Why it is so important to vote.

In Germany, at the age of 18/16 we get the right to vote. Nevetherless, many young people don't vote. But it's not a generation's problem. It's a problem of the whole society. But it is so important to vote.

Why do people not vote?
Many people say politicians do what they want anyway and we can't change anything about it. Or they say they don't know who to vote so they rather vote not. But it is so easy to find out a party's program. They are on the internet, they are at so many events presenting themselves. Those who say they don't vote because they don't know what the parties stand for are in my opinion just too lazy.
Furthermore, some people are just simply not interested in politics but yet complain about what's going on.

I think that if you don't vote, then you have no right to complain. The vote is our way of influencing politics.

It is not your fault that the world is the way it is. But it would be your fault if it stayed like that. Because everyone who does not want to change the world signs its death sentence.
- I took this from a song by the German Punk band Die Ärzte:

Es ist nicht deine Schuld, dass die Welt ist, wie sie ist.
Es wär nur deine Schuld wenn sie so bleibt.
Weil jeder, der die Welt nich ändern will, ihr Todesurteil unterschreibt

-Die Ärzte "Deine Schuld"

Now why are a couple of people, a minority, allowed to decide over what's happening in our country?
We live in a representative demogracy. This means, we chose representatives to make decisions. Our world is way too complex, too many people living here, to let the demos, the people, rule (kratos). We would not be able to control our society and politics. Decisions could not be made.

Imagine you want to accomplish a new law and everyone would have to vote. It would be way too complex. And who would have the right to write a suggestions for new laws anyway?

We have representatives to care for that for us. And we elect them. This is one way of getting involved in politics.

And it is so important to vote. Why? Because...
- you can't let politicians do whatever they want. If they suck, we should elect another party or president.
- if you don't vote, rightist extremist parties (such as the German NPD) get a bigger percentage and might get into the parliament. This happened in some parliaments of German states. Every lost vote means a higher percentage to a right extremist party (fascists).
- this is our possibility, no our duty, to influence politics. It is one of the few ways of getting heard by the people who make decisions. And we should use it.

Another way of participating in politics is demonstrations.
We have a voice, and we should use it.

Here another quote from the same song that I think explains it all.
Go out there on the street, go demonstrating again, because those who don't try to fight, can only lose! Those who screw up, those are the ones you have elected. So let them hear your voice, because every voice counts.

Geh mal wieder auf die Straße, geh mal wieder demonstrieren
Denn wer nicht mehr versucht zu kämpfen - kann nur verlieren!
Die dich verarschen, die hast du selbst gewählt
Darum lass sie deine Stimme hörn, weil jede Stimme zählt

Demonstrations can influence and change alot. German history has shown that. In Eastern Germany (German Democratic Republic [abbr.: GDR] ) people demonstrated for their freedom. They demonstrated against the Wall and for demogracy. Now Germany is united again and is a real representative demogracy.

Or think of demonstrations against Nazis. I wrote a blog about that before (May1). German rightist extremist party NDP always gets together to demonstrate. If people in the towns don't organize anti-demonstrations they would be everywhere. With demonstrating against them, by not letting them pass, by raising your voice you can stop them from getting bigger.

Those are just some reasons why I think it is so important to raise your voice, and so dangerous to stay silent. This is why I think it is so important to vote, to use your right and to not leave it unused. Because even with all those representatives, we can still change this world to make it a better place. We just have to want to.
Posted on June 30th, 2007 at 03:12pm


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