
- Name
- Aleks
- Age
- 33
- Gender
- Female
- Location
- Eng-er-land!
Member since April 2nd, 2005
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'IYA! I'm Aleks.
I mean what I say. I say what I mean.
Does that mean the same thing?
I ask stupid questions.
Some say I'm insufferable. It's great.
I mean what I say. I say what I mean.
Does that mean the same thing?
I ask stupid questions.
Some say I'm insufferable. It's great.
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your username = win.
brompton cocktail., February 13th, 2010 at 08:32:42pm
skittlemonster, January 24th, 2010 at 01:05:51pm
Yeah they did do that! They pretty much did something different everynight of the tour so you'd have seen something cool! Well of course you would it was a Green Day show :D :D no no no you don't have to stop talking (A) :') I never get bored of talking about it, my relativeeees are like 'Katie, stop talking about it know' :L So it's alll good :D what was your favourite song that they played livee?
BasketCaseKatie., December 9th, 2009 at 04:09:35am
Haha :') Shocking indeeeeeed! :O
Well, They were both amazing for different reasons,
The Sheffield show was the first time I ever saw them
But Birmingham was the night I made eye contact with Billie! :'''D
They were both incredible but they probably played better in Birmingham.
You enjoy the Manchester show?!
BasketCaseKatie., December 1st, 2009 at 01:09:41pm
Hey I saw that you're seeing Green Day today!
Just wanted to say have an amazing time! They were great the past two nights:) x
BasketCaseKatie., October 28th, 2009 at 09:06:28am
sorry i went blank on u...
how are you
SALVATION!!!!!!!!, September 3rd, 2009 at 06:01:12pm
Hehe yuss jesus feet :P lmao. Aw and same I have a load of bites from bugs in the garden and they just wont go away D:
Aw yuss defo :P ik the innoccent cute ones are always the worst. I'm really close to my family tbh, I dont know why its just how we work if ya get that? Like everyone knows everything about everyone else even like third cousins lol.
And yeah I know what you mean about the whole rejection thing, thats why I hardly bother to talk to other people unless I know them. Yuss I may have to cut mine off too. I'm not a wimp at all when it comes to grusome stuff, just spiders and bugs and drowning and heights, yet I can read books about human sacrfice and torture and not get phased. :S I'm weird like that.
Yeah Iceland was amazing :) went there last year as well hehe we kind of go every year now cos I love it so much. I will live in Reykjavik one day I swear. The blue lagoon was great ;P loved the spa but the minerals have made my hair go very pale blonde so I look a bit weird now, went walking a lot and shopping ofc. Overall was great. But yuss a bit chilly but I'm used to that weather anyway. And well the boy creatures as such are rather failing atm :( but I did meet a very cute german guy staying in the room next to me, we hung out a lot he was veryyyyyy cute. Dark blonde shoulder length hair, nice cheekbones, blue eyes, muscles but not too many. e.g. perfect ;) and I've got his email, he lives near where my family live so you never know. But yuss apart form that the icelandic guys are the best looking, defo.
Devils wear Givenchy, August 29th, 2009 at 05:15:33pm
haha *hugs back*
do people ever not understand your way of living/thinking? lmao
pasalacqua16, August 29th, 2009 at 03:47:39pm
haha not much, just livin in the past, if you will xD
pasalacqua16, August 29th, 2009 at 02:49:40pm
hahaa sweeet i love people like us lmao :)
pasalacqua16, August 28th, 2009 at 09:34:25pm
SALVATION!!!!!!!! :D
too bad mail one to me
SALVATION!!!!!!!!, August 27th, 2009 at 06:16:27pm
i just got one
my parent won't buy me a new till i learn how to play
and mine just broke 2 months ago
SALVATION!!!!!!!!, August 27th, 2009 at 05:56:35pm
im trying to get one....
moved to thorton i hate it up here but i also hated denver so how bad could it be
maybe one day will suck less
SALVATION!!!!!!!!, August 27th, 2009 at 05:37:53pm
does it rock
im scared new school
i love the guitar just started playing a year ago im getting better
SALVATION!!!!!!!!, August 27th, 2009 at 05:25:15pm
im sort of a poet i guess
hate school but love band ''band geek'' guitar
SALVATION!!!!!!!!, August 27th, 2009 at 04:28:50pm