The Brightside.

- Name
- annnnnnnnnnnnnneliese
- Age
- 32
- Gender
- Female
- Location
- Jingletown, Australia
Member since October 23rd, 2006
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I really really like horses. I also really really like Green Day. Oh, and The Living End and The Clash. I'm immature, annoying, insecure, paranoid, lame and a bit of a freak. But it's all good, because life's too short to be normal. I like writing, playing my guitar, playing the drums once a week in my lessons (I'm slowly improving, even a year on...) drawing cartoons and painting abstract stuff. I don't like to trust people, but I'll probably get over that eventually. There's something about 70s punk England that absolutely fascinates me. Anything British is good, really. I really love James Dean and all things rebellion. Power of the people. I'm under the impression that I'm a time lord. I'm also Alice Cullen like any teenage girl these days wants to be. No, not really, I'm too cool for that. I'm a bit of a cliche, really, but no worries, it'll pass soon as I grow old and boring.

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Hello. Your horse is beautiful! I own a Percheron Paint cross gelding
TheReflectingGod, May 30th, 2011 at 08:20:09pm
Hi! i love Joe Strummer!! and all of the other British Rebels
E.B.P.M.21, February 27th, 2010 at 09:01:41pm
Hello there! I wanted to write something offensive, but I see I already did. Sup? :) I wonder how long will it take you to reply.
Sneki, January 2nd, 2010 at 07:07:04pm
Dobbemort_8thHorcrux, March 14th, 2009 at 07:27:03am
u suck lol
Sneki, March 7th, 2009 at 09:05:30am
ily :)
dramamine;, February 3rd, 2009 at 02:07:59am
I'm fine thanks, been up to much?
gabs, October 14th, 2008 at 10:26:10am
Zomg, you and Mr B are the greatest team on earth. Both looking ever so snazzy and lovely and zomgly shmexcy. I especially love the first jumping one of the new 5, it’s all *POW* with awesomeness and it kicks butt/hoofs butt.

:192 :
And zomg I love what you added to my profile : D it’s all like snazzy and wow and amazing and woooo.
You’re smart having a job, I need to get one but I live in a village but the problem is that we had a coffee shop open up and 2945 people applied for it; that’s the competition. I may see if I can get a job in a local music shop or in the next town over and roller blade down a hill then get the bus back up on a night xD Idk, all I know is I need money and there’s like no where I can work which is annoying and stuff and grawry like, but one day I shall get a job.
Until then though…I’ll find a way to cope xD
I’ll be okay in Japan xD I won’t get hit by any trains and I’ll take loads of photos and it’ll be amazingly snazzy and I’ll be closer to you but one day I shall visit you because it’s on my to-do list to visit Australia. That’d be ace and snazzy and I use the word ‘snazzy’ way too much.
*sprinkles Glitter on you*
It’s so amazing and fun and sparkly isn’t it? You can sprinkle it everywhere and it can be so amazingly fun and glitterfights! Strawberry fights are fun, they’re like *pow* but not as *pow* awesome as you are xD ges02/64/l_f00e9663e829408991b82a6198e42 b00.jpg
That’s a bubble blowing photo, we made huge ones for the Japan project and I just had to show you the awesomeness that is the bubble xD
We're Outlaws, Yeah!, October 13th, 2008 at 04:47:51pm
Hello, how are you? Cool profile!
gabs, October 12th, 2008 at 10:27:29am

I get excited everytime I see one of your comments xD
But yeah, I kept losing my Japanese guy Xd He’d always wander off after something or other and one night he wanted to go off running in the park near me [like at the end of my street, 30 second walk] so we said okay, but he ran off to someone else’s house, left a note upon their door and then my friend rang at like 11.30 [2 hours after he’d left] to say she was at theirs, as of 5 minutes ago xD so he didn’t die but neeearly lost him completely xD
And zomg you and Mr B look immensely immense. You’ll so be over here in 2012 winning all the medals and kicking our butts xD Well, hoofing in his case xD
Aaanddd *puts clown wig on you* ta da! xD
*thinks of interesting things* I get to show people round school on Thursday night which also means I get the night off xD I have to dress all formal so it’s all grawgh and stuff but it should be fun…and then I plan to set fire to bubbles all night in the chemistry lab xD
ZOMG 123 = Greatest number EVER.
Apart from Pi, because that tastes yummy xD
Oooo and I’ve started a new thing, cycling 10km a night xD It usually only takes about 30 minutes so I can do it while watching tv and being all *rawr* one day I shall cycle like 50 and then my legs shall drop off and I will melt into the floor like a puddle of mud xD
Let’s groove about GSB and do a funky danceee.
And also interesting, is that I have had glitter on my face for a week now since no amount of scrubbing will take it off. It’s been an amusing few school days but no uniform means no one cares so that’s all goodness.
But zomg tell me alllll about your life
*sits on pillow ready to listen*
We're Outlaws, Yeah!, October 8th, 2008 at 05:03:57pm
Ah, I know what you mean! There was stage where I hardly came on here. I did everyday just to check comments and such, but I wasn't actually active.
I've been making a website on Freewebs, now that I know how to use it and all. xD
Skippy., October 8th, 2008 at 12:58:56am
Zomg, you’re all grown up with a job, even if it is working for a clown xD I believe you should have to wear a red wig as part of the work uniform but that is just something I once put in a suggestion box and think shall never happen, although the one near me is filled with chavs, so I want them to wear giant red noses :shifty:

