When Daddy's A Rockstar..., chapter 7

I woke up the next morning wrapped in Jakob's arms, in my bed, still at Dad's house. I remembered last night and smiled as I memorize what had been said. I got up, got showered and got dressed.

"Jakob, wake up, we should really get going."

After ten minutes Jakob was up. There was nothing in the cupboards and since Jakob needed to get changed out of yesterday's clothes, we decided to grab some food at his place before spending our Saturday morning down at the common.

When we got to Jakob's place he ran upstairs to get dressed while I helped myself to some cereal.

"It's funny," I said when Jakob came down and grabbed some toast. "When Joey said you weren't so innocent anymore, he didn't realise how right he was."

"Yeah," Jakob laughed.

We were just about to head out again when Adie came down the stairs.

"Thank God, where have you been?" She asked frantically.

I had forgotten we didn't call our mums to let them know where we were.

"Oh, well... " Jakob trailed off.

"We spent the night at my place," I saved. It was only half a lie.

"Yeah," Jakob fired up, "Sorry I didn't call it was just,"

"Cut the crap Jakob, I called Ana, she said Rebel was missing last night too, so I'm going to ask you one more time, and I want the truth this time, so tell me where you were Jakob Danger Armstrong!" She said getting annoyed.

"Tell her the truth Jakob," I said.

He nodded. He told her how we got into a fight (but not what the fight was about) then how I ran back to my Dad's house and how he followed and how we talked it out and he told her we talked so much that we just fell asleep.

"Alright I'll buy it, but next time I want a phone call," she said once he had finished.

"Deal", he said, "OK, we're off."

"Off to where?" she inquired.

Jakob looked at me for help. Our parents didn't know about the common because we were pretty sure if they found out about it, they'd find a way to never let us go there. I had nothing so I gave him a blank look.

"Off for a walk, maybe terrorise some small children at a park." Good save Jakob.

"Ok, but leave out the terrorising of small children. They never did anything to you," she said.

"How do you know that, small children are evil," he retaliated.

I laughed as we walked out the front door and heard Adie sigh.

"Thank God she didn't find out too much," he said.


We got to the common and some new band was playing. I don't know why, hardly anyone was there. It filled up mostly when shows were played at night. We saw one of the regulars and went up to speak to him.

"Hey guys, haven't seen you in ages, how was the trip?" Sam asked.

"Really good, yeah," I replied.

"Cool so do you know about the gig tonight?" he asked.

"No," Jakob replied sounding intrigued.

"Some newbies are showcasing. That's one of the bands up there now practising," he said pointing to the stage. "Well I got to go meet up with some people, get some stuff, you know," he said walking off.

"What do you think?" Jakob asked, "might be worth checking out."

"Yeah," I replied.

We sat down while Jakob smoked a few. He still hadn't learnt his lesson, although I shouldn't talk, I hadn't exactly given them up either. We stayed for a couple of hours, talking to randoms, sampling some of the music to be played tonight. Sam came back and offered Jakob a joint. He was about to accept when I smacked his hand.

"We've got to go home soon, save it for tonight," I said.

"Yeah, alright."

When we were walking home not long after, Jakob commented that he wanted to go home and practise some guitar.

"You want to play the drums? Give me a beat?" He asked.

"Yeah sure", I replied enthusiastically.

We played for about an hour and a half.

"We should really get ready to go back to the common for the gig tonight," I said when we finished up.

"Ok give me a few minutes to get ready then we can walk to your house," he said. When Jakob was ready we walked into the kitchen to tell Adie we were going out for the night. She was on the phone.

"Hold on Billie, the kids want to tell me something," she excused herself.

"Mum, we're going to a party and crashing at a friends, ok," Jakob informed.

"Wait a minute, whose party? Better yet ask your father," she said putting him on speakerphone.

"Dad, it's just a friend's party, nothing big so we'll probably crash at his place. His parents are going to be there," he lied.

"Yeah, ok, whose party?" Billie asked.

"Sam's," Jakob thought quickly, "You don't know him."

"Ok, if his parents are going to be there," Billie said.

"Yep, they are, OK bye," Jakob yelled quickly rushing out the door pulling my hand. Yeah Jakob that didn't look suss at all!

We walked to my house and I tried to avoid anyone at all costs. I pulled Jakob into my room and closed the door. I got changed quickly whilst he looked the other way.

"OK, let's go," I said, once again pulling his hand. I had gotten to the bottom of the stairs when I ran into mum. "Oh, Rebel, I thought that was you. Adie rang and told me where you were last night. You better not be lying. Where are you off to now?" She asked.

"We're going to a friend's party." I fed her the same lies Jakob had told his mother.

"And Adie and Billie were OK with this?" she asked.

"Yep," I replied.

"OK, I'll see you tomorrow, behave yourself," she added sternly. By the end of this sentence we were out of the door.

When we got to The Common, the gig had already started. We mingled for a bit, chatting and catching up with people we hadn't seen in a while. After a few bands, we sat down and Jakob lit a joint.

