The Forbiden Guitar Strap, chapter 1

One day Billie Joe was walking down the street when he came along a guitar strap and he took it and he said "Cool, a free guitar strap". He used it all the time until one day he saw that people started to walk near him lifeless like zombies even Tre and Mike did this. He thought that it was because of his hat that he just got. So he threw that at them but they just kept coming at him. Five minutes went by and they were still after him by this time he had thrown all his clothes at them and then he realised that it was the strap that they were after but he didn't want to give it up because ever since he got it he had been playin perfectly with no mess-ups so he jumped out the window and started to run. He was fully naked running down the street and by this time the whole town was after him so he stopped and yelled "STOP". They stopped and he tried to reason with them.after ten minutes they had burned the strap and got in one big naked pile of people. The band put this behind them and they started to make gigantically famous songs. Two of them were called "The strap" and "The pile".

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