"I love you" Is not enough, chapter 1

I awoke to the loud buses coming my way. Since my mother has to work at seven in the morning I have to go extra early to school. So I usually take a nap untill someone steps on me. I took my time standing up so I didn't get a headach. I pulled my pant legs down to their original spots, streatched out, and scratched my forehead.


Third period is probably the most boring period of the day; science. We got to learn about the metric system...again. " And move the decimal place two spots to the left..." how many times do we have to hear this? I took my iPod out of my purse and slipped it into my pocket along with my had so I could flip through the songs easier. I turned it on to one of my favorite songs. I went un-noticed until the bell rang and everyone got up except for me. Someone tapped me on the shoulder. I jumped and knocked my purse over and almost everything spilt out, and whoever hasd tapped me walked on by not even helping. I picked up everything then hurried out the door before the teacher noticed me.
I noticed that the hallways were almost empty. I knew that going to my locker between every period was going to catch up to me some day. I started to run to my next class when i tripped over myself and fell to my knees. "Shit!" I'm glad noone saw that. I ran my hand over my knee to make sure I was okay. No blood, that always good. Then the bell rang.


I walked into the classroom; five minutes late. I tried to slip in un-noticed. Which I failed at when I dropped my pen.

"Lily, Why are you so late?" I took a deep breath.

"I have no clue."

"Well as you know that will be a detention."

"Greaaat..." I covered one side of my face with my hand.

"Maybe you should spend you time more wisley then right? Not talking to your friends and doing your makeup?"

"Yes ma'am..."

"And take that chain off of your skirt unless you want another detention, you know thats against dress code." I unhooked the chain and stuffed it into my huge purse. I plopped into my seat as "The childeren of Hollister and Abercombie & Fitch" ( as my friends and I call them) snickered.

"What happened?"

"Nothing, Tommy. I just took my time."

"Uh huh."


The rest of the day passed my as boring as the first part. Lunch was the only fun I had all day untill detention.


"Welcome to detention," The little old woman at the front room said. "I don't know why all of you are here. You all look so nice." Everyone looked around the room and laughed a little under their breath.
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