James, chapter 2

"Oh thank god, you're here James," said his co-worker, "It's been a living hell around here all this after noon.

"Hey Ollie," said James as she pulled him into a comforting hug.

"Now take these drinks to table four," she said giving him the drinks and pushing him towards table four. "I swear to god," she cursed, "If Billie does not get here within thirty minutes I am going to kill him."

After everyone was cleared out of the restaurant, and was closed up, James headed home. Sadly Billie was a no show. Which caused Ollie to go into one of her rants about how her son was irresponsible and couldn't keep his word. James was use to this because she had done this rapidly times before. He learned also not to interrupt her when she was in one of these rants or she would start bossing him around and telling him to do things.

"Mom, I'm home," he said as he walked into the front door of his house. He threw off his shoes, and went into the kitchen to get something to eat. He opened up the refrigerator door and stopped when he noticed that there was a note taped to the front of it, and pulled it off as he read it.

James, I'm not going to be home for the rest of the weekend due to a business trip. There is some left over lasagna in the fridge, If you want some.
Love mom.

He was use to this. His mom was mostly gone during the week on business trips or at conventions. She was a writer for the local newspaper, which was a lot of work in his opinion, he had never really missed her. He guessed this was because he was use to being home alone

Sometimes he did get lonely though, and it was times like this when he wished that his two older brothers had not have gone off, gotten married, and had these high paying jobs.

He had only met his dad once and that was at the Dallas with fourth airport in Texas, when he was six. Now he was sixteen and hadn't said a word to his dad since the first day he had met him. The thought of his dad made his stomach clinch.

On the way to Gilman's, he met up with one of this bud's, named Tre Cool. Well that wasn't his real name, but that is what everyone knew him as. Tre was in a band called The Lookouts. They had also played at Gilman Street a couple of times. Their lead singer, Larry Livermore, was the proud owner of Gilman.

When Tre and James walked into the all ages club, Tre was called over by a group of friends, which left James all alone. So he decided to go to the bar and get a beer. After the bartender had served him, he looked to his right and noticed a guy with his elbows up on the bar and his hands over his face. He took another sip of beer. Then nearly jumped out of his skin when he realized that it wasn't just any other guy it was Billie.
"Yo man, Billie what 's matter," he said leaning over to Billie. Billie slowly lifted his head up, and removed his hands from his face.

"Oh nothing really," he said with a sad look on this face, "it's just my mom that's all. She's been worrying me a lot lately."

"Oh, ok I hope things get better," said James slowly. He then watched as Billie gulped down the rest of his beer.

"Hey I think Operation Ivy is getting ready to start," said James looking up at the stage to see the members setting up.

"Yea, I think we should go now, so we'll be able to get up close," said a reckless Billie as he slid off of the stool he was sitting on.

They headed over to the stage to find a huge crowd. The band had now finished setting

As they started to play the crowd went wild, and the crowd started singing along. Halfway
Through the song they found Mike, Tre, and Al-which James knew as their drummer. He was also introduced to Al by Mike.

James and Tre left to get in the mosh pit, and Mike and Al went to do shots.

Billie moved closer towards the stage. He could barely manage to produce the words to the song being played from his mouth, from jumping around so much and people bumping into him.

All of a sudden out of no where. There came a loud bang. A bullet flew right past him into the amp on stage. Missing him by a mere inch. The amp flew into flames, as sparks came flying from it in every direction. More guns went off, people were screaming, and running in every direction trying to hide behind something for protection or trying to get to the exit. By now the band had stopped playing and had gone backstage.

Then the men who were shooting, jumped on the stage and ordered everyone to get down on the ground. They threatened to shoot people if they resisted, by pointing the guns in their hands at the crowd.

Billie got on the ground, not wanting to be a target, and laid on his stomach. He felt the coldness of the cement on his left cheek, his hair falling to the side of his face.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw the men pick up a red haired boy off the ground. Praying to himself that the guy wasn't James. The men then took the red haired boy to the back of the club. The guy had obviously resisted because there was a loud band, and a heavy thud as if a person was falling to the ground.

This was an opportunity for people in the main room of the club to escape. People got up and scrammed to the exit door. Billie pulled himself off the floor and went to look for Mike. He noticed him near the back of the pack of people, who were pushing each other through the door. The guys with the guns had heard all of the commotion and came running down the hallway.

People screamed as the men fired their weapons. A couple of kids, not even sixteen, had been shot. People looked in disgust at the teenagers being shot, not even bothering to help them. He had now had it. He vigorously pushed through the crowd in order to reach Mike. He found him being pushed against the graffiti wall at the front of the club. This was insane nothing like this had ever happened at Gilman Street.

"Mike!" screamed Billie," Are you okay?"

"Yeah," said Mike panting.

"Have you seen Tre, James, or Al?" asked Billie, yelling over the crowd so Mike would hear him.

"I saw Tre leave with Al. They were one of the first people out," replied Mike, regaining his breath," As for James, I have no clue where he is."

"Ok. You get yourself out of here, and I will go and look for James."

"Are you sure, cause I don't want you to get hurt, and it be my fault," cried Mike, with a concerned look.

"I'm positive, now leave." commanded Billie, as he patted Mike on the back.

He watched as Mike slipped out of the back door. Most of the club was empty, except for the wounded, who were propped up against the wall, and clutching themselves where they had been injured. He wanted to help all of them, but there would be no time if he wanted to save James.

He ran through the back hallway, running his hands along the wall as he searched for James. Wondering why the fuck hadn't the cops gotten there yet. He stopped dead in his tracks when he heard moaning coming from a closet. He then placed his right hand on the door knob, turned it, and flung the hard wood door open. He peered inside through the door, and right in the middle of the closet there lay James flat on the floor, with blood running from his head and stomach.
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