Spamming and Unprovoked Harrasment.

Clitorial Devourment
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
Clitorial Devourment
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 30
May 22nd, 2007 at 12:07am
I started with a very simple post here

Post One

In which I only talked back to defend myself.

I did not provoke anyone in anyway, the entire blah blah was just innocent words about Slappy.

And as you can see, Teenage Assasin started saying that I was trying to be "badass" and "hardcore" for saying that I didn't like Slappy.

It started to annoy me, in which she left a comment about something that happened two days prior, which angered me.

As you can see here.

Post Two

I admit that I was a little too harsh, but I felt that they had no right to bring it up in the previous discussion, because it had nothing to do with what we were talking about. They said it to be rude and insulting.

Also, it continued over into this journal, made by x_Jimmy.Temptation_x

Post Three

As it showed the comments I deleted, some of the rude things that both Teenage Assassin and wait_what both said.

Now, this is only the second time I've complained, the first being when my profile was deleted, but I understand the error of my way then, and plus we discussed that in the journals.

I'm not usually one to do this, but I just felt they had no right, when I did not provoke them, as you can see.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 34289

Mibba Blog
May 29th, 2007 at 10:53pm
Well, you aren't allowed to make blahs saying "I don't like (insert username here)" And that was provoking them because the evidently are friends with him, and the entire thing wouldn't have happened if you hadn't broke the site rules to start with. Those rules are there for a reason, they prevent conflicts.

your avatar should be included in the next mario game