"The Village" -A Green Day Story., chapter 1

At a cemetery, people are gathered for a funeral. A grave has been dug, and a small, plain coffin, rests near it. A man leans on the coffin, weeping a prayer.
August Nicholson: "Who'll pinch me to wake me up? Who will laugh at me when I fall? Whose breath will I listen for, so that I may sleep? Whose hand will I hold, so that I may walk?"
A small, plain headstone, reads "Here Lies Daniel Nicholson, Beloved son of August Nicholson, June 17, 1890, October 3, 1897." He was just seven years old.

* * *

Edward Nesser (off-screen): "We may question ourselves, at moments such as these. Did we make the right decision to settle here?"
A banquet has been laid on polished wooden tables, outdoors. The attendees are all dressed somberly. Many women wear bonnets or hats. Some of the men are bearded, and some are not. Some have long hair, others, short hair. All the women wear their hair tied back in some way. The dress confirms that it is the late 1800's. The surroundings reveal it to be a small village in a shallow valley, surrounded by forests. Many houses are made of stone, some of wood. The banquet includes bread, corn, greens, potatoes... a bounty from the recent harvest. Edward Walker, unofficial town leader, stands, making a speech before the feast. His hair is reddish, but going gray, and he wears a beard. August takes his hand.
Edward Nesser: "We are grateful for the time we have been given."
He sits, and the villagers begin to eat. From the woods, a moaning sound, sorrowful. The villagers quiet, and are still. Tre Cool begins to laugh and clap and stands up.
He is perhaps twenty-five, but has the mind of a small child. A young man seated next to him calms him down, and gets him to sit.

Two young girls use brushes to scrub the dishes in an outdoor trough, while an older sister uses a green hand-pump to get water from the underground well, so the dishes can be rinsed. The younger girls giggle and splash each other.

A woman in a gray skirt and a blue untucked blouse leads a flock of sheep into their barn.

Men and women work side-by-side in a glass greenhouse, cultivating lettuce, rhubarb, and other foods for the winter. The ladies wear simple print dresses, with some petticoats underneath, and back-buttoned aprons over their dresses. The men wear pants, shirts, vests, and many wear hats. This is a simple village of working people. Fancy clothes are worn only at weddings and other celebrations.

Two sisters sweep the front porch of their simple home. They wear plain boots, not fancy shoes. They swirl their brooms around, light-hearted. The older sister spots something at the edge of the porch and puts her broom down. It is a red flower. Making haste, they pluck the flower, take it some yards from their home, and bury it. They return to their chores, but are subdued. The color of the flower, red, has spooked them, for it is the bad color.

At night, a bearded young man in a yellow cloak watches the woods from a watchtower, one of two, at the edge of the village. There is a bell in the tower, which can be rung as a warning. There are yellow penants and burning torches all around the edge of the forest. A low, moaning, rumbling sound comes from the trees.

At a creek in the woods, a reflection off the water shows a swaying, red-cloaked figure walking ponderously by.

It is morning. Edward Nesser, the school-teacher, approaches a group of children outside the schoolhouse. They are gathered in a circle around something.
Edward: "What manner of spectacle has attracted your attention so splendidly? I ought to carry it in my pocket to help me teach."
He stands at the edge of the group and looks down. Flies are buzzing.
Edward: "Who came upon this? Philip, did you move this?"
Philip: "No, Mr. Nesser."

The flies buzz louder and louder. We see what they are looking at. It is a small animal, probably a fox. It has been killed and skinned, but the meat is still on its bones.

Inside the class, a girl in a light blue dress and pigtails speaks.
Girl: "I inspected it carefully. Its head was twisted back, and much of its fur removed."
Edward: "I see."
Boy: "It was murdered."
Edward: "But who is the culprit? Who has done this heinous act?"
The girl who spoke before hesitates, but she decides to voice what is in all their minds.
Girl: "Those We Don't Speak Of killed it."
Edward: "There it is. Why would such a notion come into your mind?"
Boy: "They're meat-eaters."
Edward nods at him. A different girl speaks.
Girl: They have large claws."
Edward: "Children... Those We Don't Speak Of, have not breached our borders in many years. We do NOT go into THEIR woods, they do NOT come into OUR valley. It is a truce. We do not threaten them. Why would they do this?"

At a meeting of the Council of Elders, Mrs. Cool is speaking. She is there, with her husband, Frank, August Nicholson, Victor, Edward and Tabitha Walker, Ollie Armstrong, Mrs. Clack, three other men, and one other woman. The women are knitting, since their hands are not needed for the meeting, and they smile and giggle.
Mrs. Cool: "And we ought not to...overlook The Flight of the Birds. We didn't have it last year, and I, for one, missed it desperately. And I know your wife missed the children, dressed in feathers and such."
Tabitha: "I am fond of it."
She looks hopefully at her husband.
Edward: "I do not have a say in this matter."
August Nicholson is chair of today's meeting. A door opens at the end of the meeting hall, and all turn to see who has come in. It is a man with his hat in his hands, respectful.
Man: "There is a young man who has requested a word with the elders."
August: "Well, do have him come forward."
The young man is Billie Joe Armstrong, only son of the widow Ollie Armstrong. She jumps a bit when she sees him, but smiles. He wears denim work-pants, a gray shirt, and a brown jacket. His hair is a bit curly, but short, and there is a scar on his lip. He is clearly nervous and sways from one foot to the other. He holds a note, which he reads aloud.
August: "Hello, Billie Joe."
Billie Joe: "My mother is unaware of the reason for my visit today. She did not give her consent, or consult me in any form. The passing of little Daniel Nicholson, from illness, and other events, have weighed on my thoughts. I ask permission to cross into the forbidden woods and travel to the nearest town. I will gather medicines, and I will return. With regards to Those We Don't Speak Of, I am certain they will let me pass. Creatures can sense emotion and fear. They will see I am pure of intention, and not afraid. The end."
His voice has been shaky throughout. It is clear that such a long speech from him is an unheard-of, thing, and that he is normally so quiet that people ask him to speak up. The elders stare at him. The wind moans past the watchtower.

Ollie (off-screen): "What goes on in that head of yours?"
Inside their house, all is simple. The beams of the loft are visible. The floor is plain wood. Ollie stands in an ankle-length nightgown, in the doorway of her bedroom. An oil-lamp and some candles are lit. There is no electricity, running water, or flush toilets in this village, although such things are available in other parts of the world. Billie Joe sits on the stairs, tying his boot-laces.
Ollie: "Say something, Billie Joe."
Billie Joe: "Mike Dirnt is in the tower, and I've promised to sit with him."
Ollie: "Hmm."

In the watchtower, we see Mike Dirnt, a broad-faced, light-haired young man with Grecian features, wearing a yellow cloak. Billie Joe sits on the floor near a lamp.
Billie Joe: "Do you ever think of the towns, Finton?"
Mike: "The towns? What for? They're wicked places where wicked people live. That's all."
He pauses for a few moments.
Mike: "Thank you Billie Joe. You're a good friend. I do hope no one saw you."

In the orchard, several women stand, staring at a spectacle. It is another skinned fox.

