'Cause When It All Falls Down, chapter 2

"Call her damn it!" Mikey said, sighing. I looked at him.

"Mikey." I muttered, sweetly. He looked at me.

"Are you going to call her now?" he asked exasperated. I shook my head.

"No, I was just going to tell you to go fuck a cow, but now that you mention it, I think I will." I muttered, reaching for my cell phone. We had been debating on calling her. The truth was, I was nervous as hell.

"What, you're going to fuck a cow?" Mikey asked, clearly confused. I rolled my eyebrows.

"Chelsea is not a cow." Oh shit, did I just say that out loud. Mikey burst out laughing.

"Dude, I never said she was. She's a fucking hottie. Ya know, you're never going to fuck that 'cow' if you don't call her!" he chuckled. I slapped him on the chest.

"Bitch no you didn't!" he said, slapping me on the shoulder. I slapped his leg and that led us into a bitch fight.

"Mikey, quit taunting your brother and Gerard just call the fucking girl!" I heard Frank yell. I pulled away from Mikey and sulked.

"Look Gee, just call the damn girl, she gave you her number, she probably likes you." Ray said, looking up from his book. I rolled my eyes and picked up my cell phone.

"See ya later bitches." I mumbled, picking up my cell phone. I went to the hotel balcony and dialed her number. I had it memorized.

Bring... Bring...

"Hello?" I heard a girl's voice answer, it was Chelsea's. I was chocked up.

"Hello?" she asked again.

"Oh, hey, it's Gerard." I finally got out.

"Hey Gerard, I knew you would call." She giggled. Damn her and her cheekiness. I found it hot.

"Um yeah, I was wondering if you were free today." I said, trying to stay cool. I heard some noise in the background.

"I'm free, hun, can you hold on?" she asked. I squeaked in reply. Hun? Sweet. Such a pimp.

"Um, yeah." I muttered.

"Thanks sweetheart, so I'll meet you at the park?" she asked. I gasped again, sweetheart?

"Um yeah, babe, I'll see you there." I said.

"Thanks, bye!" she said and hung up. I practically fainted.

"How'd it go?" Bob asked. I turned around to face him.

"Great." I lied. He looked at me knowingly.

"Alright, terrible. She called me hun, and sweetheart, she sounds so hot over the phone. I haven't had to deal with getting a girl since we left New Jersey!" I yelped. He looked at me weirdly.

"Man, you need to get laid." He said, shaking his head. I glared at him.

"I know." I gave in. He laughed.

"Yeah, I have to go." He muttered, before he left, he looked at me, "Gerard, I don't think she's quite ready to see you in those clothes." He laughed. I raised an eyebrow and looked down and my face turned red. I was in my boxers.

"Yeah, I think that I'd better change." I said running into my room. I took a quick shower and ran to my suitcase. I looked at my clothes. I decided on a Ramones t-shirt, bondage pants and a black leather jacket. I threw on a pair of converse. I must admit I looked pretty hot.

"See you later!" I said rushing out of the door. The park was only a few blocks to go so I had time to kill. I decided to buy her some flowers. Cheesy, I know, but I wanted her. I bought her some daises and eventually made my way to the park. I found her sitting on a bench.

"Chelsea!" I said, sitting next to her. I handed her the flowers as she looked at me.

"Aw, that's so sweet." She muttered. She kissed me on the cheek. Holy shit she did not know what she was doing to me.

"Gerard hun, I must say you look drop dead sexy, but it's the middle of summer, aren't you hot?" she asked. I widened my eye and looked away, making sure she couldn't see me blush.

"Uh, you too, and it isn't that hot." I lied, not about her looking sexy though, cause god damn it she could make any man hard!

"You lie." She mumbled, resting her head on my shoulder. I squeaked.

"It isn't very hot out." I muttered, playing stupid.

"No dumbass, I'm not hot, but you are lying about the weather." She giggled. I blushed.

