Drums Are Hot, chapter 3

Eve spat the paper out of her mouth and looked around. No-one seemed to be out for a laugh so she proceeded in reading the note. While reading, she tended to scream frantically.

"Oh my fucking god! Nice under-wear! I rang him! What the fuck?!?! I wasn't supposed to ring him! Arrrgggh!! Hey! Wait! It wasn't a phoney phone number after all!" she smiled to herself. The note had said to call him again but as it was a cell phone number she decided to text him instead.

"Ummmm Tre...It's Eva...I don't know if you remember me by name but I'm the girl who dacked herself and had 'nice underwear' at the party. Is this number really yours?"

Tre's POV

Tre's phone sounded that a message had arrived and so, Tre went to check it out. He read it and chuckled to himself and soon a cheesy grin spread across his face.

Eva's POV

She felt a bit stupid writing that message. What if it had sent to Billie or something? All of a sudden Eve's phone began to ring.


"Ha! Ha! Now I have your number!" the voice laughed.

"Who is this!?!"

"Tre! You know? Tre Cool plays the drums in Green Day and snorts donut sprinkles!"

"Oh my god! It's fucking...YOU!" she yelled.

"Yes! Fuck me! I mean...yes...it's fucking me!" he replied cheekily.

Eve just hung up the phone and began to breathe heavily. She was home alone, as Rory went out to see Sarah at the cafe and Peyton was at the University. She decided to get some drum practice in, so she walked in the basement where all the equipment was and began to play around on the drums.

Eve soon heard pounding on the door.

Assuming it was Peyton she screamed out.

"Fuck off Peyton! It's my turn! I'm busy!!!"

"Too busy for me?" Tre's head popped out from behind the door.

Eve jumped out of her seat and went to walk towards Tre but tripped over a lead to an amp. Her face began to burn red. She looked up off the floor where Tre had his arm out-stretched. She grabbed his hand and he pulled her up, where they were now standing face to face quite closely.

"Ahhh...Hi." Eva stepped backwards a little.

"Why'd you hang up on me!?!"

"Sorry about that," she said, face still burning.

"I see."

An awkward silence broke out. Tre simply hit her hard on the shoulder.

"Ouch! What the fuck?!"

"Tag? Your it?"

They both laughed. Eventually they became more easy-going around each-other, and decided to watch Wayne's World...one of Eva's favorite movies.

After watching the movie, Tre and Eva had some drinks and laughs talking about their favorite bits in Wayne's World.

"Fuck! How funny was it when he wedged himself and humped the dummy while that Cassandra chick was on the phone!" said Tre through tears of laughter.

"I've always been after a funny guy," said Eva with-out thinking, seeing as she thought Tre was the funniest man alive.

"Oh?" said Tre curiously grinning.

Another awkward silence fell but this time Tre thought to use it to his advantage. He leaned towards Eve...

"Hey! Eva! I got Kyle and Ian to come to practice later! Isn't it great how...oh...my...god...Tre Cool is in our kitchen! Eva! Can you believe it? You've loved him ever since I can remember!" Rory smiled.

Tre burst into laughter.

Eva had certainly not expected this, embarrassing point to come up.
"It was just a dumb crush." Eva replied bluntly and walked out of the kitchen proceeding to her bedroom where she planned to scream into a pillow. To her surprise Tre was following her. She turned around and looked straight at him with a questioned expression on her face.

"So you liked me eh?" Tre grinned.
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