Green Day, Graffiti, Chilli, J, AJ, Bee, Clare, The Mainstreet, and The Underbelly, chapter 3

*Several months later*

"What is it now Screw-tape?"
"I got awesome news, and will you stop calling me that! It's really annoying!"
"It's either that or Barbie."
"Screw-tape's fine." Billie Joe sighed. He hated that name. Tré and Chilli had given it to him when they caught him watching Internet porn on his laptop a few weeks ago. Bastards.
"So what's this 'awesome news' then?" Mike asked.
"The album-" Billie began excitedly, but he was soon cut off by the band's manager who had just entered the room also.
"Awesome news guys!"
The album Billie had been trying to say something about, American Idiot, was something that the band had been working on for months and months. Chilli cracked a grin as she thought about it. It was her first album EVER and she had written some of the songs herself: Jesus of Suburbia (About Jesus), Saint Jimmy (about herself), Extraordinary girl (about Tunny), and Whatsername (about Whatsername, duh, who had left The Underbelly and The Mainstreet, because she felt unloved or degraded or something, but soon came back and is now pissing people off again, Yay).

She cherished all those songs but her favourite by far was definitely Homecoming that all four members of the band had written and sung.
"That's great and all but... what are you wearing?" said Mike bluntly.
He had a very good reason to. Their manager was wearing, there's no normal way to put this, a pink bunny suit. Tré sniggered.
"Shut the fuck up! It's for warming up the crowd. One of you is going to wear it."
Chilli's face brightened as she figured it all out, the others still looked confused.
"Crowd?" They questioned bewilderedly.
"YOU'RE GOING ON TOUR!!!" He yelled.
All four members of Green Day, cracked four identical, ecstatic, wild smiles and cheered as the tour bus rolled up outside.

*On Tour*

"But I don't wanna go onstage, I can't dance!" Chilli screamed while Billie
Joe forced her into the pink bunny suit.
"Just do it! Please? For me! For me AND the guys!" Billie shouted while
Mike and Tré gave her puppy dog looks.
"But I'll look like a fucking idiot!" Chilli argued.
"No you won't! And anyway, no one will know who the fuck you are!" Billie answered, "Besides, it's your first show and we haven't seen you do anything weird yet. Please do it!"
"Ohhhhh!!! Fine then! I'll do it!" Chilli sighed. She snatched the giant, pink rabbit head and slid it onto her own, then she realised what it was she had just agreed to. She was going dance around, onstage like a complete moron, in front of thousands of people, dressed as a giant pink bunny rabbit.
"Aw... what the hell!" Chilli shouted to herself as she cartwheeled out into the stage lights and somersaulted. Mike, Billie Joe, and Tré all stood at the side of the stage watching Chilli dance around. She did a handstand and walked around in a ring, before she started dancing like a loony again and screamed energetically at the crowd and everyone started shouting and screaming with laughter.
The three men all watched, laughing also, and cheering Chilli on. She danced, flipped, roared at the crowd and twirled around for about five minutes and then ran back offstage, leaving the crowd in hysterics and chanting, "WE WANT THE BUNNY!!! WE WANT THE BUNNY!!!"
"Fuck that! You are NOT getting me out there like this again!!" Chilli said while ripping the costume off. Mike ran over to a rabbit headed Chilli and gave her a hug of thanks. Chilli hugged him back, then pulled away and tried to pull the head off... it was stuck.
She tugged and tugged as Billie, Mike and Tré laughed at her. She fell on the ground and rolled around in anguish, yanking desperately at the fluffy ears. It still wouldn't come off. Tré walked over to her and grabbed the droopy, furry ears firmly as Billie and Mike gripped Chilli's ankles. They all pulled and Chilli cursed while everyone laughed as the pink head slid off and her own banged roughly on the cold, hard ground.


Everyone was waiting backstage for the signal to go while My Chemical Romance was warming up the crowd. Chilli had gone to fix-up her face after she had drawn all over herself with purple lipstick in boredom, and everyone else was relaxing, having a drink, and just talking, mainly about their friend i.e. the pink bunny....
"So guys," Adie asked raising an eyebrow, "Why doesn't one of you do the bunny thing? Huh?"
Mike and Tré collapsed into hysterics as Billie explained; "There is no fucking WAY you are getting ME out there! I'd look like a complete fuckwit!"
Everyone sat up and stared at him, their mouths gaping open. Tré tried to mumble something to Billie, but Billie Joe continued talking over him, "I refuse to prance around onstage, dressed like a big, floppy-eared fucking herbivore...a pink one too!" Mike started shaking his head slowly; he was trying to hint something to Billie Joe, but it wasn't really working.
"Anyway, our lovely Australian friend Chilli has saved me the hassle."
Mike gave up and dropped his head into his arms, mumbling something about "stupid ignorant bastard".
Billie Joe slowly turned around to see Chilli standing behind him with her arms folded over her chest. She had a very angry, but calm, look on her face, and one eyebrow raised.
" long enough have you been there?" asked Billie feebly.
"Oh...long enough." Chilli nodded while keeping her voice scarily tranquil.
"Really? That's strange, I mean, I was just sitting here and I didn't even hear you come in, but-"
"Billie Joe... " Chilli interrupted serenely, unfolding her arms and digging her hands deep into the pockets of her jeans.
"Yes?..." Billie asked weakly.
"I advise that you start running." Chilli finished steadily.
Billie leapt up and started running like hell towards the tour-bus. Chilli stood still, not moving a muscle, except for blinking calmly.
"Aren't you going to run after him?" asked Mike, raising his head from his arms.
"Oh fuck yeah!... but I'm giving him a head-start." Chilli smirked while pulling a watch out of her pocket, glancing at it, and handing to Tré who put it back on his wrist with a scowl, before she sprinted off after Billi Joe in the direction of the tour-bus.
Mike, Adie and Tré blinked expressionlessly, then continued chatting until the concert was due to begin.


