Apples Don't Fall Far From The Trees, chapter 6

Stella POV

My stomach was in pain, there was no air in my lungs and yet I still couldn't stop laughing.

I mean, watching Frankito running around in a dress singing walking on sunshine while Ramona and Joey were running in circles, having a bet who would fall over first and Kurt snorting milkshake out of his nose in a posh shop in the mall, was rather funny.

Too bad the snooty manager called the security dudes.

As they picked up Frankito by the collar he screamed, "avenge my death!" in a girly voice and I cracked up.

Before we knew it we were in an office as they called our parents.

"Aww I wanted to go to mall jail," joked Ramona.

Kurt started singing.

"Nobody knows the trouble I've seen."

And Joey and I were having a round of rock paper scissors when a big guy walked in and yelled at us to sit down. I suspected our parents were around somewhere...

"You do know how much trouble you're in?" He snarled at us.

"How much?" asked Joey sarcastically.

The guy shook his head and muttered something about teenagers.

"That's stereotyping and discriminating" stated Kurt.


"Well that's just rude," I said, finding my voice.

"I don't give a flying fuck," spat the guy.

"You can fuck while flying? Like with wings or something?" exclaimed Ramona.

"Yeah in an airplane fucktard," laughed Frankito.

"Oh yeah..." she mumbled.

"You should have been born blonde," stated Frankito again.

"You know not all blonds are thick...just the ones who run around going OH MY GODZ LIKE THAT IS SOOO FETCH," squealed Joey.

"If I may interrupt!" shouted the guy again, arg he's annoying!"

"Well I believe you just did," Kurt laughed.

The guy shook his head and started to ask questions.

"Just what do you think you were doing today?"

"Waiting for the bus," I smiled innocently.

"Right that is it!" He yelled as Adie, Billie, Tre and Dad walked in through the door behind him.

"I have had it with you little punks! The shop manager said you caused a lot of moneys worth of damage, including an expensive dress!"

I couldn't help but giggle, as Frankito was still wearing the dress.

"Now who's gunna pay for that damage, ay?" he demanded.

"Uhh that would be us," said Tre raising his hand.

The car ride back was silent. Dad wasn't mad at me, unlike Adie, god she was so steaming mad at Joey, but hey.

Dad was taking me back to Mom's house; I was too busy thinking of what would happen if Colin found out about my little run in with the mall security.

We pulled up by the blue gate.

"Do you wanna come in?" I asked quietly.

"Nah, I don't think your Mom would appreciate It," he sighed.

"She won't be in," I replied.

I saw him thinking about it and then he smiled and nodded.

"Okay then, sure, but not for too long 'kay?"

I nodded happily and jumped out of the car, ran up to the front door and unlocked it.

When Dad came in I think he was shocked at the mess of the house. He was used to Mom being a neat freak, so it probably surprised him. We made our way upstairs and chatted for ages about when he and Mom were still together.

He looked at his precious Rolex and sighed.

"Well I guess I better be heading off," he said sadly.

I nodded and I hugged him

He stood up and went to pull me up. He grabbed my arm, and I winced.

Shit. Did he see that? Fuck.

"Stel, what's wrong?" he asked eyes full of concern.

Fuck, fuck, fuck. I could feel my eyes fill up with tears. No I wasn't going to cry, just lie. Say you sprained it or something. My brain was swimming with thoughts, but before I could act my dad pulled up my long sleeves. Fuck.

"Hero?" He gasped as his eyes scanned the cuts in my arms.

"Daddy," I whimpered.
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