And when I was STILL a child...

I Still Watch Cartoons Apperently.

Dexter's Laboratory
Ooooh snap. Loved this show. It was fantastic. Always liked how Dexter pronounced "laboratory" syllable-for-syllable. "GET OUT OF MY LAH-BOR-AH-TOR-EE!"

Johnny Bravo
Hell yes! Funny show. Johnny Bravo's the shit.

Cow and Chicken
I remember this show. I didn't like it. Something about the animation was really gross, if you understand what I mean by that. I felt the same way about Ren and Stimpy, but that was beyond my age audience anyway, so whatever.

The Powerpuff Girls
Own. You're fucking. FACE.
(and on a side-note, the show actually started in 2001, but there are a bunch of shows in this montage that started in the late second millennium instead of the 90s, so I guess it kinda still counts)
HOSHIT, this was my FAVOURITE show in sixth grade. I used to draw the PPGs all the time, and it got to a point where I was actually pretty damn good at it too. And my old grade school friend and I had special Powerpuff personas and gaaaaaah it was so cute. I think I've seen every episode from the seasons before the movie. After the movie though I'd grown out of it a bit. The newer episodes didn't do it for me.
Recently, by the way, I finally got around to watching some clips from the "controversial" PPG anime Demishita! Powerpuff Girls Z. And that...was a rather unpleasant experience. Maybe it's because I'm so bias because the first "anime" PPGs I grew accustomed to first were the famous bleedman's and his fantastic comics, but...honest to God, that show is fucked. It's super-duper bright kiddie/pervy anime and I actually found myself getting a bit upset after a while. But...uhh, anyway, let's move on...

Oh...gag. I remember this show. I remember being very bored with it. It was a really slow-paced show, and Doug gave me these weird pre-pubescent Charlie Brown vibes.
...and I hate his pants. He was raping my childhood.

Another show that I'm pretty sure started in early 2000 (I can call it the 00s, I guess...but...that's just odd...), and while I wasn't particularly big on the show I did enjoy the movies. Those things were pretty heartfelt.

Ren and Stimpy
Well hey, whaddaya know? This is a real classic for a lot of people. I only remember ever seeing the show late at night when I wasn't supposed to be staying up and not liking it at aaaaall. I'll admit, I like the "Happy Happy Joy Joy" song, though.

Aaahh!!! Real Monster
Real cool goth kids watched this, thanks. Kids like me. 'Das right. I loved this show. I watched it when I was four or five, man. Tim Curry was the voice of the one bee-looking guy too. That is win.

Rocko's Modern Life
I remember watching this show off-and-on. I was never a particularly big fan but I didn't completely protest it either, so meh.
The Angry Beavers

Hell yeeeeess! I remember this show rather fondly. I never watched it much because I recall actually not knowing when it was on, but the times I did watch it I quite liked.

The Twisted Tales of Felix the Cat
I quite liked this show, even though it was acid trip. I find it neat now, though, how they managed to reproduce this as a sort of dark-humoured cartoon show and keep the original art style from the old silent era movies Felix originally stars in. Oh yea, Maddie knows her history.

Eek! The Cat
Never seen or heard of this one. Big fat purple crime-fitting cat saving out big fat cats. I can't really say anything bad about it though seeing as I've never seen the show, and besides, i like fat cats.

Super Dave
For a while now I'm not gonna know any of these cartoons. This one looked like it was from the early 90s anyway... The only cartoon Dave I really like is Dave the Barbarian anyway.

Earth Worm Jim
I remember him for suuuuure. But, I never actually saw the show.

Bucky O'Hare
I can tell by the theme song that this is from the very early 90s and thus if I ever actually saw it I wouldn't remember it. The colours are giving me a migraine anyway. Bloody bright green rabbit and his chick sidekick with hot pink hair traveling through galaxy in giant laser fights. I sense a seizure.
I think Fox McCloud needs to whoop this guy...

Swat Cats
Us 90s kids sure liked our animal cartoons...
And, yea, never saw or heard of this one.
Biker Mice from Mars
First time I ever heard of this was from in a comment in my last journal. I kinda just keep thinking about the one book from grade school called "The Mouse and the Motorcycle" when i see that title...

Cowboys of Moo Mesa
DEFINITELY have seen this one. This one's so American it shits apple pies and obese children...

aka Kajetokun from YouTube video fodder.
Frickin' love that "Gutsman's Ass" compilation.
Anyway, never saw this show, but this looks, again, like it's from the early, early 90s so I likely missed it. I think I can count anything from 1994 to about 2004 because those were really my "childhood" years where I actually had "childhood" memories. Then after that it was all...weird.

