The N00blet's Guide to Automatic Writing

I can't really call this a Survival Guide, because I'm pretty sure not a lot of people are familiar with the topic. So, why not a guide for the beginners instead? NOW...

The trippiest, coolest, and best way to get in touch with yourself - NO, not drugs - automatic writing! When I start talking about it - yeah, it's going to sound a bit crazy, but if you have an open mind to these sorts of things, there's no doubt that you'll love it like I do.

It's quite simple. Here's a wikipedia definition, because it's the best way to explain it: Automatic writing is the process, or product, of writing material that does not come from the conscious thoughts of the writer. The writer's hand forms the message, and the person is unaware of what will be written. It is sometimes done in a trance state. Other times the writer is aware (not in a trance) of their surroundings but not of the actions of their writing hand.

Basically, you just start writing about whatever and you keep on going. It's a reflection of what goes on in your brain because it's not a conscious reflection of your thoughts. Therefore, it is not coming from a biased or educated viewpoint. It's more of what goes on in your sub/unconscious, whatever you like to call it. The real you. What you write can be interpreted in whatever way you wish, or you can leave it as it is. So, here's what i've got to say:

Starting Out
- Go into a room or somewhere outside that has ZERO distractions.
- If you plan on going inside, it's best to use the computer. Typing is a quicker way to release the thoughts. Much better choice.
- Make sure no one is in the room (preferrably), and that there's no music going on. No TV or anything else of the sort, either.
- Then, find a calmness. Make sure you're at ease, and not in an overly-emotional state. Relax. Push all the clutter in your brain aside.
- On the paper/word document, date it. It's cool to keep a record of what you write.

- With your relaxed and cleared mind - START WRITING. Start off with maybe a "My name is such-and-such," and start writing. About whatever comes to mind. Don't think. Just write and don't stop until you come to your first blank point, when there's absolutely ZERO spontaneous thoughts coming up anymore.
- It is extremely rare, on the first time, for it to make any sense. Both gramatically and sensibility. Don't fret. My first time was loaded with random spurts about "swimming, fishing, water, and outer space." Made NO sense and I felt ridiculous. It takes a while.
- For the first couple of tries, it'll be a bit weird "switching gears." It's not easy getting used to writing in this style, because you don't know what to write about, ESPECIALLY when you can't think about it. It feel awkward, but give it a few tries. You get used to it, and pretty soon you'll be writing about the most surreal and strange things EVER. But there are things even more rewarding than the results.

The Benefits
- I hear that automatic writing can be a way for therapists to understand their patients better. Because therapists can study what patients write and extract all of the common themes that are in the patient's writing, see what's really going on in their brains since it is coming from an unbiased source.
- I find automatic writing to be such an amazing escape. It's when you listen to certain songs and you can get lost in them, or play the drums and get lost in the beat and you're just playing your own tune. It's a pleasant feeling of escape.
- It is also a great way to vent about things you don't understand. If you're experiencing such an EXTREME degree of frustration or depression or elation, WHATEVER floats your boat, and you just can't think of any way to possibly express that emotion in words or in standard writing: use this technique. Write about abstract things to communicate abstract feelings. Trust me, it's such a great way to communicate feelings and ideas without even touching on the subject at hand.
- By learning automatic writing, we become more in touch with our true selves. As you'll notice, it becomes easier and easier the more you practice. It's because we gradually begin to understand what makes up our real persona and how to get in touch with it. That's how the writings become not only more understandable, but also more abstract at the same time. Wow, that made no sense. Here... Our true nature is abstract to begin with anyways, our minds don't stay in black-and-white, you know?

It's a bit hard to explain, this automatic writing business. You may not understand it by just watching me rant about it. Try it out for a few times! You'll get used to it the more you do it. It's not for everyone, but it works for some people. Wait! I just thought of the best analogy for automatic writing:

It's like dreams. Dreams are a look into our subconscious, right? What happens in our dreams can be interpreted into various things that pertain to our lives. It's a way that our mind escapes from reality. Automatic writing is the SAME THING. It's almost day-dream like, in it's essence. Pretty cool stuff. Try it out!

Posted on May 28th, 2007 at 10:41pm


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