Author | Message |
Batfreak King For A Couple Of Days
 Age: - Gender: - Posts: 3336
 | August 13th, 2010 at 03:16pm You guys are such females!  jus kidding
What if Green Day always made sexist jokes?  |
Lee Jong Suk. This Board Is My Home
 Age: - Gender: Male Posts: 30599 | August 13th, 2010 at 03:18pm BAD GREEN DAY! SEXISM IS BAD! OPEN YOUR HEARTS TO HAPPY SHIT! (Tre Cool said that ♥)
What if Green Day always made really stupid jokes and no one ever laughed? |
Batfreak King For A Couple Of Days
 Age: - Gender: - Posts: 3336
 | August 13th, 2010 at 03:20pm (really? aw so sweet)
I'd pretend to laugh to make them happy. we don''t want a sad Green Day.
What if Green Day were banging on your door and when you opened it they tackled you and started crying hysterically? |
Lee Jong Suk. This Board Is My Home
 Age: - Gender: Male Posts: 30599 | August 13th, 2010 at 03:22pm The tackling would be okay as long is it didn't hurt, but I'd give them some choccy bikkies to stop them crying
What if Green Day knocked on your door and when you answered Billie screamed 'HOOOOOOOWDY!' Mike said 'Helloooooooooooooo' and Tre went 'OGGLE DE BOGGLE DE BOOOOM'? idk :L |
Batfreak King For A Couple Of Days
 Age: - Gender: - Posts: 3336
 | August 13th, 2010 at 03:26pm I'd probably DIE from laughing 'cause of Tre!!!
What if Green Day challenged me, you, and some other person to football? |
Lee Jong Suk. This Board Is My Home
 Age: - Gender: Male Posts: 30599 | August 13th, 2010 at 03:27pm I can't play so it'd be crap, I'd just rely on you to play instead
What if Green Day challenged me, you and some other person to a modelling contest?  |
Batfreak King For A Couple Of Days
 Age: - Gender: - Posts: 3336
 | August 13th, 2010 at 03:28pm Oh damn...Green Day would SO beat us.
What if Green Day stared in a random broadway? (not American Idiot) |
Lee Jong Suk. This Board Is My Home
 Age: - Gender: Male Posts: 30599 | August 13th, 2010 at 03:36pm I'd go see it 
(I found out why I'm not changing to Idiot, I have to be 50 days on the site -_- So I'll change from Geek to Idiot on the 29th -_- grrrr....)
What if Green Day couldn't think of anything else to say? :L I'm so boring |
Batfreak King For A Couple Of Days
 Age: - Gender: - Posts: 3336
 | August 13th, 2010 at 03:38pm (how do you find out when you change?)
We'd have something else in common...
What if Green Day hated bananas? idk i'm running out like always |
Lee Jong Suk. This Board Is My Home
 Age: - Gender: Male Posts: 30599 | August 13th, 2010 at 03:40pm (I counted on my calender  )
I like bananas  Silly Green Day
What if Green Day kidnapped all teachers and took over your school? |
Batfreak King For A Couple Of Days
 Age: - Gender: - Posts: 3336
 | August 13th, 2010 at 03:41pm I'd like my school xD
What if Green Day became all nerdy? |
Lee Jong Suk. This Board Is My Home
 Age: - Gender: Male Posts: 30599 | August 13th, 2010 at 03:42pm Awww I love nerds <3
What if Green Day always spoke like Goofy? (Mickey Mouse's friend  ) |
Batfreak King For A Couple Of Days
 Age: - Gender: - Posts: 3336
 | August 13th, 2010 at 03:43pm Aw that'd be cute
What if they were disney characters? Billie-Mickey Mouse Tre-Donald Duck Mike-Goofy |
Lee Jong Suk. This Board Is My Home
 Age: - Gender: Male Posts: 30599 | August 13th, 2010 at 03:46pm I'd be Minnie, Daisy, and whoever Goofy's girlfriend is
What if Green Day were all Looney Tunes characters? Billie-Bugs Bunny Mike-Daffy Duck Tre-Porky Pig |
Batfreak King For A Couple Of Days
 Age: - Gender: - Posts: 3336
 | August 13th, 2010 at 03:49pm OMBJ Bugs Bunny is my favorite!!! I'd punch whoever Elmer was...hunting Billie and Mike what's wrong with you!?
What if Green Day were little fuzzy kittens? (i haz a fettish for kitties) |
Lee Jong Suk. This Board Is My Home
 Age: - Gender: Male Posts: 30599 | August 13th, 2010 at 03:49pm (   )
MY fuzzeh kittehs!!!!!!
What if Green day were all Newfoundland dogs?  |
Batfreak King For A Couple Of Days
 Age: - Gender: - Posts: 3336
 | August 13th, 2010 at 03:52pm OMBJ I CALL DIBS!!!!!
What if Green Day were all one tree headed chicken?  that was random |
Lee Jong Suk. This Board Is My Home
 Age: - Gender: Male Posts: 30599 | August 13th, 2010 at 03:53pm (oy you cant do that!!!)
Ew that'd be really weird
What if Green Day started begging you for money?  |
Batfreak King For A Couple Of Days
 Age: - Gender: - Posts: 3336
 | August 13th, 2010 at 03:55pm I'd tell them I'm broke...'cause it's true -_-
What if Green Day trashed your house and passed out in your room? |
Lee Jong Suk. This Board Is My Home
 Age: - Gender: Male Posts: 30599 | August 13th, 2010 at 03:56pm I'd hug them all but not before I slapped them round the face for trashing my room
What if Green Day always made their faces go like this? -->  |