The Rights Of Cali: What Are You Going To Do, Billie?...Kill Me?, chapter 2

Cali had been rushed away from Billie, they did x rays, and whatever else. It had gone for a long time, until 12 am. Billie had waited to find out what was wrong, but the visting hours were over and he had to leave, unsure of what was wrong.

Cali laid in her bed, she just laid there. With all theses thoughts rushing in her mind. She was scared that wouldn't be able to walk anymore. Her whole life would just go down the drain like that, she didn't know what to do with herself.

She laid there, with the hallway light running into her room. She pulle the blankets up abit more, it was cold. And the only person she could talk to was herself. The only thing she could hear was the light murmers of the nurses outside of her room, and a few other people talking. She knew she wasn't going to sleep, if there were going to be any signs of her sleeping, it would be a light sleep. Where should would lay in her bed and have tired eyes.

"Maybe I'm not s'pose to even alive..." She whispered to herself, but she thought of Billie. She couldn't help but go through her days with him. She kne wthe only way she could ever be happy was with him, thinking of him made her have some hope, that maybe her life isn't a complete was of time.

"You were born for a reason..." She heard a voice come from the door. She quickly looked up and saw Tommy. She started to breathe heavly...

"Please...Don't hurt me!...I'm sorry!"

"Sorry for what?" She heard the voice again, the image of Tommy faded away. And she saw Rhys standing there. She realized that she just imagined that, her fears coming back to hunt her.

"Nothing..." She said, Rhys walked over to her bed and stood next to it. He looked down at her, she sat herself up.

"Good," He said, weakly smiling. She smiled back, she couldn't help but think that there was something about Rhys.

"Gee...You're here for long. Why are you here?" She said, waiting for her heart beat to slow down.
She never ever wanted to see Tommy, she was glad it was Rhys instead of him.

"I'm on a night shift...I'm working so I can get a new car." He said, with a soft laugh.

"I don't know why I'm here..." She said, he smiled at her. He sure did look something else when it was dark.

"I'm here to check up on you, I also have good news." She grinned and waiting for what he had to say, anything good would help.

"Well?..." She waited.

"Your leg is fine-"

"-Thank fuck!" She yelled out, happy that it was going to get cut off or something.
Rhys laughed and put his finger up to his lips telling her to be abit more quit.

"The x ray and the other test showed that your body is just adjusting...And the stab in your back just disturbed some nerves, but your lucky that it didn't effect the nerves for perment. You'll just have to rehabilate your leg to get it back to normal, so you'll have to walk around in crutches or awhile."

"It's better than not having my leg move at all...Thanks for telling me, I wouldn't be able to sleep thinking that my leg will be cut off..." He grinned at her.

"I thought that...They told me to tell you in the morning, but...Yeah, I wouldn't sleep either...Your one lucky girl," She smiled.
Rhys looked at her, he wanted to come back and see her. He knew there was something about Cali, but he also knew about Billie Joe Armstrong.


Billie sat at the kitchen table, drinking coffee. He was more then worried for Cali, he just couldn't understand why all this had happened, he just kept thinking that if it wasn't for him...Cali would be better of. More on the lines of better of without him. But he loved her, if he just let her go like that...He would keep thinking about her until the day he dies. Wondering whatever happened to California Right...

"Why aren't you in bed?" Ollie asked, He looked up to his mom. She was in her night gown.

"I can't sleep..." Ollie sighed and sat down next to him.

"Billie, it will be o.k...We'll go see her tomorrow before we go to the police station..." She convinced him.

"I'm hopeing it will be o.k...But do you ever think, that if I wasn't in Cali's life, that this would of never happened?" Ollie put her hand on Billie's.

"Things happen for a reason Billie Joe, she wanted you to know her, and you want her to know you...So that's the way it went...Just remember, things happen for a reason...O.k?..Now I'm gonna go back to bed, we have a long day tomorrow."

"O.k...See ya in the morning."


Billie didn't sleep at all, there was not even a point in lying down. As soon as his borrowed alarm clock struck 7 am he was up, he quickly got dressed and ran down stairs.

"Mom?!" He called out.

"I'm in the kitchen Billie..." He quickly turned around and went into the kitchen, he saw his mother hung up the phone.
"They think they know where Tommy is..." Ollie informed. Billie took in a deep breath and clenched his fists.

"Where is he?" He asked calmly.

"They're not sure, but they have found someone that thinks they know where he is. So we have to go down to the police station straight away, Kelly had to go and so does Mike, they need to ask us questions as to what happened..."

Ollie went and picked up Kelly. Kelly was told over the phone what was going on, and she had to get question by the police, seeing as though she had an relationship with Tommy. Mike had to too, and so did Billie.

They all walked into the police station, it looked cold. Kelly hated this place, she remembered coming to this place heaps of times before, her dad was the main reason as to why she had to go there. Her dad was the main fuck up in her life, she always knew he would fuck it up for the rest of her life, even though her dad was never around. Having a drunk for a father and no mother can make things hard for everyone, it changes everything and it hurts what is going to happen from then on, and Kelly knew all about that.

They asked Kelly to come in first, she agreed and sat down as the police man got ready to ask her questions.

"Now Kelly...That's your name right?" She nodded and kept her arms folded.
"O.k...We have a friend of Tommy's that's here, but before we bring him in with you, we have to ask what you know about Tommy."

