GSB has alot of faults..

GSB is like a high school. There ARE groups, Just like a high school. There are punks, emo people, Preps, The regular things. People are mean. Can be nasty. There is harassment, and bullying. There are fake kids here. There are people who are full of shit. There are popular people. There are people who are ignored. There are favorites.

Just like there is ANYWHERE. Everywhere, GSB is no frickin' different. But people come here, Because we all have gone through things. We all understand when someone has a problem. Some of us are willing to help you, Some want to hurt you. But most understand, And all of us are compassionate.

Once you get past the people who are full of shit, And you find the truly compassionate people, It doesn't really matter now does it? We all have our place here, and we all develop places in each others hearts.
Posted on May 23rd, 2007 at 02:34pm


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