went to his guitar.
Mike followed.

"Dude..I'm sorry..." Mike said. Billie was so angry he just couldn't find the words to say it.

"I can't believe what just happened! I'm guessing you found out by the fucking media!" He yelled.

"Yeah...But screw them man...You're with Danni now...Isn't she the one you wanted?" Mike asked. Billie felt his heart leap and a smile came to his face.

"Yeah, she is."

Billie knew that Green Day's fan will stick by them no matter what. But Danielle wasn't so sure, it was a new thing for her. She thought that because of her Green Day would lose their fans. But she wasn't going to leave Billie.
But come on. What would you think about it?
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