Set me free

To some people, "the 70's" is just a term for a time when everyone discodanced and wore flared jeans.
Some might remember it with a few happy tears, going 'that was my time'. But I believe the ones who happily cry over that era are old now. They wish to go back.
And so, we have the young generation. I know that many people my age are narrow-minded and despise any time that's not the one we live in, because oh so silly they all looked or there wasn't actually any ipods back then.

I'm part of the young generation. I'm 13 years old, and I'm one of those who look at the 70's with happy tears. I wish to go back.

When I compare the 21st Century to the 70's, I get the feeling of screw this! Why wasn't I alive thirty years ago?

Obviously, there were no Xbox 360's, no fancy plasma TV's and no cellphones, but isn't there more important things?
In the 70's, many new things were completely a shock and a surprise. Imagine showing someone from thirty years ago a DVD. Would you shock them? Yes.
Imagine if a mp3 player that your brain directs would be produced. Would you be surprised? I personally wouldn't be too buffled.

What I mean is that there was still evolution going on in the 70's. You might say we're actually in a very creative and industrial era right now, but it's all the same to me.
And I don't want industries. I want freedom and revolution; you could find that thirty years ago.
Not only new inventions could shock people back then. People, personalities, clothes, music, books, comics, TV-shows... you could still do what no one had ever done before. It's not possible now, three decades later. There is not anything more to discover.

One thing that fascinates me so much about the 70's, is the punk music.
Imagine the feeling of being part of something so new, so exciting and revolutionizing!
Because I can only imagine it, here in the world of making money and following each and every law.
What if I'd set myself on fire, scream my heart out, and hold a sign of a middlefinger on top of the Marble Arch? What would you do?
"C'mon Alice. You're so silly. Get down here, because I've seen it before."

I can't possibly start a revolution, just like my heroes did. All the revolutions are over. It's all been fought for. I can't feel curious in this era. It always feels unfair, it bothers me so much. I will never be like my heroes, just because I was born too late.

It's a known fact that our world is changing. There's a climate crisis. We will physically kill ourselves. But before that happens, we'll be mentally dead.
One day, I will stop to care. I need a revolution.
Posted on December 27th, 2007 at 05:14pm


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