Don't Hurt Me With Those Words Mike, chapter 1

I'm just there, sitting. The parents are fighting while my stepbrother is drinking. My boyfriend isn't here right now, as his best friend is jealous. I look out the window, the trees blowing trying to carry me away, but I don't let them, for all I know I could end up lost. My stepbro--, brother, because I've known him my whole life, is always drinking, he is my hero. He takes care of me, but now he started a band with his best buds, and he enjoys them over me. I go bed with the White Album blasting to drown out the other noise. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day.

I wake up and go to school, and the teacher takes row. She goes down, and finally says my name.
"Maria Teresa?"
"Here," I reply.
I sit there as she gets ready, when there was a knock on the door.
"We have a new student class."
Oh great, I think to myself, It's probably going to be another moron...

The blonde, blue eyed boy comes and sits next to me. It then hit me across the face, like a punch. I was too busy thinking about last night that I didn't notice my boyfriend was here. I panic, where was he, is everything okay. And then, like a punch again, I am bothered by the boy.
"Do you have a pencil I can borrow?"
I give him my pencil and go back to my thoughts, and drift off about Eddie, my boyfriend.

The day is now over, and I run home to call Eddie. His parents answer.
"I'm sorry sweetie, but, well..."
I'm there waiting, waiting to hear the response.
"Eddie killed himself this mouring, but he left a note for you to read."

I seriously feel my heart stop beating, and all I say is okay. Why would God do such a thing? I don't know why, but I knew I had to read the note. I went to his house, and they gave me the notes, and personal items of his. We went back home, and I started reading the note, and it followed:

Dear Teresa,
You may never see me again, but it had to be like this. My parents were going to make me leave you, and I know Mitze is just going to make your life horrible, but please remember that I am yours, and only yours. Don't let Mitze get to you, as I go to heaven, I'll keep my eyes on you and protect you. I can never leave you, I'd die for you, and that is what I did...

I felt like a loser, as if it was my fault. I put his things in the box, which were just all pictures of us. After this mess, I went out for a walk, a walk that would do me good. I went to the park and sat on the swing, as some boy came and sat next to me.
"Hey, remember me?"

And I did remember him, for it was the blonde from my class. After our talking, we became best friends forever, even until now, when we're 26.
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