You Like Us, Then You Don't, Then You Do Again, chapter 1

Ok, for starters my name is Zoeii, and I'm 18. I have shoulder length black hair, and brown eyes.
Charlene and I live in a two bedroom apartment in Oakland, California, and we, at the moment, are obsessed with Green Day.

Zoeii's POV

I get up and I start to dance around my room. I'm so fucking excited!!
"Oh yea! Hell yes! Today is the day of the Green Day concert! Oh yea, oh yea!" Charlene (my best friend and roommate) walks into my room.
She scolds me with a
"Oh for fucks sake Zoeii, I know the concert's today. I'm excited too, but you're acting like a fucking teenie."
"Oh, shit! I am?? Fuck!"
"Yes you are and I suggest you stop."
"Yes mommy!"
We both start laughing our asses off, even though it wasn't that funny.
"I'm so fucking excited!"
"Yes, we know that by now."
"Well I'm the most excited that we got backstage passes."
"Well I guess the effect hasn't hit me yet, hold on a sec."
Charlene chugs down her coffee and gets a Mountain Dew out of the refrigerator.
"I'm good now."
"I bet you are."

Normal POV

We get all dressed and ready for the concert. We drive down to the stadium thingy with 'Nimrod' blasting out of the speakers of Charlene's black pick-up truck. It's just how we get pumped for the concert. We get there and find a great parking spot because we got there so early. Hardly anyone's there so we decide to go backstage. As we are walking backstage Charlene's freaking out.
"I'm nervous, are you nervous? I'm nervous."
"Calm down! Gosh, and this morning I was the one who was freaking out!"

We get backstage and we find that there is no one to be found. We decide to go snooping.
First we decided to go check out Billie Joe's dressing room. I open the door and, just as I suspected, no one's there, but it looks like someone's been there. I go and raid the closet, while Charlene heads for the underwear drawer.
"Man! He's got a lot of fucking clothes! Why would he bring so many to just one concert?"
Charlene finds a pair of underwear and starts to smell it.
"Ummm, Char?? What are you doing??"
"He he, I'm stealing this."
And just as Charlene said that, Billie Joe walked into the room.
"What the fuck?! What the hell are you two doing in my dressing room?!"
Charlene just stood frozen with the underwear up to her nose.
"Well we came backstage, we have passes, and no one was there so we decided to look around." I explained
"Oh, and by the way, my name is Zoeii."
Charlene still stood there in shock.
"Was she just smelling my underwear?" said Billie Joe with a sort of disgusted look on his face.
"Yes, she was about to steal them too."
"Oh, really? I need those!"
Billie stole the underwear from Charlene.
"There mine, see" he lifted up the tag "Property of Billie Joe Armstrong"
Char and I just started laughing
"My mommy did it for me."
We just laughed harder
"It's not that funny!"
"Yes-it-is!" Charlene tried to squeeze in between laughs.
Then Tre and Mike walked into the room, they looked very confused.
"I'm not even going to ask," said Mike as he walked away.
Tre just stood there, in silence.
"So ummm are you guys here for the concert?" asked Billie, dropping the underwear.
"Yea. We are." I said noticing that Billie's looking sheepish and it is very hot, but I remember that he's married so I try not to get carried away.
We finally stopped laughing.

Billie's POV

I decide to ask how old the two of them are.
"So-o, umm out of curiosity, how old are you two??"
Zoeii said, "I'm eighteen and she's nineteen."
"So you're the youngest?" I asked.
"What's wrong with that?"
"So you can't drink yet?"
"No but we do anyway."
"Oh, cool."
I can't help but noticing that Zoeii keeps on looking at me, but she's holding herself back I can tell. She must realise I'm married and so she doesn't want to get carried away, now the other girl, now what's her name??
"What's your name?"
Charlene, she's just sitting there staring, I guess she doesn't give a shit. They're both pretty cute, but I should keep my distance, if Tre likes them, I'm screwed.

Normal POV

We walk out of the room and sit on a couch. Tre keeps staring at us.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer." said Char.
Tre looks away and says in a manly voice.
"So baby, you wanna go out some time?"
"Ummm, sure!" said Char moving to sit on Tre's lap.
"Wow that was easy!"
"Don't be thinking that you can get me that easy, Tre." said Char.
"Oooh, me likes them feisty!"
Char giggles.
While Char and Tre are practically having sex on the couch, I sit with Billie and talk.
"So how's life as Billie Joe Armstrong?"

Billie's POV

"Ummm, pretty good" I answer.
Wow, am I shaking. I've never started to shake around a girl, not even Adrienne.
And yet she sits here as calm as ever. I have a feeling she likes me, but I'm not quite sure yet.
"So um, can I see your tattoos?" she asks
"Yea, sure."
I say in a very shaky voice. Why am I so nervous around her? I guess I just feel different about Zoeii. Ok Billie, control yourself, your married.
I take off my shirt and she marvels at all of my tattoos.
"I've got a tattoo myself."
"Wanna see?"
"Ummm, sure."
I didn't really know what to say.
"It's on my lower back." she said, showing me the heart grenade with wings that, surprisingly has my name in fancy lettering over it. So she does like me, Goddamnit Billie! Control yourself! You're married! Shouts my inner voice.
"Nice tattoo!"

Normal POV

We sit in silence for a while and suddenly his eyes lock onto mine

Billie's POV

I can't do this, this is wrong, but I feel the need to. My inner voice is screaming at me like it's about to explode but I don't care.

Normal POV

I try my best to look away but I just can't. He leans in closer to me and....
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