Eleni S.D.

Eleni S.D.

Member since March 3rd, 2008


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I stuck here by mistake but someday I'll find my way out.......

My name is Elen (of course you can call me Naria (Нариa), if you wish)...I had a flaw, I tended to trust people and, most of the times, they broke my heart...so I became a bit more cruel and insensitive than I should..I'm in to fix that.
I'm quiet, a bit crazy but, usually, calm, too calm..I think before I act, although sometimes I think too much! I'm a person who trusts science, facts and evidence...not religions, weird things that have no explanations, or superstitions.I like to search and analyze a situation or a fact completely before I express my ideas or choose an opinion.. But, I do trust my instinct..almost blindly..and that because it's usually right.
There people who say I'm a good friend, clever, and logical...that my thoughts and my way of seeing things and react in situations are very good and helpful.. I don't know if it's true but I'd like it to be.We all have an ideal personality that we want for ourselves and mine is to be totally independent..
My biggest fear is "time"...I'm terrified when I see time passing by.It's horrible understanding that you're nothing but a leaf in the air of time, a grain of sand in the endless sea of our universe...that whatever you do there is only one destiny for you.. That's exactly what made me follow the theory of "energy" and stop believing in Gods... that theory says that all we are is matter(mass) and energy, (of course ,according to Einstein's Theory of Relativity, mass and energy are bound together),so when we die our body goes in the earth and a small amount of energy, what we call "soul", unite with the secular universe...It fills me with hope, thinking that I'm part of something bigger, part of the endless universe, just like the rest of the world...(even though most people would not agree with me)

>these are some things that describe me shortly:
"I'm not a happy person, I'm not good person, I have my own ethical rules that I follow and my unique way of thinking..people may think I'm weird or crazy or unethical, but the only thing I am, is DIFFERENT..."
"I hope for nothing, I fear nothing, I accept things as they are, and that makes me surviving in any situation..."


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