You can't take her with you., chapter 9

After I finished my homework I sat on the bed and grabbed my cell phone.
"Hey Jimmy. I thought we could hang around at the park," I said nervously.
"Yeah would be cool! I'll be there around 4pm!"
"Okay. See you there!"
"Okay, bye!"
"Everything okay Marissa?" Dad asked when he passed my room and saw me staring at the wall with the phone in my hand.
"Yeah .. what time is it?"
"Fuck!" I screamed and stood up.
"Have you got an important date? Maybe with .. Jimmy?" Dad asked and grinned.
"I'm at the park. I'll be home at 7 I think. See you." I said, gave Dad a kiss on the cheek and ran downstairs.

"Hi!" Jimmy said smiling when I arrived.
"Hey. What's up?"
"Nothing. Oh well, the preps are over there playing soccer," he said annoyed and looked over to the soccer field.
"Great," I mumbled when I saw John coming over to us.
"Look who's here. Our little punk whore," he said with an evil smile.
"Oh who's coming? The little baby boy. Where's your Mom?" I said and crossed my arms in front of my chest.
"How much does he pay for you?" John laughed and pointed at Jimmy. "You're such a slut."
"Because I'm not going out with you?"
"You're not worth to go out with me. You're a little slut, that's it."
"What the fuck, can you stop calling her a slut?!" Jimmy yelled and pushed John away from me.
"Oh, are you her boyfriend?" John said and laughed. "How much does she want for a blowjob?"

Jimmy punched John in the face. John's nose was bleeding. His friend came over and hit Jimmy with the fist in the face. I tried to keep him away from Jimmy but another guy grabbed me by the shoulders.
"Go the fuck away." I yelled and tried to get away from him, but he was too strong. John and his friend kept on hitting Jimmy in the face until he lay on the ground with no reaction. The guy who held me took his hands off me and John came over to me. His face came closer to mine and I could feel his breath on my skin.
"Are you scared?" he asked and touched me.
"You're a fucking asshole," I yelled and pushed him away. John grabbed me and pushed me on the ground. He held my hands tight so I couldn't move.
"Nobody ever said that to me. So you better shut up." He whispered and glared at me. His face came closer to mine and he tried to kiss me. But then somebody grabbed him. Jimmy stood behind him and held his cell phone in the hand.
"Leave her or I will call the police. I think your parents won't be happy about it." Jimmy said.
"I hope you'll be happy with her," John said, called his friends over and left the park with them.
Jimmy put the cell phone into his pocket and sat next to me on the ground.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah I think so. Only my elbows hurts."
"I'm sorry."
"Why? It wasn't your fault. I should be sorry because they beat you up.
"I couldn't stand it when this asshole called you a slut," Jimmy looked at me and there was this awkward silence.
"We should check your injuries. Your nose and your lip is bleeding. Let's go to my house."
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