There is a brief meeting in the meeting hall. Ollie stands at the front, ahead of the elders, and speaks to the villagers' concerns.
Ollie: "What we SEEM to have amongst us, is a predator of some type, most likely a coyote, or a wolf. Its manner of... of killing and removing the fur, but leaving the flesh torn, may be a sign that this animal suffers from madness. And for the next fortnight we should be vigilant for sightings of this coyote. Keep careful watch over our little ones, as they play on the hills. As for the other notion... We do not believe our boundary has been breached. Those We Don't Speak Of are much... LARGER creatures than coyotes. And we would know, if they had been here."
The villagers murmur.

Outside, villagers stride away, back to their work. Edward walks with his eldest daughter, Kitty. She is beautiful, with red hair and fair skin, very slender and willowy.
Kitty: "Ahhh, it's frightful, this business of the coyote, is it not, Papa?"
Edward: "Do not feel worried, Kitty."
Kitty: "You are not troubled?"
Edward: "I am certain it will all end soon."
Kitty (slyly): "Can we speak on other matters, then?"
Edward: "It would be a relief."
Kitty (giggly): "I'm in love!"
They stand behind a house, possibly their own.
Kitty: "I want your permission to marry, Papa!"
Edward is incredulous that his daughter would come to him and ask to marry, without her supposed-fiance present.
Edward: "There's a proper manner in which these things are supposed to happen, such as the boy would normally be standing next to you, in a moment such as this! Where is the BOY in all this, Kitty?!"
Kitty: "I haven't spoken to him as of yet."
Edward: "The young man is unaware of your intentions?!"
Kitty: "He has a... quiet way. I was going to talk with him, Papa, but not without your blessings. I WON'T talk with him without your blessings, Papa."
Edward: "Kitty!"
Kitty: "It's Billie Joe Armstrong."
Edward pauses for a moment.
Edward: "Billie Joe."
Kitty: "You think badly of him?"
Edward: "No. No, I have been thinking about him."
Kitty: "He's not LIKE the other boys, Papa. He- he- he doesn't joke, or, or bounce about."
Edward: "No, he certainly does not."
Kitty: "I have your blessings, then?"
Edward sighs and can't help a smile. Kitty jumps into his arms, joyful.
Edward:"Look, do me one favor first. Do NOT tell anyone else of your burstings until you have spoken with the young man."

Billie Joe is in the workshop, sharpening a tool. Kitty approaches him, wearing a pretty yellow dress. Her voice is slightly coy at the begining, but as she goes on, she becomes more wild. It is clear, however, that she has rehearsed her speech. She can't seem to help smiling and giggling, and she's probably very nervous.
Kitty: "Good afternoon, Billie Joe."
Billie Joe stands up and turns to face her, wary, leaning back slightly.
Kitty: "I wanted to, to... to tell you something. I love you, Billie Joe. I love you like the day is long! I love you more than the sun and the moon together! And if you feel the same way, then we should not hide it any longer. It's a gift, love is. We should be thankful! We should bellow it out with all the breath in our lungs! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
She stops waving her arms about and smooths her skirt, smiling at him. He looks at her strangely, almost expressionless.

Kitty lays on her bed, sobbing and screaming. Her younger sister, Adrienne, sits at her side, stroking her shoulder and singing a lullaby. She has reddish hair, too, but wears it comparatively short, about shoulder-length, barely any longer than some of the boys in the village. She wears a pretty blue denim dress.
Adrienne: "Shhh. Shhh. Baby, sleep, gently sleep, life is long is long and love is deep. Time will be sweet for thee. All the world to see. Time to look about and know, how the shadows come and go. How the breeze stirs the trees, how the blossoms grow."
We see their parents, and the four youngest of the six Nesser daughters, standing about at the entrance to the room. It is clear that that is Kitty and Adrienne's space, that they are close together in age (perhaps twenty-one and nineteen respectively), while their younger sisters are all between about three and ten or so.

Billie Joe brings firewood to August. The oil lamp is burning dimly.
August: "I often wondered if you and my son bonded because neither of you were fond of speaking. You're very kind. You must pardon my manners, I haven't slept in many nights."

Some of the boys are at a place called "The Stump," where they are playing a game. Sort of like a test of manhood, they stand on the stump with their back to the woods at night, and see how long they can stay without getting scared. Tonight it it Jason's turn.
Ronny: "You are doing capital, Jason! Just a few more moments, huh? Gather your bravery."
The other boys press in close.
Ronny: "Do not jostle about so! You'll ruin my shirt".
Jason whimpers, and there is a moaning from the woods.
Jason (whispering): "They made a sound when I made a sound! And they mimic before they attack!"
Ronny: "Have courage, man. That's a wives' tale. It isn't true. Do not falter! Steel yourself".

At August's house, he is still speaking to Billie Joe, who is loading his wood-box.

August: "You know, like a dog can smell you."
Billie Joe: "Pardon me, Mr. Nicholson?"
August: "You may run from sorrow, as we have. Sorrow will find you. It can smell you."
He looks at the space under the stairs. There is a strange box there, made of wood, but stained dark black, and with a lock for its lid. Billie Joe looks at it strangely.

Jason breathes heavily, as the woods rustle. There is the sound of footsteps, and a strange growl that you or I might associate with a weed-whacker. Jason hops off the stump and rushes toward the boys, and they run back to the village, panting and chuckling. They arrive in the safe area of the village and slow down.
Ronny: "I didn't know you could run so fast!"
Jason: "We're still for running and staying- hey!"
Ronny pulls Jason's hat from his head and pushes him further towards home.

It is daytime, a view of the village from the woods.
Kitty (off-screen):"Tre ought to be punished. He whacked little Joseph with a stick again."
Tre and some boys are fighting. Tre laughs and hits them as they say "ow."
Children: "No more hitting!"
Girl: "Why don't they grab it?"

Adrienne sits in a pretty blue dress on a bench outside a building. Her head is turned to the side and she is listening. She hears distant shouting. It is clear once she stands up that she is blind. She takes a lovely wooden cane and swings it back and forth, using this method to guide herself toward the sounds of the fight.

Adrienne (off-screen; forceful): "Tre Cool ." The fighting slows a bit.
Adrienne: "Stop your fussing, right this moment."
The kids murmur and laugh. He disentangles himself, and jumps up, following her away.

