
- Name
- luuk
- Age
- 35
- Gender
- Male
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Member since July 9th, 2007
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i'm the lead gitarist of the big stubby's a really cewl punkband.
i'm a huge fan of greenday, anti flag, nofx ,pennywise and stuf.
my hobbies are ofcorse music, playing my guitar, and getting wasted with my friends
best green day ever
anti flag the best band round
best anti flag song FUCK POLICE brutality
i'm a huge fan of greenday, anti flag, nofx ,pennywise and stuf.
my hobbies are ofcorse music, playing my guitar, and getting wasted with my friends
best green day ever
anti flag the best band round
best anti flag song FUCK POLICE brutality
o ok
well anywayz how r u?
sorry 4 any inconvenience or weird talk or anything
gaming4pizza, August 29th, 2007 at 12:36:53am
HEY! listen: i tried givn u ur bnnrz but 4 sum reason it sed Isybo duznt exist
wth? watsup w/ that?
gaming4pizza, August 22nd, 2007 at 03:26:43am
o pleez dont talk bout marrying only 15 n a half
bsidez thatz not wat i aim 4, sorry 2 burst ur bubble
pleez stick w/ online frenz ok? i dont mean 2 hurt ur feelnz
gaming4pizza, August 14th, 2007 at 04:53:18am
ur now officially my frnd!
thanx a lot kool guy
gaming4pizza, August 14th, 2007 at 04:31:27am
ur a big stubby band membr? nice
im frenz w/ ur frnd Bigstubbystuff
gaming4pizza, August 8th, 2007 at 09:23:08pm
I'm Danielle
* waves *
Social.Introvert, July 17th, 2007 at 10:14:49pm
hi and welcome new person of gsb! : )
LittleMissGreenday, July 9th, 2007 at 06:24:03pm
Hey I'm Lina and welcome to GSB you can PM/comment me whenever you want if you have a question about anything is just for a conversation.
p.s. I took your profile virginity. :D
Yeah thats me..., July 9th, 2007 at 06:00:58pm