I may not grace you with my presence

Not for a little while anyway and this has nothing to do with school this time.

You see, I have my very own computer in my bedroom. I love it, and am on there all the time. But on Saturday night my screen decided to die. Now, vonny is talented with the computer, but the screen is one of the vital parts of the computer that is needed to operate it. Therefore, no screen, no computer for vonny.

Therefore, I have to use the computer in the loungeroom. I have to share this computer with everybody else. Which after having my own computer since the start of the year is a pain. Therefore, I won't be on much until I get another screen. I'll only really be using this computer to complete the documentation for my software assessment.

So, this blog is just here to let you all know about my misfortune, and so you don't all think I've died or anything horrible like that.

By the way, the DVD player and the video player decided to cark it on the weekend too. We have a new DVD player though, so at least that's something.

...I can't find Microsoft Word on this machine....
Posted on June 25th, 2007 at 01:13am


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