What's with that?

Something like this was most likely posted before, but I'm too lazy to look and read. I'm a lot less lazy when it comes to typing. This is a rant as a matter of fact.

The real point of this Blog is to for answers. Answering the question What's with that?

You might be thinking and asking yourself what that is, but that is simply just a couple "trends" or whatnot on GSB. Most people on the site do at least one of these things at one point, but then they came to ask themselves "What's with that?" One of the "thats" are GSB families. What the point? For just roleplaying that you're a family? Or is it just something to list a couple names in your profile and act like you know all of them like you're best buddies. GSB hubbies and wifeys. Pets and kids. What IS the point of them? I've never found out, and this is one of the things I've did. For a day or so, then I asked myself the question WHY are GSB families made? So then I stopped. I thought they were stupid and pointless, which basically, they are.

Another that is GSB clubs. They're everywhere, and their just like groups on MySpace, except harder to keep in contact with the other people in it. Some of them are just plain stupid and random. I used to have one, then of course once again, I asked myself "What's with that anyway?" So I stopped. I took the image out of my profile and never spoke about it again, until of course now. They're just like picture decorations for your profile. If you want an image, ask someone on the site to make one, or make one yourself. GSB clubs have basically no point to them at all.

Another thing is spamming. Like spamming each other's comments just to get your page higher. Spamming each other's Blahblah's so people will read them. It's pointless, and when people spam comments and whatnot, the comments should get deleted. When people spam Blahblahs with 5 Blahblahs in a row having basically no point to them, a mod should be there to delete them, or else the Blahblahs are going to flood and all hell will break loose. I think this should also result in a ban.

Just sharing with you...
Posted on May 20th, 2007 at 12:59pm


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