"Tommy, well...He is just a fucked up basturd, he did something stupid, I had nothing to do with what he was doing...All I can say is that he was on drugs, and he goes crazy..." The plice man nodded and wrote down what she had said.

"O.k...We have to show you the friend of Tommy's...Ypu have to tell us if you have seen him before and if you know if he had anything to do with the stabing of California Right. O.k?"


Kelly watched the police man walk out of the small interview room, she thought it was weird being asked those question, everytime she thought of Cali being hurt by Tommy she could help but think that it was all her fault, that if it wasn't for her, Cali and Billie wouldn't of never seen Tommy. And all this crazy shit wouldn't of never happened. She didn't know that it would of happened, is she did, she would of tried to stop it.

"Kelly..." Kelly snapped out of her thoughts and looked up at the police man.


"This is the friend...His name is Jussi." Kelly looked over and saw a man about the same age as Billie walk into the room. She could of died, his hair was jet black and messy, he wore black eyeliner, guys wouldn't dare to wear that around. Guys who were goth were basically rejected, just like punks.
Jussi took a seat next to Kelly, he looked over to her. She hadn't taken his eyes off him.
He winked at her, she took a deap breath in. His eyes were the most perfect brown anyone could have, and his shirt stuck to his skin, showing that he had a perfect 6 pack underneath the shirt.

"Why couldn't he been the one I met instead of Tommy?..." Kelly questioned herself.

"Kelly...Kelly!" She snapped out fo looking at Jussi.

"What?!" She heard Jussi laugh, she looked over to him again. He was smiling to her, a smile she could of had a heart attack for.

"Have you seen him before?" She shook her head.

"Never...How do you know Tommy?" She said, completely ignoring the police officer.

"Ah, well...Tommy was a person I met...How do you say?...Ahh in a club...What are they?...Ah the, ah...Underground clubs, I used to talk to him...But the last time I saw him was...He came to my home, and he said he needed to borrow my car, so I gave it to him...But I told him if he doesn't come back I would hang him on my washing line , he said he was going to New York. I think..." Jussi said, with a very very heavy accent. Kelly that it was cute...
After the police man asked all of the questions, Jussi and Kelly walked out of the room together, they walked out in the hallway, but right before they went their different ways Jussi spoke up.

"Kelly?...Is it?" She turned around, she looked him up and down. His black pants were ripped and he was wering big boots. He had chains hanging fron his pants. His shirt was thin, and almost showed off his chest.


"I had nothing to do with what happened to that girl, I thought I will tell you. I'm not like that Tommy, I could see he is a bad man." Jussi said, Kelly could understand what he was saying, and it made her smile. When Jussi saw her smile, he smiled too. "You know...There are not many Girls like you, maybe we could go see some bands if you want?" He asked.

"Yeah...I would like to go with you."


After everyone was questioned and told what was going to happen next. They dropped Billie off at the hospital. Ollie had got a call that that was Cali's last night in the hospital, but she didn't tell Billie, she thought it would be best if Cali told him to good news. And that being the good news, Ollie needed to go and prepair things for Cali's home coming.

Billie walked down the white hall way, he remembered how he was feeling when he had walked down there when he heard about what happened to Cali. He didn't want that to be a memory he would think of when he was older.
He came to Cali's room, he took a deep breath and hoped that there was something good he would hear. He looked up to the ceiling and closed his eyes as he gripped the door knob.

Dad...If you're there, please make things be o.k...

Billie opened the door and looked in, he saw Cali sitting on her bed. All dressed up, and with a pair of crutched beside her. But the best part about seeing her was the smile on her face.

"Here to take me home?" She asked, getting her crutches as she slowly hoped over to him.

"Ha?" He asked, shocked to see her that way.

"I'm fine, they said my leg will go back to normal. And that I can go home." She said, still with that grin, he let go of the door knob and hugged her, he kissed her lips with a smile.

"Well, let me get a cab." He said smiling. She grinned again...

"Look!...I pack my stuff!" She said, proud of what she had done. He laughed...

"I'm guessing I will be the one taking them?"

"Well...I need a big strong man to carry them for me," She said, kissing him. He laughed and lifted from her lips.

"I'm your man!...Now let's get outta here..." He said, grabbing her bags. She smiled and hoped out of the room, as she waited for Billie come out she heard someone speak, a voice she had gotten to know well.

"Leaving so soon?...There goes my best patient." She laughed as she saw Rhys...
Rhys had helped her last night, when she had no one to talk to...He was there, she though he was a cool guy, and easy to talk to. A person who was becoming a firend of her's.

"Gotta get out of here." She said.

"Hey, before you go...I wanna give you this, if you ever wanna talk or something. It was nice meeting you...I gotta go, I wanna get home and sleep. Later Cali." He gave her a note.

"See ya Rhys..." He smiled and walked off, she looked down to the note and read it.

Call me sometime. She read, along with his number. She felt the grin whipe away from her lips, she put in her pocket and waited for Billie.

"Hey oh. Let's go!" Billie sang as he got all of her stuff, she laughed.

The cab home felt like the longest drive she had ever been on. But once she was home, she could discribe the feeling.
Billie helped her out of the cab, he paid the cab driver.
They both walked to the front door, but before Billie opened it. He looked at her...

"Welcome home..." He said softly. She smiled nad kissed his cheek, she brought her lips up to his ear.

"My home is where ever you are, dont for get it..." She whispered.

"Never have." He opened the door.

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