Cheese and Lamposts, chapter 10

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*Bekah's P.O.V.*
The next morning I woke up on the floor with Billie's leg across my stomach. "Gosh, you sleep weird," I said to him, knowing he couldn't hear me. I pushed his leg off me and looked around to see if Taylor and Amy were up yet. They weren't downstairs so I went upstairs and found them sleeping in my room. "Sure, you can sleep in my bed," I said. Amy stirred and then woke up.
"What?" she asked sleepily.
"Nothing, I wasn't talking to you. Well I was but, it doesn't matter," I replied.
"Is Billie still here?" Taylor asked as she woke up.
"Yeah, he's downstairs asleep still," I said. "I had to move his leg off of me before I got up though. He sleeps in the weirdest positions!" I added.
"Yeah, last night when I went to get something to drink, his hand was on your boob, but I'm not so sure that has to do with his sleeping habits," Amy said.
"Probably not. The little pervert," I said.
"Who are you to be calling someone else a pervert?" Taylor asked.
"I don't know. Anyways, what do you guys want to do today?" I asked.
"There's not much TO do, it's Sunday," Taylor said.
"Good point," Amy said as Billie swung my bedroom door open.
"MORNING SUNSHINES!" he said louder than needed.
"Morning person?" Amy asked.
"Not usually, I'm in a good mood for some reason though," He said.
"Did something happen down there last night that we need to know about?" Taylor asked.
"That we wouldn't want to know about?" Amy added.
"No. I don't know why he's in such a good mood," I said.
"Yeah, I don't either. Possibly because I wasn't woken up at 4 o'clock in the morning to the front door opening," He said.
"And this happens often?" Amy asked.
"Yeah, that's around the time my mom gets home from work," Billie said.
"Oh, I see," Amy said.
"So anyways, what are we going to do?" I asked
"Mini-golfing!" Taylor said.
"Why?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"It's something to do I guess," Amy said.
"You want to come?" I asked Billie.
"Sure, why not. There's nothing better to do,"
"Amy, Taylor, do you want to call Mike and Eric? And Billie you can see if Tré wants to come."
"Yeah, I'll call right now." said Taylor.
"Me too," added Amy.
"I'll call Tré in a little bit, but who is this Eric person?" Billie asked.
"Oh, right. It's uhh... Taylor's.." I stuttered.
"He's my boyfriend," Taylor said plainly.
"Your boyfriend? Then are you sure you want me to call Tré? That will be a little awkward, don't you think?" Billie asked.
"Yeah, but I think it'll be okay, I replied.
"Alright, Eric is coming," Taylor said hanging up the phone.
"Yeah, so is Mike," added Amy.
"Alright, I'll call Tré then," Billie said taking out his phone.
A few minutes later Billie hung up with Tré and said that he was going to go. We all got ready and went over to Putt-Putt. When we got there, Mike and Tré were already there.
"So are we going inside?" Tré asked.
"No we're waiting on one more person," I said.
"Who?" Tré said.
"Aren't we all here?" added Mike.
"No, we're waiting on Eric," Amy said.
"Who is Eric?" asked Tré.
"Her boyfriend," Billie said gesturing towards Taylor.
"Her boyfriend?" Mike asked.
"Yeah," Taylor answered.
"Hey," Eric said as he walked up and hugged Taylor.
"Hey!" She said as she hugged him back.
"Well this is going to get awkward," I whispered to Billie.
"Correction, this is awkward," He whispered back to me. We walked inside and Eric paid for Taylor, Mike paid for Amy, and Billie paid for Tré and me. After we were done, we decided that we would all go get lunch together.
"So where do you want to go?" Mike asked.
"Umm... Arby's?" suggested Amy.
"Sounds good to me," I said.
"Alright, we'll go there. It's perfect because it's just down the street too," Billie said.
"I know. That's why I picked it. I looked over and saw it," Amy said laughing. When we left, Amy went with Mike, Taylor went with Eric, Billie went in his car and I went in mine. As I was walking off, I noticed Tré just standing there.
"You want to come with me?" I asked him.
"Really?" he asked
"Yeah, of course. Come on, get in," I replied.
"Ok," He said as he got into my car. "So, when did she start going out with him?" he asked.
"Last night after dinner. We went to Outback to eat and we saw him and his friend Sam there. So we sat with them and they were talking the whole time. She had liked him for a while though. Then afterwards, she gave him her number and told him to call her. He did and that's when he asked her out," I replied
"Wow," He responded as he just sat there and blankly stared at the dashboard.
"Yeah, I'm sorry Tré. I thought you should know the whole story though," I said.
"It's okay. Well, I guess it's not. But I'm glad you told me. Thanks," He said as we pulled into the parking lot of Arby's. When we got out, I walked over to him and hugged him. He hugged me back and then whispered a thank you into my ear.
"No problem. If you ever need to talk about anything you can call me. Just ask Billie for my number. I'll explain everything so he doesn't question why you want his girlfriend's number," I said laughing.
"Okay, thanks again Bekah," He said.
"What was that all about?" Billie asked me as he held the door open for Tré and me.
"I was talking to him about Taylor. I told him he could call me if he ever needed to talk and to ask you for my number okay?"
"You are so sweet babe," He said to me smiling.
"I know. I get that a lot," I said
"Go on," He said, pushing me up to the counter to order. After we ordered and he paid, we went to go find a table that we could all sit at. I felt so sorry for Tré: one, because it was an uneven number and hard for him to hang out with everyone else being paired up; and two because he had to sit there and see Taylor sitting there with another guy who could've been him.
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