We're all our own favorite underdog (EDITED)

Would you rather be the victim or the murderer?

Pointless question, if you ask me. When it comes down to it we always choose ourselves, no matter how much you’d like to believe the opposite. We all think we’re the protagonist in the stories about our lives, with a plethora of obvious, tiny flaws but a selfless heart in the end. Bullsh*t. We’re greedy and I’m so incredibly disappointed with myself and humanity as a whole.

Here we are, top of the food chain and the smartest known beings on Earth, and see what we’ve made of ourselves. We’ve built fast-food chains and high-polluting cars. We’ve created disorders like bulimia and anorexia and invented self-harm; there aren’t any other animals that display this kind of self-destructive behavior. I tell myself every day I should be a vegetarian because I’m a human and therefore have the resources and will-power to live a meatless life. But every day I don’t listen to myself because I’m. Too. F*cking. Lazy. The “It’s too hard” line doesn’t ease my conscience at all because I know it’s just a transparent lie.

We claim to be the most intelligent of all living things, so why, just like the most barbaric of beasts, do we have classism? Not only that, but the human race is the only one with racism, suicide, and homophobia. The only one that takes from Earth many, many times more than we contribute to it. We have war, rape, murder, and an often biased or random judicial system. We created all of this technology which will be rendered useless when we finally f*ck this world once and for all. How are our fancy clothes, our wide screen TVs, and our cars going to save us then? They’re not. We’re bringing about our own end and we’re doing it with the most style we can manage.

We single-handedly brought about global warming; we created a hole in the ozone layer; we smoke and drink and live and lose. Our atrocious transgressions are the ones that will destroy the place we live in for everyone. We’ve twisted our planet and our morals and we’re going to start paying for it very soon. Sometimes I wish humans would stop breeding because we just create more and more of us. It seems like our whole point is destroy everything that’s convenient for us. Sometimes we care when it’s easy. Sometimes we don’t when we must.
Posted on August 2nd, 2007 at 01:26am


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