They stand at the door of the "Quiet Room," a place children are sent when they misbehave. There is a lamp, several chairs, a coat-rack, and not much else.
Adrienne: "You're in trouble, you know."
Tre: "No hitting. No hitting."
Adrienne: "I'm to place you in the quiet room."
Tre: "Um, I'll cry quarts".
Adrienne: "What if we strike a deal?"
Tre: "Yeah, capital idea."
Adrienne: "It would be prudent to keep our deal a secret, can you do that?"
Tre (whispers): "Can I keep a secret? (Normal voice) Like a church mouse."
Adrienne: "You needent go to the quiet room if you take an oath to never strike any person again."
Tre: "No hitting."
Adrienne: "No, no hitting."
Tre: "No hitting."
Adrienne:"No hitting."
They shake hands. Adrienne leans slightly and taps her cheek, and Tre kisses it.
Adrienne: "The deal is struck."
She closes the door of the quiet room and goes down the steps to the ground.
Adrienne: "We ought not to return right away, hmm? What shall we do with our stolen time?"
Tre: "Hmm."
Tre: "Hmmm."
Adrienne: "Hmmm. Shall we have a foot race?"
Tre: "Yes."
Adrienne (excited): "Up the hill to the resting rock!"
Tre (grinning): "No cheating."
Adrienne (offended): "What a deeply scandalous thing to say. I insist you take that back. Is that the school bell?"
Tre turns to look at the school and Adrienne takes off running the other direction. She knows her way around very well. Tre turns back, looks at her, looks down and smiles, then runs after her.
Tre: "Arrhhhh! Adrienne, you cheated!"
Adrienne:"I know! I'm sorry!"
They laugh and run all the way to the resting rock. Adrienne is very fast, but no match for Tre's long legs, and he barely beats her there.
Billie Joe Armstrong is sitting there, eating a muffin, which he shares with Tre. Adrienne sits down, catching her breath.
Adrienne: "My sister cried a lot."
Billie Joe seems somewhat surprised that she knows he is there, given that she is blind. She moves her head and eyes like a sighted person, but only because she did not lose her sight until several years into her life. Tre runs off somewhere.
Adrienne: "You wonder how I recognized you?" She nodds and leans on her cane.
Adrienne: "Some people - just a handful, mind you - give off the tiniest color. It's faint, like a haze. It's the only thing I ever see in the darkness. Papa has it, too. Do you wonder what your color is? Well, that I won't tell you. It's not ladylike to speak of such things. You shouldn't even have asked."
She is making a joke for herself, and smiles at it. It is clear that she is very strange, running like a boy, wearing her hair short, making jokes to herself, and her strangeness seems directly tied-in with the fact that she is blind.
Billie Joe: "You run like a boy."
Adrienne: "Thank you." She pauses a moment, shyly, but then continues.
Adrienne: "I know why you deny my sister. When I was younger... You used to hold my arm when I walked. Then suddenly you stopped. One day, I even tripped in your presense, and almost fell. I was faking, of course. But still, you did not hold me." She whispers, almost sensually.
Adrienne: "Sometimes we don't do things we want to do, so that others won't know we want to do them."
Tre returns with something in his hands. He shows it to Billie Joe, motioning him to be quiet. He sits next to Adrienne and lifts her hand, placing a frog in it.
Adrienne: "What?"
The frog ribbets. She yelps and laughs, tossing the frog back at him. He takes a twig of berries from his pocket, loosening feathers in the process. The berries, he places in Adrienne's hands.
Adrienne: "What's this? Oh, berries. What a splendid present."
Billie Joe: "Be cautious. You are holding the bad color."
Adrienne goes still, and cups a hand over the berries. The fun, sunshiny atmosphere is spoiled by rich, thick fear.
Adrienne: "This color attracts Those We Don't Speak Of, we must bury it. You ought not to pick that color berry anymore."
Billie Joe (whispering): "He picked it from his pocket."
Adrienne: "What's wrong? Your breathing has changed."
Billie Joe: "I've never se t eyes on these before. You did not pick that now. Where did you find this?"
Tre takes his hand and leads him around the side of the rock. He is mentally retarded, but he knows that something has changed this afternoon.

At the meeting house, Billie Joe reads another note to the elders.
Billie Joe: "Today at Resting Rock, Tre Cool handed Adrienne Nesser berries of the bad color. When asked where he found these berries, for they were not like others I have seen, he pointed to the drawing upon resting rock."
We see Billie Joe, Adrienne, and Tre staring at the side of the rock (although Adrienne does not see it). There is a drawing of a strange, reddish-colored creature, with skeletons all around it.
Billie Joe (off-screen): "It is my belief that Tre Cool has entered the woods, and has done so on many occasions. It is also my belief that, because of his innocence, those creatures who reside in the woods did not harm him."
Back in the meeting house, he continues to read. The circle is in a slightly different order today, more mixed up, and facing a different direction.
Billie Joe: "This strengthens my feeling that they will let me pass if they sense I am not a threat."

Ollie (off-screen, later in the day): "We shall speak of the town, just this once, and we shall never speak of it again."
She sits, knitting yarn that is wound around Billie Joe's hands.
Ollie: "Your father left for the market on a Tuesday, at a quarter past nine in the morning. He was found, robbed and naked, in the filthy river, two days later."
Billie Joe begins to shake, and tears stream down his face.
Billie Joe: "Why'd you tell me this blackness?"
Ollie: "So you will know the nature of what you desire."
Bilie Joe: "I do not desire it." (Angry) "My intentions are true to my word. I think of NOTHING but the people of this village."
Ollie: "Forgive me. I am but scared for my only son's life."
Billie Joe: "I am not the one with secrets."
Ollie: "What is your meaning?"
Billie Joe: "There are secrets of every corner of this village. Do you not feel it? Do you not see it?"
He points at the black box in the corner of the living room.
Ollie: "That is for my own well-being, so the evil things from my past are kept close and not forgotten. Forgetting would be to let them be born again in another form."
Billie Joe: (standing): "Then let us open it."
Ollie (final): "No. Perhaps we should speak with Edward Nesser together. He may be able-"
Billie Joe: "He hides, too. He hides his feelings for you."
Ollie: "Oh!"
Exasperated and startled, she turns and walks to her bedroom. He follows her.
Billie Joe: "Sometimes, we don't do things, yet others know we want to do things, so we don't do them."
Realizing he bungled that statement badly, he hangs his head a bit and makes a sort of "oh, darn!" motion with his hand.
Ollie returns to her bedroom door.
Ollie: "What nonsense are you saying?"
Billie Joe: "You needent worry. Nothing will happen to me."
Ollie: "You remind me of a colt sometimes. She pauses a moment."
Ollie: "What makes you think he has feelings for me?"
Billie Joe (whispering): "He never touches you."

Billie Joe and some other boys walk around the perimeter of the village, painting yellow marks on tall poles. They wear cloaks of yellow wool, the safe color. Billie Joe sets down his paint bucket and pushes his hood back, then slowly, purposefully, he walks into the woods. He does not go far, just to a bush where there are red berries. He plucks a branch of them. He is very solemn. There is a creaking noise, a crack, and a growl, then some rustling. Billie Joe sees movement out of the corner of his eyes. He turns and leaves the woods slowly.

It is night. Adrienne is crouched, and she stands.
Adrienne: "There's no escape!"
She turns and perceives Billie Joe by his "color," as she calls the haze she sees around him when he is near her. She is surprised.
Adrienne: "Oh, hellO! I was just playing a game with Tre. The rascal must have gone to hide in my house again."
She crouches to retrieve her cane, then stands.
Adrienne (loudly): "Houses are agaist the rules!" (whispering) "He knows that." (normal) "Are you all right?"
She looks at Billie Joe with some concern, for he is more solemn than usual. He walks her to her front porch.
Adrienne: "We're tending to the children tonight, Kitty and I. I should be with her. Be well."
She steps on to the porch, then turns, steps back down, and looks at him, hands perched on her cane.
Adrienne: "I heard my parents speaking of you. I know of your request to go to the towns. I think it is noble, but I do not think it is right."
Billie Joe: "Are you not angry you have no sight?"
She smiles and leans a bit towards him, whispering.
Adrienne: "I see the world, Billie Joe Armstrong. Just not as you see it."
Billie Joe: "What of Tre, then? What if there are medicines for Tre that could help him be still and to learn?"
Adrienne: "May we stop speaking of this? It is putting knots in my stomach."
She steps back on to the porch, and turns to talk to him from there.
Adrienne (whispering): "Kitty is to be married. She's found love... again. With Michael Pritchard. You think it an odd choice, right? You know, he won't sit back in his chair for fear of setting wrinkles on his shirts. But he does have a gentlemanly way about him. And he does care for my sister, deeply. I think Kitty is blessed." She pauses, nervous, but continues.
Adrienne: "I am blessed as well. My older sister is now spoken for. I am now free to receive intrest from anyone... who might have interest."
She raises her tone at the end, almost like a question, and very hopeful-sounding. Billie Joe's face is still solemn, but there is something almost like a smile about his mouth. Children are laughing in the house. She turns and walks to the door, waving her cane in front of her, and goes inside.
Kitty: "I'm going to get you! Oh! I got you! I got you. Can you fetch a blanket for me?"
Adrienne: "Have you seen Tre?"
Adrienne walks to a closet, and opens it. Inside, Tre is hiding. She does not know that he is there, and he laughs silently as she takes a blanket and closes the door.

