You are not Ramona, lady, chapter 2

Ramona's POV

Today was Sunday and I went to my best friend's birthday. Before 5.00pm I went to shop for her present and I walked the street to my other friend Ash.

Wow, dad was there and I asked him.

"What should I dress tomorrow for school?"

He winked at me, so that meant that he will show me something.

After long fun party I was so tired. I fell asleep and I dreamt about dad's band. There quickly came a doubt about fans. I thought, "Who the hell is Tre's biggest fan?"

Well I had that in my mind. I thought that I should ask dad...but...never mind.

The next morning...

I was still sleeping. My dad came to my room and he put something on the table. I don't know what.

I got up and I felt small. "Why the hell am I so damn small!!" I looked at mirror and wash shocked as hell when I saw my newself. "Who am I? Who the fuck am I now? Whose face is this?! Whose rotten face is this?!!"

I was alone at home just before school bus.

"Ok, I dunno how to hide that face but, I need to go, I'll miss the school bus. No, I can't..."

So I missed the bus and all sad fell on my bed. My dad came from the assignment. I ran to him. "Oh daddy! Look at me! Who am I? What is this face?!
Where am I?"

Dad looked at me. "W-w-w-hat!? Well, you are not Ramona, lady. How can you call me dad?"

"Okay mister. I am Ramona, but I don't know whose face is this! Dad how can you recognise me!"

"Ok let me take a look at your neck there should be... Well yeah, you are Ramona. I know that was going to happened."

I looked surprised. "What the fuck?! How can someone know why, never mind. Just tell me how did ya!"

"I dreamed about it. Oh god, you missed the school bus."

I told him everything. I didn't know what to do...

What about school. We had a test...
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