Opueda Rconfiaa Oya Aotra Zvea? (can i trust again?), chapter 1

Ahol, ima enombra sea MAX, ya aadivina equa dustea epueda rdecia.. nbiea, ima nua opoca ediferenta. ocuanda dustea apueda rvea, outiliza ima opropia elanguega aa svecea, usa auna eparta eda ala nreligióa equa eha oinventada ollama TASKAN. oadivina equa eira laa ograna, ima equa auna achica aqua eviva nea auna avida lnormaa nea auna aescuela lnormaa ay ncoa auna afamilia lnormaa, opera ysoa aalga opera lnormaa.

Yes, would you like me to translate that for you? okay. i will.

Hello, my name is Max, and I guess you can say.. well, I'm a bit different. As you can see, I use my own languege sometimes, its a part of the religion I have invented called Taskan. I guess I will cut to the chase, I'm a girl living in a normal life in a normal school and with a normal family, but I am anything but normal.

Oa ona (Or no..)

Today, September 4th, is the offical start of what I call the 'hell parade.' (a.k.a. School.) I wait at the end of my driveway for the school bus to arrive, I try to enjoy my last few seconds of freedom I have, until hell became a reality.

Oh, too late.

The school bus pulls up slowly and screeched to a stop. The grim bus driver opened the door to let me in.

Turn around. Run. Leave. Or not..

I walk onto the bus and look around for a seat, all were taken except for the first bus seat, which I had claimed my own on the first day of 6th grade. While on the bus, you can think, or breathe. There are too many teens with loud mouths and.. bad odor. I stare out the window and try not to pay attention to the boys laughing at me, or the newly sharpened pencils being thrown at me.

We pull up to school and all of the teen pour out of the bus, screaming like cannibals. morons. I walked out of the bus and up the 12 stairs to the schools doors.

Last chance. Run. Leave. Ditch. Or not..

Homeroom, the class that the founders of school just threw in to take up 30 minutes of our lives. I look around the room, I see a group of jocks laughing, I figure its about me, a group of preps awing over the jocks, and a group of nerds, awing over the preps.
See, there's a system in high school. preps and jocks are your 'popular crowd' the geeks freaks and nerds are the 'kids who will never add up to the popular crowd' then there's other cliques, like the artists, band geeks, gothic, ect. Oh, what group am I in?


I notice a group of kids, whom I have never seen before, sitting in the back corner of the class. They all have long-ish hair, some browns, some blacks. They look emo to me, but what do i know? I'll tell you what i know, I know that they are new. they moved here from some other state and just happened to be placed into this little school, with all of these petty people.
I realize that one boy from the group is giving me a weird look, I guess i've been staring too long. I quickly look back down at my shoes. It must have been, oh maybe, 2 minutes before i realized that someone was hovering over me. I look up to see who it is, maybe flip them off.

It's that boy.

I give him a weird look and almost fall out of my seat, he helps me to sit steady and he smiles at me.

Wow, he has a gorgeous smile.

"What?" I say in a soft voice that I barely even heard. he shrugged.
"nothing, you were staring at me, so i figured, I should be able to hover over you. just to get even." he said, then sat down on my desk. After a few seconds of silence, he sighed a bit then looked at me. "I'm Sonny. Sonny Moore." he said and put his hand out for me to shake it.

I didn't.

Sonny drew his hand back and gave me an odd look. "aren't you going to tell me your name?" he asked. I was about to answer back, when a jock threw a water bottle at me. It was open, and full. The water spilled on my new jeans and i hurrily stood up with my books and left. Even when I was half way down the hall, i could hear Sonny cussing at the jocks.

I hurry into the bathroom and try to dry off my pants as much as possible with a paper towel, not very affective. I opened the bathroom door and heard a thump. I quickly looked out the door and saw Sonny on the floor, rubbing is head. "I'm sorry." I said, sounding not that concerned. Sonny got up and laughed.
"It's Okay, I know it was an accident. I came t se if you were okay.." he said, I didn't respond at first, I was kind of awestruck that someone actually cared.

Wow, that's a first.

"I.. I'm fine. well, I'm used to it." I said, and realized that was the longest sentence I had ever said to anyone. besides my family.
Sonny rolled his eyes. "That's Bullshit. People shouldn't do that to you." he said with anger in his voice, I could tell he wasn't a friend to Mr..Yoga. (please, don't ask)

I almost laughed, but I didn't.

"No, really. I'm.. fine. But thanks though." I said and turned to walk away, but he grabbed my arm.
"Want me to walk you to class?" he asked, and once again I was awestruck.
"Uh.. um, sure." I said shakily. Sonny smiled, "wait.. what is your name? you never told me." he asked.
I smiled wearily, "Max. Max Pieligera " I said and we started walking down the hall.

Run. Leave. get away. Can't be trusted.

We were walking, and I was about to actually follow my "little chatterbox in my mind"'s advice. Then suddenly, before I even realized it, sonny had laced his hand with mine.

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