Oooo, and I’m a send you a pm with my password in so you can add your own special touch to my profileness xD
Zomg and when I go to Japan I shall go on the bullet train, it’s gonna cost like £150 which is like 365 Aussie dollars, but school’s paying for it so I’m quite happy about that xD I’m gonna eat sushi and see my Japanese exchange buddy [zomg, did I tell you I had Masashi, this Japanese 17 year old live in my house for 5 days? No? Well, he stayed with us and it was awesome and pwned and so much fun, although he did run away one night then turn up 2 miles away]. I’ll have to send you many a message about it all when I’ve been.
*ponders over what else is going on in my life*
I’ve started riding a new horse at the stable. Tinkerbell, who I love dearly, has calmed herself down so I’m getting put on Welly, who’s like crazy; he naps at gates and goes a little bit wild out of the stable block so I’m currently on him a lot, /original/00005/121406509929397.jpg
This is him not liking to pass the mounting block that you can’t see xD He took off a while back down this gallop track, bucked the woman off and leapt a fence.
He’s lovely but a bit of a pain.
Oooo, zomg and want to see Teddy’s hair?
Well…lack of… Our-Lives-On-Holiday/l_574e2dcd49cd8d59a 0cc5a6c8c82af40.jpg
Ta da! xD
I made a little flash avatar of it that I’m using as a GSB icon too xD
I think that’s it…*ponders*…I got a new hat? xD
Your life pwns mine on the interesting scale. All I do is sit in the common room and play cards all day xD
No really, it’s all I do xD
We're Outlaws, Yeah!, October 6th, 2008 at 02:33:01pm
OMG. TLE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MCR XD
Green Day > TLE
Only one '>' though because TLE are pretty rad
Yes! Omg, we MUST meet up! I haven't spoken to you since like...your birthday DX
But Jess is away at the moment at her farm, so we might have to do it during the term or in the summer holidays!
and hellz yeah, concert twins! XD
oh my god, your friend swapped her tickets for seat tickets? DX
dramamine;, October 6th, 2008 at 02:06:13am
I missed my Eggeh too! Why weren't you on for such a long time?
Skippy., October 5th, 2008 at 01:56:01am

I'm still only at six times live and six times met them xD
But zomg, I'm going to Japan in like 21 days, so excited : D
And zomg, what have you been doing in your life since forver?!?
You're gonna get a super long comment that is like bazillion years long and wil ltake you a month to read xD
Mr Brightside is still looking a very snazzy horse xD I still don't have one, but I'm happy enough helping around the stables and such with Tinkerbell, who is surprisingly mean and evil, but i love her. xD
Zomg, remember when we used to comment each other with a million gazillion words, well guess what! I also remember the smileyneessssss:
tbh, i have no idea if any of those will work, but i hope they do xD
Zomggggggg, still a Doctor Who fan obsessor?! Have you seen all the most recent episodes? I have no idea about broadcasting times and such xD You probably saw them all a bazillion years ago, but the series with the library and all that jazz xD
And zomg yay for you being on school holidayness!
I'm in lower sixth, which is like college but's like school instead of college...idk, it's hard to explain xD
Zomg, Teddy in Elliot Minor shaved off half his hair :omgno:
He looks...odd?
But zomg, what's happening in your life? I want to know everything!
P.S, Want to write something on my profile? xD
We're Outlaws, Yeah!, October 3rd, 2008 at 01:04:57pm