Wanna read my Creative Writing asignment?

I had to write about a pencil. I was going to do a whole one-part story will dialogue and the whole enchilada, but he told me to do something original. I was like, WTF? because I don't DO original. So I did this.

A pencil to me is not just a wood octagonal object with graphite. It’s a window, well; actually, it’s more or less a doorway. One could pick up a pencil and do homework unwillingly, or write an essay. But an artist could also pick a pencil up and sketch the future, or the past. A lyricist could grasp the wood in their hand and write the most heart-touching or most anger-filled song known to living man. Or I, I could simply grab a pencil and start writing away, working on the poem or story that would most likely be known as the most powerful message sent out to anyone with dark and twisty feelings. But then again, it’s just a pencil, isn’t it?
Nope. N-O-P-E. We already established it’s not just a pencil, remember?
Let’s take myself for example. I write, heck, I’ve most likely written more in the past two weeks then some people have in their whole lifetime. Think I’m bluffing? Take a look at my notebooks, or even better, my computer’s documents. It’d take ten scientists on an archeological dig to read all of my things. Anyways, back to the point. I write in my notebooks with a pencil. This pencil is very special, because I could be invested with the most horrible writer’s block known to any author, and as soon as I start to write a sentence, that pencil takes over. (If you were wondering, its name is Saint Jimmy)
Now, Mr. Schnipke gave us a 1388/HB Dixon Ticonderoga Made-In-U.S.A Soft pencil to look at for inspiration. I’m not going to lie to you, but I was almost tempted to take his pencil, and maybe get it all spiffed up for Saint Jimmy, but then I noticed the golden color, engraved with the emerald green label, finished off with the unharmed soft, pink eraser, not yet worn. And I realized, that the pencil indeed, was a doorway. So I went home and wrote this essay with my dearest Saint Jimmy.
Most likely, Mr. Schnipke is reading this and realizing that I got off subject and didn’t describe the pencil, or talk about how boring the pencil is, or how it would be so cool for the pencil to rule the world. And probably, he’ll deduct points. So, I guess, I’ll just have to loose those points, because this is probably not the type of essay he was looking for.
But to help spare those points, I suppose I should at least say something about pencils. Oh, I got it! You know what? I love pencils with pokadots. Or wait, maybe they were stripes. I never really saw the pencil. Hmm, I wonder if pencils could take or the world? Along with bunnies and squirrels. That’d be weird, like, totally. Because you could be in your room, playing PS2 and all of the sudden, evil ninja bunnies and evil Jamaican squirrels and unharmed 1388/HB Dixon Ticonderoga Made-In-U.S.A Soft pencils start flying at you in all different directions, making you loose focus and wrecking your chance to defeat the Sexy European Exotic Go Go Dancer Zombies.
There. I described them. A little. Can I have the points back now?
And since I’m writing up a storm, I might as well talk about something inspirational while I’m at it.
The first step to writing is to admit you have to take on the planet. To take on the planet, you have to pick up a pencil. To make yourself pick up a pencil, you have to have the will to write with it. The journey to figure out how to go about making the best song or novel or painting is making yourself grab that 1388/HB Dixon Ticonderoga Made-In-U.S.A Soft pencil, and write like you’ve never written before, only to find that after you’ve written your heart out, that you don’t own that part of you anymore, the part that you just wrote, because what you’ve written belongs to your soul, a complete different territory then it came out of.
Didn’t understand a word of what I just said? Then that, my friend, is what two minuets staring at the 1388/HB Dixon Ticonderoga Made-In-U.S.A Soft pencil will do to you.

You like it?
Posted on January 21st, 2007 at 08:47pm


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