Mike Dirnt is in the watchtower again, wearing his yellow cloak. There is a lamp lit, sitting on the edge of the hatch. There is a bump, and the lamp wiggles.
Mike: "Billie Joe? Billie Joe?"
He crawls to the hatch and opens it, peering down. There is a flash of red as a creature walks by, spikey needles sticking out the back. Mike drops the hatch on his head, lets it fall into place, and latches it. He sits whimpering in pain for a moment, then gets up and rings a warning bell over and over again, a steady clanging.

All around the village, people hurry into their homes, exclaiming in fright. Billie Joe marches steadily through them, helping people inside, but he his making his way towards one place, the Nesser home.

Kitty, Adrienne, and their four younger sisters are sitting on a sofa in their living room, when they hear the bells.
Tre runs through the door, happy and excited, clapping and waving his arms.
Tre: "They're coming. They're coming!"
Kitty: "Close the door. Tre, close the door, okay? Close the door."
Kitty bustles around, putting the edge of the door in Tre's hands, and getting her littlest sisters down into the celler, where they can lock the hatch and keep safe from the creatures. She does a good job of maintaining a calm demeanor. Tre keeps clapping and shouting.
Kitty: "Tre, come on inside!"
Tre: "Come on inside!"

Outside, the last villagers are getting into their homes, shouting. Billie Joe helps a woman bolt her shutters, then quickly dashes around the corner as a creature comes up to the door. The creature wears a red, hooded robe with wide sleeves, almost monk-like. There are brown spines growing in a bunch out of a hump on its back. It has long claws. The face is a snout sticking out of the hood. It makes a strange growling noise, almost a vooooomph. It scratches the door.

Adrienne stands at the front door of her house, waiting.
Tre: "They're coming. Come on in!"
Kitty: "Let's close the door."
Kitty manages to get everyone except Adrienne inside the celler.
Adrienne: "Billie Joe is outside, walking."
Tre: "They're coming!"
Kitty is getting desperate. The longer the door is open, the more danger they are in.
Kitty: "He's inside safe somewhere! Please, close the door!"
Adrienne is shaking, badly frightened, but determined and sure that Billie Joe will come to her.
Adrienne: "He'll come back to make sure we're safe."
Kitty: "Adrienne! Adrienne, please."
Adrienne turns back to the door and slowly raises her arm, her hand outstretched, waiting. There is a scratching and growling at the side of the house.
Kitty (whispering): "Please."
Adrienne (trembling): "No."
Kitty (whispering): "Don't let them in."
Adrienne stands, shaking, tears in her eyes, waiting for Billie Joe. A creature comes up from the side, growling. Just as the creature reaches for Adrienne's hand, it is firmly clasped in Billie Joe's, as they dash into the house. Everything slows down as they bolt the door, hands clasped, and run into the celler. Tre continues to invite the creatures in. This is a game to him. The girls are all in various states of crying and silent prayer. There is a thumping, and the creatures enter the house, growling. Adrienne looks down to see her hand clasped in Billie Joe's. He hasn't let go.

In every home in the village, families tremble in their cellers, fearing the inevitible bump-thump, and growl, as the creatures enter their homes. They cover their ears and lower their heads, praying, waiting.

The next morning, the breeze is high, blowing autumn leaves off the trees. There are red slashes on the doors of every building in the village. In the meeting house, Edward is talking, as we look at the red slashes everywhere.
Edward (off-screen): "By the markings we find this morning on our homes... I feel they were warning us."
They acted as if threatened.
August (off-screen): "Creatures have never attacked us without reason. Does anyone here know of a reason why these events may have occured?"
A woman approaches the elders, who sit in a line at the front of the meeting house. She hands a note to Vivian Cool, Tre's mother.
Vivian: "Who has written this note?"
No one answers. She stands, clears her throat, and reads it aloud.
Vivian: "Please read so that all may hear. I have brought this burden upon us. On the day before last, I crossed the forbidden line into Covington Woods..."
The villagers gasp aloud, and murmur.
Vivian: "... and was witnessed there by Those We Don't Speak Of. I am deeply sorry. I have shamed myself and my family. I pray that my actions will cause no further pains. With deepest sorrow...... Billie Joe Armstrong."
She sits. The crowd murmurs. The elders take each others hands. Everyone turns to look at Billie Joe in the back, as Edward walks back to talk to him. Many stand up. Tre follows Edward, giggling, and has to be led back by one of the men. Edward walks right up to Billie Joe, who has tears in his eyes, and does not raise them from the floor.
Edward (kindly): "Do not fret."
Edward crouches, and Billie Joe slowly looks into his eyes.
Edward: "You are fearless in a way that I shall never know."
Billie Joe shakes badly, but manages the tiny beginnings of a smile.

Outside, tables are set up for a banquet. It is Kitty's wedding day. She sits next to her father, wearing a filmy white gown and veil, holding his hand. Her husband-to-be is next to her, followed by Adrienne, and Tre. At least ninety-five people live in this village, probably more, and all have turned out for the wedding.
Edward: "We are grateful... for the time we have been given."
There are quiet cheers, and the crowd begins to talk and pass food around.

Two young men in yellow cloaks, their hoods drawn about their faces, bear a litter between them. On this litter, covered by a yellow flowered cloth and white and yellow daisies, is a large hunk of lamb, almost half of one of the animals. They set their burden down, uncover it, lift it, and toss it onto a rock at the edge of the forest, something like a sacrificial offering. They leave the litter, turn and go.

Adrienne sits on the ground in a pink dress so pale it looks almost white. Next to her is Mrs. clack, wearing a creamy dress, almost yellow, and a knitted shawl around her shoulders. Both have flowers in their hair. Mrs. Clack smokes a pipe.
Mrs. Clack: "I had an elder sister."
Adrienne (surprised): "Mrs. Clack, you've been keeping secrets!"
Both chuckle a bit.
Mrs. Clack: "Oh, Kitty reminds me of her, so!"
Adrienne: "What manner of person was she?"
Mrs. Clack: "Saucy. And we fought endlessly."
Adrienne nods. They both laugh.
Adrienne: "May I ask her name?"
There is a pause. Mrs. Clack does not answer.
Adrienne (serious): "Why did she not come to Covington Woods?"
Mrs. Clack: "My sister did not live past her twenty-third birthday. A group of men took her life in an alley by our home."
They are both sad, but August Nicholson comes out of the greenhouse and asks everyone to follow him inside. It has been prepared as a place to have a party, to sing and dance and eat. There is music playing. Adrienne approaches her sister shakily. She seems to want to be on better footing with her, lest she die as young as Mrs. Clack's sister. She hugs her tightly. Both have tears in their eyes. Christop backs away a bit. Kitty has deep bags under her eyes. It appears she has not slept much recently. Christop: "She's not going to squeeze my shirt like that, is she?"
Kitty looks at him with reproach, and then both smile, to put on a good face for their neighbors.

