"I think I'm falling in love with you, Billie...", chapter 1

Billie walked down the street, next to the tour bus, letting his warm breath connect with the cold outside to create a puff of steam. He shivered and pulled his leather jacket tighter around him, and then a seat on a nearby bench. He looked down the dimly lit, silenced street to see a tall, brunette girl walking in his direction. What the...
"Hello," she said, taking a seat by him. She gave him a close, quick look. "You are... aren't you that guy from that band? Green Day?" Billie looked over at the girl. People actually already know us?
"Yeah..." Billie said hesitantly. The girl smiled and looked around.
"I could sort of tell by the 'Green Day tour bus.' Why aren't you in there?" she asked and pointed to the large, black-bus like vehicle.
"I, uhm.... sort of got locked out as a birthday prank," Billie said and quickly looked away, slightly embarrassed at how absurd that sounds.
"Oh," the girl said, probably not knowing what else to say. "Well, I'm Jana," she said after a couple of moments of awkward silence.
"Billie Joe Armstrong," he said and shook her hand. She seems nice enough... She smiled again, half-showing white, straight teeth.
"So I finally know your name," she said happily. "I've been to a couple of your opening shows," she added quietly. "You guys are good; you'll go far," she said and smiled again. "Well, do you want to come back to my house?" she looked quickly back over at the bus and then back at Billie. "Seeing as you can't get in there now anyways."
Billie laughed. "I don't want to cause any trouble..."
"You won't cause any trouble! My roommate loves your bassist."
"Your roommate's a girl, right?"
"Yeah..." Jana laughed and stood up. "It's only a few blocks away," she said and held out her hand. After a second's hesitation, Billie grabbed her hand and stood up, walking by her side.
"So your friend likes Mike?" Jana shot Billie a quizzical look. "Mike's our bassist," he added quickly.
"Okay. Yeah, she practically drools over him!" They both laughed. After walking in a now comfortable silence, Jana turned and walked up a narrow driveway to a pleasant cottage-looking house.
"Come on, it's warm in here!" she said and walked inside. Billie shut the door after he walked inside and looked around.
"Jana!" a blonde exclaimed, coming down the stairs. She stopped when she saw Billie. "Billie Joe Armstrong? From Green Day? The same band that Mike is in?" Billie nodded and the girl screamed and ran back up the stairs.
"I told you she was crazy..." Jana said and led Billie into the kitchen. "Tea? Coffee? Anything?"
"Coffee'd be great; I want to stay awake!" Billie said and took a seat on a wooden chair at a round table. Jana laughed and started to brew some coffee.
She turned from the coffee machine and set her arm on the counter. "You want me to show you where you can sleep?" Billie shrugged and stood, then followed Jana to a guest bedroom. Green hit Billie like a wave. Everything was either green or black. Green walls, green and black comforter, green clock... green fish in the green fish tank, which Billie didn't know if that was good or bad. A soft green carpet under his Converse clad feet, a green and black radio, and a huge poster of Green Day at a concert.
"Where did you get this?" Billie asked and touched the poster. "I've never seen a poster of us before." <i Us...that sounds weird![/i]
"Uhm, don't you think the coffee's ready?" she asked and exited the door. Billie followed after casting one last puzzled look at the poster.
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