
[= Amber! =]

Member since May 20th, 2008


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Hey Im Amber Im new 2 gsb so It take me a while 2 figure out how 2 work thingz! XD Ill be suprised if I posst this! ..( Im unluckii wid computers n techincal stuff!).. lol! =]...as I type Half of mii computers frozen AND..mii phone! lol ..=]

.. ..._...|..__________ __________, ,
....../ `---___________---- _____|]----♥♥♥MCR
...../_==o;;;;;;;;__ _____.:/
.....), ---.(_(__) /
....// (..) ), ----" If I have The guts to
...//___// put this to your head...
..//___// but would anything matter if
.//___// your already dead? and well should i be shocked now by the last thing you said?... ]

Im am a person wid manii obessionz! XD ...
MY CHEMCIAL ROMANCE! ...(longest obbesion yet!)
JIMMY! =] and FRANK! =]

Mii life! ...
Im happii at the moment and I wouldnt want to change a thing I have the bestest friends and family anyone could wish for! =] ...
Soph! ( mii bestest m8 in the whole world you've helped me thru thick and thin! Could live a single daii without ya! =]
Cat, Charlie, Emily, Nadine, Joe, Josh, Yana, Tim, Bert ,Kyia, Laura,Sarah, Jess ...Could live without ya! =] U mean the world 2 me! =) ...

...................... || put this || ___
.........._........... || on your || ___
........___........ || page if || ____
......_____...... || you have || __
...._______.... || ever fell || ___
.._________.. || up the || ____
.___________.|| stairs || ____

|..........| Put this on your
|..........| page if you have
|.......O| ever pushed a
|..........| door that said pull.

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---------------------o|....... ./o
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Naruto 4 life! =]...

║(0) ║ ♫Luff Mii ipod and music♫
MY CHEMCIAL ROMANCE! MINDLESS SELF INDLUNGE! AIDEN! ( best bandz ever! ! =]) Paramore, Linkin park, Bullet for my valetine, Avril lavigne, Fall out boy, Papa roach, The used, Panic at the disco, Simple plan, slipknot are okaii, 30stm are okaiish...Evanescence, And other stuff! =] ...

mY cHeMcIal RomAnCe...(Band tht saved mii life!...)
I am Not afraid to keep on living I am not afriad to walk this world alone...

Hey.. Im soph I am domintating Ambers profile for a while =] Amber is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I dont know what I would do without her. She has always stuck by me through everything and she listens to my every problem even the stupid ones. We both agree on most stuff. But one actuall scary thing is that we say most of the same things at the same time. I just hope you gsb people realise how special this girl is =] Best Friends Forever, nothing will ever ever change that. Ily. Oh And remember SILLY SAUSAGES Smile



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