A line of people have formed to congratulate Edward and Tabitha. Victor leaves the line, and Ollie Armstrong enters it, facing Edward.
Ollie: "Many blessings on this most joyous of days."
Edward: "It was a rare and lovely ceremony, was it not?"
Ollie: "Glorious. I saw your hand move to your eyes on more than one occasion."
Edward (sheepish): "It must have been dust of some matter."
She holds out her hand, but he does not take it. She balls it into a fist, smiles, and moves on. When she turns back, Edward is clasping Mrs. Cool's hand and arm and talking with her. She gives a startled smile, but seems pleased.

The young people, and some of the older ones, are dancing in rings around each other. Kitty grabs Adrienne and pulls her in to dance, weaving her in and out. Everyone is laughing and enjoying themselves. A more complicated dance begins, with several circles of people, and people ducking in and out. A woman plays a complicated tune on the piano. Adrienne, with her sensitive hearing, hears what others cannot: Two children screaming for Mr. Nesser outside. Eventually the rest of the villagers hear it, too. Adrienne holds out her arm and makes her way for the end of the greenhouse. Everything is in confusion, but Billie Joe's arm reaches up and he grabs Adrienne's hand, leading her the rest of the way. Everyone gathers around Mr. Nesser, and two young boys, about seven and nine years old.
Edward (gravely; gently): "Speak up."
Older boy: "They're in the village. They left more warnings."
There is shock all around.
Younger boy: "They wish us to leave."
Edward (despairing): "That cannot be."
Older boy: "One saw us. It ran off into the darkness."
Edward: "You are certain?"
They nod.
Edward: "Can you boys stay close to Adrienne, here? She'll tell you some funny stories and have you laughing soon."
Adrienne reaches out her hands to the boys, smiling reassuringly, but as soon as they have turned to face Mr. Nesser, her face becomes serious, and she clutches them in her arms.
Edward: "We will go together."

They set out in a double line, some carrying lanterns. As they reach the houses, people branch off to enter their homes. They slow down. On the ground are many, many animal corpses, skinned and broken like the first. Some are strung up in doorways. It is horrific. Christop ushers his new wife away from them, breaking their terrible, hypnotic spell.

Edward and Ollie stand outside the barn. Ollie is what we would call "freaked out." Edward is calmer, but still concerned.
Ollie (whispering): "Livestock has been taken, and skinned. The hides and feathers are missing. There are marks on the door where it was opened. The marks are high. Coyotes cannot reach that height."
Edward holds up his hand where the marks are on the barn door. They are man-height. Only a creature could have done this.

Two men stand guard at each watchtower. The party decorations are dangling askew. The candle-lanterns are still lit.

In the middle of the night, Adrienne lays in bed with her eyes open. She is unused to sleeping in Kitty's bed. Suddenly she sits up in bed, gasping. She walks out on the porch, using memory and touch to guide her to where Billie Joe is sitting. She sits down next to him. They are perhaps four inches apart. They speak in low voices, so as not to wake Adrienne's family.
Adrienne: "The elders are going to have an inquiry tomorrow. Each member of the village is to be questioned in the meeting hall."
Billie Joe: "To see how the border was breached?"
Adrienne: "Yes."
There is a pause.
Billie Joe: "It is cold outside. You ought to go in."
Adrienne: "Why are you on this porch?"
Billie Joe: "It is not safe."
Adrienne: "There are other porches. Do you find me too much of a tomboy? I do long to do boy things. Like that game the boys play at the stump. They put their backs to the woods, and see how long they can wait before getting scared. That's so exciting. I understand you hold the record. It will never be broken, they say."
Billie Joe: "It's just children's games."
Billie Joe: "How is it you are brave when all the rest of us shake in our boots?"
Billie Joe: "I do not worry about what will happen, only what needs to be done. How did you know I was here?"
Adrienne: "I saw you out the window."
Billie Joe is stunned. He looks at her strangely.
Adrienne: "No... I won't tell you your color. Stop asking."
She pauses, and then ventures something VERY daring, never betraying how much she is risking by what she says.
Adrienne: "When we are married, will you dance with me? I find dancing very agreeable."
Billie Joe is stunned again. Adrienne has just proposed marriage to him, or rather, she has stated that it is inevitable. He is shocked into honesty.
Adrienne: "Why can you not say what is in your head?"
Billie Joe: "Why can you not stop saying what is in yours? Why must you lead, when I want to lead? If I want to dance, I will ask you to dance. If I want to speak, I will open my mouth and speak. Everyone is forever plaguing me to speak further. Why? What... good is it to tell you you are in my every thought from the time I wake? What good can come from my saying I-- I sometimes cannot think clearly, or- or do my work properly? What gain can rise from my telling you... the only time I feel fear as others do, is when I think of you in harm? That is why I am on this porch, Adrienne Nesser. I fear for your safety above all others. And yes... I will dance with you on our wedding night."
He has been shaking and she has been calm, but now she starts to shake and tears fall from her cheeks. He takes her face in his hand, and they gently kiss.

Beatrice (off-screen): "I had been to the storage shed twice to fetch food prior to the wedding ceremony."
Ollie (off-screen): "And the livestock was untouched at that time?"
Beatrice (off-screen): "Yes, Mrs. Armstrong. All was as it should be."
Beatrice stands inside the meeting house, facing the elders. She is young and pretty.
Ollie: "Thank you, Beatrice."
Beatrice looks like she wants to say more, but she turns and starts to walk away. Then she turns back.
Beatrice: "I beg your pardon. Is it true... about Billie Joe and Adrienne? There are whispers all over the village."
Ollie leans out to look at her and smiles.
Ollie: "We were informed early this morning of their intentions."
Beatrice: "It is amazing to witness which two people love chooses to unite. It follows no rules."
This touches Ollie deeply.

At the Nesser home, Adrienne, and the newly-married Kitty, sit on the bed that used to be Kitty's. Adrienne seems somewhat nervous. She knows that Kitty is not over her love of Billie Joe.
Adrienne: "Kitty... I wanted to speak with you first. I would not want you to feel pain, in any fashion. You are my cherished one. If you were to feel badly about Billie Joe, I would not have it. One love to sacrifice another love is not right."
Kitty: "There is nothing you could do that would sacrifice my love for you. You are my cherished one as well. God bless you and your life together."
It is obviously hard for her to say this, and she seems like she doesn't entirely believe her own words. She takes Adrienne's hand and wipes the tears from her face.