"You want?" He offered. I he'sitated, but ended up obliging. I felt DIZZY!

"GEEZ! That stuff is strong!" I commented. He laughed, putting an arm around me. "You get used to it" he replied inhaling again.

A lot of good and bad music later, along with a few too many drinks, I had to practically carry a drunk and high Jakob home, to Dad's house of course. I unlocked the door and Jakob fell on me. "You're very pretty," He slurred. I laughed and pushed him off me and helped him up the stairs and into my bedroom. I put him to bed and got in myself. I soon fell to sleep as Jakob did.

The next morning I awoke with a killer headache and noticed I was alone in the bed. I went in search for Jakob and found him squatting over the toilet bowl being sick.

"Aww, did somebody drink and smoke too much last night?" I teased.

"Arrgh", was the only response I got.

"Come on, I'll give you some aspirin and we'll grab something to eat. It'll make you feel better," I said helping him up.

"Yeah, ok," he replied, washing his face.

When we got home again, I thought I should go and clean up a bit before Dad arrives. Too late, I noticed when I got home.

"Rebel, thank god. I noticed you stayed here last night. Who was sick?" Mum asked concerned.

It seemed that Mum and Stella had picked up Dad from the airport. Adie and Billie walked through the door before I could answer.

"What's going on?" Adie asked sounding worried.

"The kids spent the night here and someone was sick", Mum informed her.

"Oh my God! What happened?" She asked us, both mothers looking at us expectantly.

"Umm... Well... You see... The thing is... The party was boring and Jakob wasn't feeling well so good so I brought him back here," I prayed that they would believe me. Adie rushed over to Jakob, not letting it bother to register or think why I would bring him to Dad's unoccupied house instead of back to his own home.

"Are you alright?" she said fussing over him.

"Mum, I'm fine", he said pushing her off him.

"Well he looks fine," Billie said. "Adie, Ana, would you two lovely ladies mind getting some lunch for all of us?"

"I'll go too," Stella added getting the hint that our fathers wanted a word. Jakob and I sat down with a drink. We both took a sip as Billie asked casually, "So how was the common last night?"

Jakob sprayed his drink out of his mouth and mine went down the wrong way, making me choke.

"Don't know what you're talking about," I said once I had recovered.

"Oh yeah, real believable Rebel", Dad said, "your mothers might buy that little story but we don't. Jakob was sick this morning because he had a major hangover," Dad finished. Jakob and I just looked at each other.

"How did you know about the common?" Jakob asked almost silently.

"We're not stupid Jakob," Billie said, "We did similar things; you don't think we wouldn't notice the signs. We've known about the common for months now."

"Oh", Jakob whispered lamely.

"You're grounded, for a week," Dad added, "That's means no going out, no computer and no mobile phones," Dad finished, sticking his hand out waiting for us to hand over the phones.

"NO DAD! Let us keep our phones at least," I begged him.

"Fine but the rest of the rules stand".

"Will you tell mum?" Jakob asked.

"GOD NO!" Billie replied a little too loud for mine and Jakob likes. "I don't think I could take it," he added a little more quietly.

With that they both walked out leaving Jakob and I sitting there.

That night, Dad, Stella and I were sitting down with take-out, watching a movie. "I'm tired, I'm off to bed, night guys," I informed them as I exited the room. I wasn't really all that tired; I just wanted to call Jakob.

"Hey," He greeted as he answered the phone.

"Hey, what's going on? I was bored," I inform him.

"Nice well, my arms miss you. This is the first time in like, two weeks you haven't been in my arms when I went to sleep," he whined.

"Aww... You're sweet... But stop your whinging! My body misses being held in your arms!" I reply.

"Really?" He asks seductively and I can almost see his grin on the other end of the phone. "Well we'll just have to make up for it tomorrow eh?" He continued.

"Definitely," I answer, "speaking of tomorrow what have you got planned?" I asked.

"You'll just have to wait and see," he taunted.

"Yeah right, you've got nothing have you?" I stated.

"No really I do!" he replied utterly enthused.

"OOO! Can't wait then," I said, pacing around my room looking at random things.

"OK, see you tomorrow then? Say... At 10?" He asked.

"Yeah sounds good," I respond.

"K, night babe, I love you," he said.

"Love you too. MWAH!" I exaggerated a kiss before hanging up.

I still wasn't tired so decided to take a peek at my calendar. HOLY NAME OF JEBUS! Kay's coming home tomorrow night!

Now I bet you're all wondering "who in the world is Kay?" Let me explain. Kay was and still is my best friend, although I hadn't seen her in AGES! A whole six months to be precise. She and I had been best friends since Kindy. That's why it was so hard to cope when she left for Australia six months ago to do some exchange thing. She was in a band called "Shrieking Spirits". A band that would play regularly at The Common but took a break until Kay returned from her studies abroad. All that would change as of tomorrow. I would be seeing my best friend for the first time in six months. Oh yes, tomorrow was shaping up to be a good day indeed, grounding or no grounding.
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