You're What Happens When Two Substances Collide...

Under the mister
We had survived to
Turn on the History Channel
And ask our esteemed panel
Why are we alive?
And here's how they replied
You're what happens when two substances collide
And by all accounts you really should have died

That's all, really.
That's why you live right now.
Because your fathers sperm found your mothers egg and then you grew. And you have ever since.

And I realised a bit ago how lucky I've been. I've been a lot of places around the world. Like England and Cyprus and even New York and Florida in the USA along with the Canarie Islands (I d'no if that's how it's spelled).
I have nice parents.
Even though my sister annoys me a lot because I've done a lot for her when she was in her 'reckless' teen-years without complaining much, now she complains about a lot of what I do or don't do. But I love her. And I know she loves me too.
I have people who love me very much. People I love, too.
I'm so lucky, yet I act like a little bitch.
But you know... I'm a teenager. I'm supposed to be a bitch at times. I shouldn't worry that much. Really.

People worry too much.
I do it alot.
There's not much we can do about it, 'cause it's how people are.

All we can do, I guess, is live life a bit at the time. We can schedule it or we can be completely spontanious.
And we're gonna feel like nothing is worth anything and want to give up.
But those who don't give up, who keeps living on and just takes this one bit at the time...
Sure, they find complete and utter sadness. But they find happiness, too. All of this is a part of life.
I just finished switching between a Danish sing-star-contest on TV and Forrest Gump. Usually, I would just stick with Forrest Gump. But there was a girl from my town singing at the finals of that contest. My sister used to know her but they went different ways. Forrest Gump didn't look back and thought "I was cheated. I went to a war - I could have been killed. The girl I loved for so long who was too afraid to love me back just died and now I have to take care of this son I haven't seen before because she took off the day after I impregnated her, as the first time I ever had sex. I was bullied all the way through school because I wore leg-braces." and other negative thoughts. He didn't care about labels, mostly because I figure he never really knew what the hell was going on. He took the bad things as well as the good ones. He thought "Hey. I've met a lot of really interesting people. I've done a whole lot of amazing things. I went to war, and I didn't get killed. I ran through America for 3 years only to stop when I needed food and sleep. I went to a war for my country and met really nice people. I made a promise to one of them about shrimping and I kept my promise. I made millions of dollars on it." and so on. It's so inspirational.
The girl from my town who was in the contest about being Denmark's best singing duo won.

We should stop to only look at the bad things and stop taking all these great things we have for granted. We should look forward to seeing tomorrow and what we'll do tomorrow.

After all, is there much other we can do than keep going?
Posted on May 17th, 2007 at 05:57pm


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