There is a knock on the door of Billie Joe's workshop. Billie Joe is reading a letter as he unlatches the door. Tre stands outside on a lower step. His eyes are bright red from crying, and he is crying still. His hair is tangled and he is unkempt. Something has upset him greatly. This startles Billie Joe, who immediately thinks of his Adrienne.
Billie Joe: "What's happened?"
Tre steps inside. He tries to say something, but his mouth won't make the words.
Billie Joe: "Is this about Adrienne and myself?"
He turns and walks to his desk, and starts to speak.
Billie Joe: "I know you are very fond of her. And I know she is fond of you. There are different types of love."
As he turns toward Tre, he stops, startled, and looks down. Noah's hand is clutched against Billie Joe's belly. He pulls a bloody knife out of Billie Joe's belly.
Tre: "Ohhhh...."
Billie Joe falls to the floor, groaning for God and for Adrienne.
Tre can't seem to make up his mind about what to do. He puts down the knife, then takes it up again and stabs Billie Joe several more times.

Mr. and Mrs. Cool are getting ready for a meeting. There is a thump as Tre sits down on the porch.
Vivian: "Tre? You'll be late for the meeting hall. Would you like your father to walk you there? Tre?"
They exit and look at him. He looks normal, until they come closer and he turns from his seat in the rocking chair, and they see blood all over his hands and clothes.
Tre: "Oh, the bad... the bad color. Oh. Bad color. Bad color! Bad color!"
He drools and taps at himself, distraught.
Tre: "Mama!"

A man bursts into te inquiries at the meeting hall and strides toward the elders.
Man: "I beg your pardon."
Edward: "What is it?"
Man: "There's been an accident."

Adrienne and Kitty are smiling and chuckling as they leave the Nesser home. They pause when they see two young women dashing up to them. One gasps for breath as she speaks to them.
Girl: Tre Cool was found with quarts of blood upon his clothes and hands. The blood was not his own and he will not speak as to whose it is."
Kitty: "God in heaven!"
Adrienne runs off.
Kitty: "Ivy!"

The villagers run about, checking into each others homes, asking if anyone is injured. Adrienne has her cane. Her shawl slips from her shoulders, her heart beats in her ears, as she whispers the numbers of the steps to Billie Joe's workshop. She reaches the steps, drops her cane, and scrambles up the steps and in the door. She knocks. No answer.
Adrienne: "Billie Joe? Billie Joe Armstrong?!" (stern) "You answer me right this moment!"
She runs into something soft, and crouches down. She begins to shake as she feels him there. A man runs up the steps and sees her. He shouts for Mr. Nesser, who runs inside the workshop. Adrienne clutches at Billie Joe, running her hands through his hair frantically, eyes wide.
Adrienne: "Papa... I cannot see his color."
Edward: "Adrienne. Come away. Come away."
She shrieks as he drags her gently off of Billie Joe and hands her to another man.
Edward: "Take her!!! Take her!!!"

Mrs. Clack stands in front of the medical building, her shawl clutched around her shoulders. Many of the villagers stand there, waiting for news of Billie Joe.
Mrs. Clack: "He has suffered a great deal. He may pass at any time. Please give him all your prayers and good thoughts. He will hear them."
Adrienne stands off to one side, blood smeared across the front of her blouse, her face expressionless. Many of the vilagers look at her, and give her her distance. She sways back and forth on her cane. She begins to shake.

Inside the quiet room, Tre sits in his long underwear and trousers. The bloody clothes have been taken from him for cleaning. The door unlocks. Mr. Cool lets a stern-faced Adrienne inside. She hands her cane to him, and walks straight forward to Tre, grasping him so she knows where he is. Then she slaps him, again and again and again. Mr. Cool grabs her and leads her out of the quiet room.
Tre begins to shriek in rage and confusion.
Adrienne has told him not to hit, and yet here she is, hitting him. Mr. Cool shuts and locks the door from the outside, and Tre shouts and bangs about.

Adrienne sits in her living room facing her father, shaky but firm, as usual.

Adrienne: "I am in love."
Edward: "I know."
Adrienne: "He is in love with me."
Edward: "I know."
Adrienne: "If he dies... all that is life to me will die with him. I ask permission... to travel through Covington Woods... and go to the towns... to retrieve medicines... that may save... Billie Joe Armstrong. You are my father. I will listen to you in all things. I will trust your decision."

Outside the medical building, Victor is speaking with Edward and Tabitha.
Victor (off-screen): "I've done what I can to close the wounds. There's an infection."
Edward: "What can be done to mend him?"
Victor: "We can only pray."
Edward: "If there were no limitations, what could be done?"
Victor: "Hmmm? What are you asking me?"
Edward: "Is there anything at all that can be done to mend the boy? Please, Victor, would you be so kind as to answer my question."
Victor is stunned. He says nothing for a moment.
Victor: "If the infection is contained, he may still survive."

Tabitha takes Edward out behind the gardens of winter vegetables.
Tabitha: "I must speak up. You have a restless spirit. I know the thing that is in your head. You're thinking of going to the towns. Tell me I'm wrong. You have made an oath, Edward, as all have, never to go back. It is a painful bargain, but no good can come without sacrifice. These are your words I'm saying. You cannot break the oath. It is sacred."
Edward: "It is a crime, what has happened to Billie Joe."
Tabitha: "YOU have taken the oath, you and the rest of the elders, are you listening to me? YOU.... have taken the oath."
All at once, her peculiar emphasis of the word "you" hits him, and he almost smiles. She looks relieved that he has gotten the message. They both cry, and hug.

Edward approaches Adrienne, who sits in a rocking chair on their front porch. She has a shawl around her shoulders, for the day is chill.
Edward: "The moment I heard my daughter's vision had finally failed her, and that she would forever be blind, I was sitting in that very chair. I was so ashamed."

Edward and Adrienne walk along the edge of a pasture, toward the very edge of the village.
Edward: "What do you know about your grandfather?"
Adrienne is unsure, but she answers as best she can.
Adrienne: "He was the wealthiest man in the towns?"
Edward: "That he was, he had a gift for that. If he was given one dollar, in less than a fortnight, he would have turned it into five. You do not know of money. It is not part of our life here. Money can be a wicked thing. It can turn men's hearts black. Good men's hearts. My father could not see this, for all his gifts. He was a poor judge of a man's character. Your grandfather WAS a good man,"
Adrienne. "He had a laugh that could be heard three houses away. He used to hold my hand as I hold yours. He taught me strength, and showed me love, and told me to lead when others would only follow."
Edward: "Your grandfather, James Nesser, died in his sleep. A man put a gun to his head and shot him while he dreamed. I tell you this so you will understand some of the reasons for my actions, and the actions of others. You are a strong one, Adrienne. You lead when others would only follow. You see light, when there is only darkness. I trust you. I trust you among all others."
Adrienne: "Thank you, father. They stop walking."
Adrienne has tears on her face. Edward holds her by her shoulders.
Edward: "Adrienne, do you know where you are?"
Adrienne (uncomfortable): "At the old shed that is not to be used."
Edward smiles at his daughter's sense of direction and goes to open the padlock on the door.
Edward: "Yeah. Adrienne."
Adrienne: "Yes, Father?"
Edward: "Do your very best not to scream."
Adrienne: "What?"
Adrienne is full of trepidation. That sounded very ominous, especially coming from her father.

