To Forgive

There are a lot of qualities that I like when people are:
Kind, funny, generous, witty, thought-provoking, comforting, and all that good stuff.

But my absolute favorite quality is forgiveness.

Like, you see what people have done, the mistakes they have made, the things they have said, and you also see that sometimes they are truly sorry for their actions, they know they have done wrong and they wish they hadn't, not beause they want you to like them again, but because they never wanted to hurt you in the first place.

All the mean stuff that has been said to me, I just ignore it. Because in the end they are not bad people, they've just made a bad decision. Humans are irascible, fragile beings. It does not do to hold grudges against those who were born just like you were, with intentions to take what they can get and push everyone else out of the way. At least, that's the way I think humans are "designed." Obviously it's great if someone can sit back and see that they can do great things, but I'd say the majority of people do not.

It is so, so easy to be spiteful, but it's so much more worth it to forgive.
To look at someone who has caused you so much pain, and yet remember that they are only human, and tell them: "I will never leave you."

This is truly what it means to be good.
Posted on May 31st, 2007 at 04:31pm


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