"Eh, yeah, okay." I said confused. She just laughed some more and buried her head on my shoulder once again.

"I'll race you to the swing set." She said, smiling. I looked down at her; her jewelry was shining in the sun. She was wearing a pair of easy to take off shorts- shit Gerard! Get these thoughts out of your head! She looked at me.

"Eh, Gerard? Are you okay? What about my shorts?" she asked. I looked at her, my eyes almost bulged out of my sockets, did I really say that out loud?

"Eh, nothing, never mind, eh, sure, last one there, I don't know." I muttered. She thought for a moment.

"Last one there has to buy the other dinner tonight at seven o'clock?" she asked. I looked at her, was she asking me out?

"Are you asking me on a date Ms. Aldrich?" I asked coolly. She raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe." She said and raced off. I raced with her, loosing but instead of landing on the swing like I had planned I landed flat on my face. She turned around and saw me on the ground.

"Oh my god! Are you okay?" she asked, running over towards me and bending down next to me. Let's just say I didn't get up because of the 'view'.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said, getting up. She stood up with me when we realized how close we were. We both leaned in, our lips almost touching; when I softball hit me in the leg. I hissed in pain.

"Sorry, can you toss that back?" the kid asked. Chelsea giggled and picked up the ball. She threw it over towards the kid and turned back to me.

"So, do you want to go on the swings?" she asked me, scratching her neck.

"Oh, and buy the way, I win." She whispered in my ear, sending shivers up my spine. She smiled and took my hand.

"Come on!" she giggled, leading me to the swings. I smiled as she flopped down on one swing, motioning me to sit down next to her.

"So, Gerard Way." She said, looking into my eyes. I looked into hers. They really pulled me in, because I went to kiss her but I ended kissing her cheek. She had turned her without knowing what I was going to do. When she felt me kiss her cheek, she smiled and kissed me back on the cheek.

"Just returning the favor." She whispered, turning her head away. I smiled to myself, going higher on the swing. I smiled at her when I was high enough.

"Gerard Way!" I heard a girl call out my name. That caught me out of focus. I fell out of the swing. The girl came over to me.

"Oh my god! Are you okay? Bitch, help him! I can't break a nail, not yet, however." The girl called out in an extremely annoying voice. Chelsea looked sort of hurt on being called a bitch but helped me up anyway. I told her thanks and dusted myself off.

"Um yeah, that's my name." I muttered, watching her squeal at an amazing loud level. Chelsea was twitching.

"I can't believe you're here! Will you go to the mall with me?" she asked. I raised an eyebrow.

"The mall isn't my thing." I explained. She pouted.

"Then will you sign my boobs?" she asked, lifting up her shirt. I shielded my eyes.

"Listen lady, not to be mean, but this is the park. Kids are here, and besides, you don't even have boobs. "I said. She glared at me.

"I see what's going on." She came closer and handed me a sheet of paper, "When your girlfriend isn't here, we'll talk." She whispered and went away. I thought Chelsea would get mad at the insults but she was giggling.

"That was amusing." She mumbled.

"I guess." I muttered, "She really doesn't have any-"

"Gerard!" she squealed, slightly shoving me, "You jerk!" she laughed. I laughed shoved her a little; I guess the old Gerard was coming back.

"Chelsea! You ass!" I squealed like a girl. She put her hand on her hips.

"At least I have an ass." She said, raising an eyebrow. I went behind her and wiggled my eyebrows.

"A nice one at that." I mumbled. She giggled.

"Gerard! Are you looking at my ass?" she said, smirking. I shrugged.

"It depends." I said, confusing myself.

"Okay... " she muttered. She looked at her watch and back up.

"Gee, I have to go now. Um, I'm staying at the Mirage, pick me up at seven?" she asked, looking up. I looked at her sadly; I was having a really good time.

"Sure, I had a really good time." I mumbled. She smiled and kissed me on the cheek; dangerously close to the lips.

"Me too. Bye hun!" she muttered, running away. I smiled to myself.
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