In the Nesser home, Adrienne is shoving her yellow safe cloak into a large sack, along with various other items, including a gold pocket watch. She wears a pretty blue gingham dress. Her hair is disheveled. Edward paces outside her room.

In the medical building, Edward guards the door as Adrienne says goodbye to Billie Joe.
Adrienne: "I am leaving, to fetch you medicines."

The elders are gathered behind a building in town. August is the last to join them.
August: "I had a difficult time getting away. What is it?"
Edward takes a moment, and he sighs before he speaks.
Edward: "Adrienne... has asked... to go to the towns... for medicines."
The elders are shocked.

Adrienne sits on resting rock in her safe cloak, waiting. There are footsteps as two young men approach her, one bearing a bundle and a torch, and both wearing safe cloaks. She stands to meet them, holding her cane.

Adrienne, Christop, and Mike approach the edge of the woods. Adrienne holds up a small sack bulging with rocks, and then sets her head, and leads the two men into the woods, swinging her cane back and forth to guide her. They follow with trepidation, not at all comfortable with being in the woods. Mike grabs her shoulder to stop her.
Mike: "Christop."
She turns. Christop has stopped, and is not moving further. Adrienne wants him to stay, and not to be afraid, but she is shaking badly herself.
Adrienne: "Christop... you needent be scared. We have the magic rocks. They will keep us safe.
Christop: "Why have we not heard of these rocks before?"
Mike: "Christop, please, do not leave us."
Adrienne: "There is nothing to fear."
Christop: "Then why do you wear the cloak of the safe color?"
Adrienne: "We will light torches. It will be safe."
Christop: "It is forbidden."
Mike: "Christop..."
Christop turns and leaves.

The rain freezes on the branches. The forest is bare. : Mike:"Adrienne ... There's something in these woods. It turns my stomach to rot."
He takes her hand and puts it on the bag of magic rocks.
Mike: "You wilAdrienne and Mike stretch a tarp between some trees. It is raining hard. They sit underneath the tarp, waiting for the rain to stop. There are noises from around them in the l be safe. They will not harm you, because you cannot see. They will take pity on you, the way they took pity on Tre, when... when he ventured into the woods. They will kill me, Adrienne. I cannot stay. You're better in these woods than most boys. Anyone would say so."
Adrienne: "It is MY burden, Mike. You may go."
Mike: "Come with me?"
It is obvious now that he finds Adrienne attractive. She says nothing, so he turns and slowly leaves. The rain has stopped. When he is gone, she turns the bag over and dumps the rocks on the ground.

Edward (off-screen; a memory): "Do your very best not to scream."
A door opens, and Edward leads Adrienne into the old shed.

Adrienne: "There is an odd smell."
Edward: "It is ahead of you."
Adrienne: "What is it?"
Edward: "I cannot explain in words. It is just a few steps."
She steps carefully forward with her hand out, and touches something, long and spiky. She brings her fingers down to the bottom. It is part of one of the creatures. She gasps loudly and steps back. Edward holds her.
Adrienne: "Those We Don't Speak Of!"
Edward: "Do not be frightened. It is only... farce. Do not be frightened. She slowly begins to calm. There are three "creatures" hanging from the ceiling of the shed. They have boar-like masks inside their robes, and clawed hands. They are costumes.

Edward and Adrienne sit outside the shed, leaning against its stone wall. Edward is trying to explain to her, in terms she will understand, why things are as they are.
Edward: "There did exist rumors of creatures in these woods. It is one of the history books I used to teach in the towns."
Adrienne: "The screams? From the woods?"
Edward: "We created those sounds."
Adrienne: "The Ceremony of Meat?"
Edward: "We remove it ourselves. An elder is always assigned."
Adrienne is beginning to get angry.
Adrienne: "The drills... they are farce, too?"
Edward: "We did not want anyone to go to the towns, Adrienne."
Adrienne: "What about the animals.... the skinned ones? Are the elders responsible for that, too?"
Edward: "I BELIEVE ONE of the elders is responsible. It will not happen again. There is no one in this village who has not lost someone irreplaceable, who hasnt felt loss so deeply that they questioned the very merit of living at all." This strikes a chord with Ivy; it is exactly what she is going through. Edward: It is a darkness I wished... you would never know. He is distraught. Edward: Forgive us our silly lies, Ivy. They were not meant to harm. Edward holds her. She seems to come to a decision.
Adrienne: "I am... sad for you, Papa. For all the elders."
Edward places a gold pocket-watch into her hands, and hands her a folded sheet of paper. He speaks urgently to her. There are tears in her eyes, and they spill down her cheeks as he speaks to her of what she must do.
Edward: "On this paper has been written a tool of medicine. It is common in the towns. You will go... with two escorts. Follow the sounds of a stream. A half-day's journey will bring you to a hidden road. At this hidden road, the two escorts will wait as you continue. You alone will follow the road... and leave Covington Woods. You are to tell no one in the towns where we are... and return with haste. I cannot come with you. You gave your heart to this boy. He is in need. Are you ready to take this burden, which by right, is yours and yours alone?"

Edward approaches the home of Ollie Armstrong. She is boiling strips of cloth to use as bandages. He comes in. She looks at him.
Ollie: "I am making fresh clothes for Billie Joe. He needs them."
Edward: "Ollie, I've sent for help."
Ollie turns to him, hopeful.
Edward: "I've sent Adrienne to the towns."
Ollie: :You cannot..."
Edward: "It is all that I can give you. It is all that I can give you."
Ollie: "I accept."
He has stepped closer to her. She makes to kiss him, but he turns his face. She makes to put her head on his shoulder, but he leaves. He understands the feeling that exists between them, but at the same time, without words, he is telling her that the feeling cannot be given voice or motion.

Back with the elders behind the building. They are still in shock from this news.
Mrs. Clack: "What have you done?"
Edward: "He is the victim of a crime."
Mrs. Clack: "We have agreed NEVER to go back, NEVER."
Edward: "What was the purpose of our leaving? Let us not forget it was out of hope of something good and right."
Frank Cool: "You should not have made this decision without us. You have gone too far."
Edward: "I'm guilty, Frank! I made a decion of the heart! I cannot look into another's eyes and see the same look I see in August's without justification! It is too painful, I cannot bear it!"
Mrs. Clack: "You have jeopardized everything we've made."
Edward (reproachful): "Who do you think will continue this place, this life? Do you plan to live forever? It is in them that our future lies! It is in Adrienne and Billie Joe that this... this way of life will continue. Yes, I have risked. I hope I am always able to risk everything for the just and right cause! If we did not make this decision, we could never again call ourselves innocent. And that, in the end, is what we have protected here! Innocence! That, I'm not ready to give up."
August: "Let her go. If it ends, it ends. We can move towards hope, it's what's beautiful about this place. We must not run from heartache. You know, my brother was slain in the towns. The rest of my family died here. Heartache is a part of life. We know that now. Ivy's running toward hope, let her run. If this place is worthy, she'll be successful in her quest."
Mrs. Clack: "How could you have sent HER? She's blind."
Edward: "She's more capable than most in this village... and she is led by love. The world moves for love. It kneels before it in awe."

