The Truth About Perfection

This is one of the cruelest truths, and the most inescapable. It is one that every human being must realize sooner or later and once it is learned, it is never forgotten. It is a universal truth, shared by even popular fictional characters.

Learning that there is no "perfect" is life's hardest lesson and there's no easy way to learn it. It just happens, I suppose. Perhaps it happens at different points for different people, but I realize that it is one of the milestones to mental maturity. For most of one's childhood, we think our parents are perfect. We find idols in the entertainment industry and assume that they are perfect.

Meg Cabot was perfect until I realized that all of her main characters are alike. My brother was perfect until I just knew he wasn't. My entire family seemed perfect until I learned of all the disagreements, the inner politics. Billie Joe Armstrong was perfect until I read that he drank, did drugs, and basically ran loose as a teenager. And it still breaks my heart to keep repeating to myself that nothing is perfect, that no one is perfect.

Friendships aren't perfect; people stop calling and make new friends. Family isn't perfect; everyone argues and tries controlling each other. Artists, visual and literary, are far from perfect. Many have mental health issues and unhealthy grudges that have been nursed from childhood.

Harry Potter was forced to learn that Albus Dumbeldore, his mentor, was not perfect. When you see that people aren't as strong as you think they are, or everything you imagine, your world temporarily shatters. No one is perfect. Nothing is perfect, because there's no such thing. I guess they try to teach us this in kindergarten when teachers read us stories like "Nobody's Perfect, Little Bunny" or whatever. But when it sinks in, it really sinks in.

And sometimes, life gives us little reminders.
Posted on April 16th, 2007 at 01:46am


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