The One And Only, chapter 1

The breeze in my hair the sun on my face, this was the life, the life I've always dreamed off. Next to me my darling Adrienne, with our first child, I smiled such innocence. I remember when I had nothing; I had nothing to prove my existence in this world, except the guitar I jammed and the clothes I wore on my back. Until I met Adrienne and the guys I was nothing, a nobody, a ghost in society. As my thoughts wandered, I wondered how long would it stay perfect, a day? A month? Two months? Who knew? Only destiny itself did. The guys thought we would last forever, never letting go. As I arrived at my beautiful house, I looked Adrienne, her eyes shut, her chest slowly rising and falling, she looked so peaceful, so happy, I would do anything for that girl, anything!

As she woke, she smiled, tilted her head and laughed. "What ya looking at?" she smiled.

"Your beautiful face," I laughed.

As I helped her out of the car, I looked around, my heaven, our heaven. I walked into the kitchen threw the keys down and opened some post.

"You have won a holiday." an advert said.

"No my friend I'm on holiday everyday" I thought.

"Want a coffee love?" Asked Adrienne.

"You sit down and I'll make the coffee," I said.

"That's a first," joked Adrienne.

"You better watch I don't put Laxatives in your coffee," I joked.

"So what have we got in the post while we have been at my mums?"

"Same ole same ole."

"Oh so crappy adverts and free holidays, great! Anyway I should be receiving a hospital appointment soon."

"Yeh, you better take things easy, you don't want that baby brain damaged!" I laughed.

"Or deaf! Stop playing your music so loud," she giggled.
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