A how to blog on: Clear Skin.

I've noticed alot of people on here talking about their skin and how they want it clearer, smoother and that they wish they didn't have as many pimples.
I mean to say this in the least arrogant way possible, but I am quite proud of my skin.
I recieve compliments about it and it really makes my day.
So, everyone should have their day made by someone. :]

For starters you need a face wash, I suggest Nivea cleanser or Olay make-up remover.
Buy some cleansing wipes, find which brand suits you best.
If you have skin that quite red, has pores or black heads use Clearasil Black Head Remover or Neutrogena SkinClearing Black Head Cleanser.
You really don't need toners or any of that business, that's all a scam to get your money. Putting your head over a bucket of hot water and letting the steam go on your face with a towel over your head opens your pores just as much (or even better) than using a stingy useless toner.
Moisturizer is a MUST HAVE if you don't use it, your skin will dry out and over produce oil which will clog pores and cause pimples. I suggest Olay for night (before you go to bed) and Nivea Tinted moisturiser for during the day.

Un-clear skin, what causes it and the stuff that doesn't:
You silly girls, REMOVE YOUR MAKE-UP BEFORE YOU SLEEP. That is the main cause for pores and pimples. You silly lazy-bums not removing your make-up, no matter how tired you are.
Not washing your face regulary causes pores, pimple and black heads.
Sweating and dry sweat on your face clogs pores.
Letting oily hair rest on your forehead, chest, shoulders and back causes pimples, pores and black heads.
Use a clean towel and fannel or your face and body.
Chocolate does not cause pimples, so go nuts.
Not using toners does not cause pimples.

When were and how:
Wash your face morning, night and when you get home from school.

1. Use a cleansing wipe first, wipe your face and then neck.
2. Wash your face with the make-up remover/cleanser in warm water.
3. Use the black head product, if needed, the same way you did step 2.
4. Dry your face with a clean towel in a patting not wiping motion.
5. Apply moisturizer evenly to your face, but wait 5 minutes until applying make-up over the top.

You should see clearer skin with about 5 days.

Other Tips:
When chosing make-up buy water based foundation like Pure Make Up. Oil based ones confuse you skin and create an oil attack.
Most of this is hormones and occainsional pimples can't be stopped.
If you're not going out on the weekend, don't wear makeup around the house. Also don't wear any of you're just popping down to Woolies (not even eyeliner).
Do the bucket of hot water and steam trick once every 2 weeks or so.
If you have senstive skin, look for sensitive products.
Don't pay attention to any of the stuff in girly mags that talk about 'Combination Skin' or 'Normal Skin', that's total bull.

I did my research and if you want anymore advice, just ask.
This blog took me a while, so comments would be much appreciated.


Posted on November 5th, 2007 at 07:10am


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