
This isn't another blog about anorexia, or bulimia. It's about being thin.
I am very skinny and under weight for my height. I'm skinny, and I don't like it.
I'm 167cm's tall and I weigh 45 and a half kgs. I'm not sure what that is in pounds, but it's between 80 and 90 pounds, I think.
Girls at school don't eat and say they're "fat" and I sit, listen and think I wish I looked like you.. They're all average weight. I try my hardest to gain weight, but it just seems too make me grow upwards. I'm tired of stuffing my face, I want to be normal!
I get comments like 'Oh, she's anorexic, she never eats' and it's horrible. My ribs show like a xylaphone and my hips stick out through my shirts. I don't wear skirts or shorts because of my thin gangly legs. I don't wear bikini's. In PE when I have to wear shorts and t-shirt, I nearly cry. I get so concious about how I look. My friend Brittany is the only person who understands why I cry in PE.
Why do people strive to be this way, when you are this way you can't stand it? And that when you are this skinny, you're not socially acceptable.
I DO NOT want to be 'skinny' anymore. I don't want to cry in PE. I don't want to feel bad for being thin. I don't know how else to explain it.
Can people just be happy with being normal?
I'm not doing this to "rub it in", I'm doing to so people understand that being thin is not all it's made out too be.
I get picked on more than obese people. It doesn't make sense.


I am trying my best to gain weight. Waiting for my ribcage and hip bones to no longer be visable through clothing.
I, too, want to go to the beach and be proud of my bikini body.

Please don't take this blog the wrong way.
Posted on August 16th, 2007 at 12:06pm


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