Adrienne sits under the tarp in the dark, her hands over her ears. Shakily, she sings the lullabye she sang to Kitty after Billie Joe refused her marriage proposal. All around her, the forest is creaking and groaning.
Adrienne: "...all the world to see. Time look about and know. How the shadows come and go. How the breeze stirs the trees. How the blossoms grow. Sleep, baby, sleep. Sleep gently sleep..."

Daylight. Adrienne walks through the now-muddy forest, swinging her cane back and forth, her cloak smeared brown at the bottom, and smudges all over. She walks forward to a ledge, and feeling no way beyond it, she turns to go back. The ground gives way. She shrieks, but manages to hold the edge. The mud is too slippery to hold it for long. She slips further into the hole, but she has caught her hands in some roots. She whimpers, but manages to swing her bundle and cane up onto solid ground, and then she hauls herself, grunting, out of the hole. It is very deep. She is covered in mud. Gasping, she makes her way around the hole, to a strange stumps sticking out of the ground. The mud is all over her cloak.
Edward (off-screen): "There did exist rumors of creatures in these woods. It is in one of the history books I used to teach in the towns."
Grunting, crying, she tries to wipe the mud from her cloak and arms, but it is everywhere. She cannot get it off.

Later in the day, she has let her cloak dry, and much of the mud has caked and fallen off, though there is still some. She swings her cane back and forth, checking for obstacles. There is a crack. She taps her cane again. It is broken. She pulls it apart and drops it. There is a rustling from the woods around her. She searches with her hands for a rock, and tosses it in the direction of the sound. The rustling comes from another direction now, louder and louder. She stumbles off in a random direction, panting and whimpering, whacking branches away from her face, but the sound is getting closer. She is crying now. She stops in a small clearing. There are red berries all around her, and bits of snow on the ground. She cannot see them. There is a growl. She turns slowly around. One of the creatures stands just at the edge of the clearing.
Adrienne: "It is not real. It is not real."
She backs up and reaches a tree, and edges her way around it, facing away from the creature. She listens around the edge she came from. The creature is close, only three or four feet away. She starts walking away, as quietly as she can, hoping the creature hasn't spotted her. She gets some distance away, and then there's a crack and a roar. It HAS spotted her. She stares for some moments in the direction of the creature. Neither move. Then it lunges for her, charging. She screams. It slashes at her, knocking her down, but not doing any damage. It pauses, then turns. She has stood up. It roars again, and chases her. She keeps running, but she is losing strength. She slows to a fast walk, not hearing the creature around her. Suddenly she bumps into something. It is the stump she felt before, when she crawled out of the hole. She feels it to be sure, then gets an idea. She drops her pack, puts her hood up, and stands just by the edge of the hole with her arms up. The creature comes charging at her, roaring. She jumps out of the way just in time. It falls into the hole without a sound.

At the quiet room, Tre's parents have brought him lunch on a tray.
Vivian: "Tre?"
She drops the tray in shock and puts her hands to her face.
Vivan: "Oh my God, what is this?"
Frank: "What is this?"
Vivian: "Where is HE?"
The floor of the quiet room has been pried up in one specific spot. There are feathers underneath, and animal bones, and skins. There is a bloody piece of a safe-cloak. Frank: "He found one of the suits we kept under the floorboards."
Vivian: "Oh, no. Oh, God. The animals!"
At the window, the mesh screen and wooden shutters have been pried off. Tre has escaped.

In the hole in the ground, Tre lays whimpering in a creature-suit, modified with feathers, skins, and bones everywhere. He is bleeding, badly injured. He whimpers and groans and cries, and finally, with the side of his face twitching, he dies.

Adrienne strides up to the edge of the hole, with a sturdy, pointed stick in her hands. She holds it threateningly, but there are no sounds from the hole. She lowers it.

The elders gather around Billie Joe in the sick-room. He is pale, and his skin is mottled. His mouth hangs open with his breathing.
Edward: "His will to live is very strong."

Adrienne strides through the forest, using the stick as a cane, tapping it against trees and ground. Suddenly the texture changes. There are rocks underfoot. She goes back and forth to check and be sure, then drops her sack and pulls the watch and list out of it. She takes off her cloak, and starts jogging down the road, using the stick to check and make sure she is still on the stone path.
Edward (off-screen; memory): "A half day's journey will bring you to a hidden road. You alone will follow the road, and leave Covington woods. You are to tell no one in the towns where we are, and return with haste."

A fire burns in the Nesser home. Edward and Tabitha hold hands, standing by the door. They seem to come to a decision. Tabitha locks the door, and she and Edward walk into another part of the house.

Adrienne is still jogging down the road, checking every few feet to make sure she is on the right path. She yelps, as she slams into an ivy-covered obstacle that flexes back and forth. She drops the cane and checks down the sides of this wall to see if there is another point to get up it from. There isn't. She steadies herself, and grunts as she jumps onto the wall and climbs up.

Edward sets the locked black box down on a table, takes a key from his pocket, and opens it, reverently. He takes a bundle of some kind out and hands it to Tabitha, and then a piece of a newspaper that reads, 'Billionaire Walker Shot to Death.'
Mrs. Clack (voice-over): "My sister did not live past her 23rd birthday. A group of men raped and killed her. They stuffed her in a dumpster, three blocks rom our apartment."
Now we see some of the contents of the box. There are books, papers, oil certificates, and photographs. Edward pulls one particular photograph out, and holds it up to look at it.
August: "My brother worked in an emergency room downtown. A drug addict came in with a wound to his ribs. My brother tried to dress the wound. He pulled a gun from his jacket, then he shot my brother through his left eye."
We see the photo now. It is a shot of most of the elders, and the year appears to be 1980, maybe a little earlier. Ollie Armstrong is there, holding baby Billie Joe in her arms. Edward and Tabitha are there, Tabitha pregnant with Kitty. Mrs. Clack and Victor stand in the background, shyly. Frank and Vivian Cool are there. Little Tre is not with them, though he probably is older than Billie Joe. And August Nicholson and his wife stand off to the side.
Ollie: "My husband, Andy, left for the supermarket at a quarter past nine in the morning. He was found with no money and no clothes, in the East River, three days later." Edward: "My father was shot by a business partner, who then hanged himself in my father's closet. They had argued over money. I am a professor. I teach American History at the University of Pennsylvania. I have an idea that I would like to talk to you about."

There is a siren. We see a view from the inside of a vehicle. Adrienne has just managed the climb to to top of the wall, and has dropped down on the other side. The driver of the vehicle talks through a walkie-talkie.
Driver: "Mile 27. There's a girl. I'm gonna check it out."
He drives up to her, whooping his siren a few times. She looks about in confusion. The side of the truck reads Nesser Wildlife Preserve. The driver gets out and approaches, her, tidying his brown uniform. He looks about twenty-two or twenty-three. We only see him.
Driver (stern): "You're not allowed to go in there. Please return to your vehicle."
Adrienne (shaky): "What was that noise?"
Driver (confused): "What are you doing out here? How- how'd you get here?"
Adrienne: "Are you from the towns?"
Driver: "Uh... Where are you from?"
Finally, we see Adrienne. There is some dirt on the edges of her sleeves and the bottom of her dress. She clasps her bruised and bleeding hands together in front of her. Her eyes are held low.
Adrienne: "The woods."
Driver: "You came from the woods? In there?"
Adrienne: "Will you help me? I need to find a doctor of medicine. I must find these things, we must make haste."
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