Watch Wake Me Up When September Ends (long version)
Wake Me Up When September Ends was filmed and directed by Sam Bayer. The video comes in two versions: the short one and the extended one. The extended version just has more dialog in it between the couple shown in the video. The couple in the video is played by Evan Rachel Wood and Jamie Bell. The video features the band performing on platforms with silhouettes, and mostly focuses on the lives of the couple.. the boy is off to war and the girl is none too happy. This video also appears on Making of the Video on MTV.
I Love that song is de best i love yea Billie Joe Amrstrong Ur The Best Ever!! XXX
Mrs Kelly M Bowers, January 1st, 2009 at 11:44:05pm
Watch Tre at the end. He randomly jumps off the platform thingie.
padfoot, October 31st, 2008 at 01:47:41pm
this song kills me. its so sad... but it is the song that made me a gd fan ahahah. every time i listen to it, i want to cry (really, im not joking)
Deaaaaaaaaad, February 15th, 2008 at 12:04:36pm
i love this song the video definatly decribed the song like perfectly.......its kinda sad though
XxCrAzYxX, July 21st, 2007 at 08:59:34pm
despite it being one of green day's most meaningful videos/songs i honestly never did realy lke this song until i saw the video. ^^U
billiejoeblowjob, March 17th, 2007 at 04:49:59am