Billie Joe had run into the tour bus, hiding from Chilli. He concealed himself under the soft covers of his bunk bed and stayed still and silent. Just then, he heard Chilli entered the bus.
"Ohhhhh Billie Joe!!!" she sang harmoniously around the bus, "Where are you? I only want to speak to you...WITH MY FIST!!!" she shouted.
Billie Joe was trying not to laugh but let out a little snort. Chilli's head whipped around swiftly. She walked towards his bed and smiled down at the quivering lump underneath the covers.
"Ok then... if you're not here...I'll just have to jump up and down on the bed!"
Billie gulped before breathing in sharply. Chilli jumped on the bed frantically until Billie Joe gave out a squeal, as he was getting kicked in the stomach and belted around the face.
"YOUR SMOOSHING MY BEAUTIFUL FACE!" yelped a muffled voice from underneath the bed sheets.
"Beautiful!?" Chilli shouted looking slightly confused and still jumping around recklessly.
"Oh ha ha! Very fucking funny!" Billie shouted while scrambling out from under the sheets. He fell down the side of the bed and rolled underneath as otherwise he would've been killed by Chilli, who was still jumping up and down. By this point, he was under the bed, alongside vast assortment of Tré's shoes, which weren't exactly pine fresh.
"Oh god! Chilli! Please help me! There are Tré's shoes under here!" Billie cried. He gagged and started commando crawling out from under the bed while humming the mission impossible theme tune. While all of this was happening, Chilli was laughing hysterically, still jumping up and down like a complete prat.


"Oh fuck! You're not gonna hurt me...are you?" Billie asked while cowering in a corner and swinging one of Tré's shoes defensively in front of him at an approaching, enraged Chilli.
"Oh no Billie, I would never dream of it!" Chilli said with an innocent look on her face.
She stepped towards the trembling heap in the corner...also known as Billie Joe Armstrong.

Meanwhile Backstage...

"Hey, I think somebody should check on Billie, y'know, see if he's alive or not? Tré said. Mike shook his head and sipped his drink. Tré sighed and got out of his seat and headed towards the tour bus. He reached the bus and placed his hand upon the cold door handle. Just then he heard Billie screaming in fear from inside the bus.
"Um...guys? Y'know what? I'll come back later when you two aren't killing each other...or just when Chilli isn't in the process of killing you!"
Chilli must have heard Tré outside, because she opened the door and looked down to see him quivering....
"Don't hurt me! I'm too young to die!" Tré screamed while turning and running back the way he had come.
"Are you fucking kidding? You're old!" shouted Chilli with an evil smirk.
Tré turned around quickly and shouted back, "I'm younger than Mike, Adie AND Billie!"
"Yeah...." came a faint voice from inside the bus.
"Shut it! I'll get to you in a minute!" Chilli yelled back into the bus.
Tré Cool continued sprinting back in the direction of the stage.

10 minutes later, backstage

Chilli approached the three people who were sitting around relaxedly, followed closely by Billie Joe, who was rubbing his bruised arm while mumbling, "Goddamn fucking shoe! Hit me...not old!"
"Oh, and thanks for all your fucking help Tré!" he shouted at the drummer.
"What? What the fuck was I meant to do? Go into that war zone and get myself killed?! That girl is fucking dangerous!" Tré said while cowering into his chair and throwing his hands up to show his innocence.
Chilli smiled and blew across her knuckles. Mike laughed.
"Dude," he said to Billie, "Now you know what it's like to be on the receiving end of her fist! You're like me! I have a friend!!!"
"Join the club... they have cookies!" Chilli said.
"What do you mean?" Adie asked.
"Well, they're these bits of baked dough with-" Chilli began.
"No...'club'?" Adie said perplexedly.
"Oh...right...I'!" she rushed.
"A what?" Billie asked in shock, completely forgetting about how much his flesh ached and stung.
" knuckle boxing champion," Chilli mumbled.
The three men and Adrienne all stared at Chilli in disbelief.
"You're a really good actor," Mike said as they got the thumbs up to go out on stage. Chilli shrugged and followed, she stood in the shadows side-stage while Billie Joe yelled to the screaming and cheering crowds.
Sounds of confusion erupted from the crowds as Chilli ran onto the stage again, this time wearing a tartan skirt with leggings underneath and a ripped and tattered black tank top with a red tie and her hair gelled messily up in the air. She looked really cool. Then the music started. The confusion stopped as everybody stared at Chilli in mesmerization, then started screaming in delight.
Chilli smirked as they played the first song of the night, 'American Idiot'...
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