James Bond Jr.
What the hell is this? Sorry, but James Bond is a man and that's the end of it. Glad I never saw this one...

The Addams Family
Ah, there we go. No, I never actually saw the cartoon shows until a bit later in my life with the old re-runs. I did watch, however, live-action movies and TV show, which are all very funny.

Highlander: The Animated Series
I...was not aware they made this into a cartoon show. Now I feel the need to investigate this...

Boo yea. Loved this show. My favourites were Storm and Wolverine. Jubilee was useless and Cyclops was a prick. Like, so was Wolverine, but Cyclops is one of those sorta uppity-type pricks who's all like, "I've appointed myself as the leader figure, but you guys save the day". The only person I'll ever really dislike with laser vision...
Alright, sorry.

That's my boy! Okay, well, second boy, next to Batman. I used to watch this show with my step-brother on Sunday mornings...good times.
The Phantom

This one is...right over my head. Skinny guy in a purple suit, fighting crime. Just not clicking...

Bobby's World
I so remember this show. I honestly can't believe that's Howie'd he go from this to Deal or No Deal?

Oh yes.
There was a rather good time, where I preferred the animated Digimon series over the Pokémon one. And that's no lie. I followed this show almost as religiously as I did Pokémon, and frankly, his show in comparison is much better. The animation and storylines annihilate anything Pokémon dished out for the longest time. But once it got to the point in the series where they had, like, the third dweeb with the goggles who actually drew his Digimon and it came to life...I sorta...stopped.

Sailor Moon
I don't care...what ANY of you guys say.
There was a point, in YOUR life (girls!), where you loved this show too.
I LOOOOOOOOVED Sailor Moon when I was little. I would watch it when I got home from school, then I'd watch Power Rangers and Power Rangers Turbo (it was a fairly decent spin-off, alright?) Once my Dad brought me home a Sailor Moon doll as a gift and I was SO EXCITED. My sister got Sailor Venus, but Sailor Venus sucked. Seriously, what was the definition of her powers anyway? Like, Sailor Moon was the powerful one who did whatever the hell she wanted, Sailor Mercury was the water girl with her stupid bubbles that NO ONE EVER wanted to be when you and your girly-friends all played Sailor Moon together on the playground, Sailor Mars had the fire stuff going, Sailor Jupiter did the lightening thing and then there was Sailor Venus with...the power of yellow. Was it, like, light or something? I remember she had the white cat... Then there was Tuxedo Mask, who I never liked. Because I always thought, "All he ever does is throw roses, say some cheesy line, then get his ass handed to him". He was so useless. And it's like, if you're going to be an uppity prick in a top hat and mask, at least have some laser vision.
By the time the little pink-haired girl showed up I'd begun to grow out of the series. I'd miss too many episodes in-between viewings and I'd get totally lost with the "plot". My amount of Sailor Moon knowledge now is that there's about fifty different scouts, most of them have wings, and two of them are lesbians.

Dragon Ball
My actual first viewing of Dragon Ball was Dragon Ball Z, thanks, so I suppose that doesn't really count but that was my introduction to the series. As far as I knew, it worked liked this: the girls liked Sailor Moon and the boys liked Dragon Ball Z. Anyway, let's carry this into the next paragraph.

Dragon Ball Z
I guess this was sort of the generic staple of anime back in the 90s that kids were accustomed too other than the whole Pokémon/Digimon/Monster Rancher (which should have been in the montage) genre. Like, I'm aware there were other ones out, but because I was young, and because my Canadian channels sucked, I never really saw them. I saw Escaflowne about, like, three times and that was the end of that. I was very anime deprived. Once I was done with Sailor Moon I fed off Digimon and Pokémon 'til they ran out of style, so when they eventually started airing InuYasha on YTV I didn't have much choice but to fan over the show because it was the first "decent" anime I had actually been able to see, and I guess I've liked anime ever since.
And what has this led me to? Yaoi.
Thanks a lot, bad channel-airing-ness...shit.

South Park
Man, I wasn't even allowed to watch South Park when it came out. Now it's one of my favourite shows. I guess it was good to wait until my age was up to par with the audience the show was directed at before watching it. I bet if I had sat through an episode when I was younger I'd be scared off the show.

I remember Duckman, but not the show. I can see by the intro that this was obviously not a kids' show, so as to why I've never seen it I think is fairly obvious so let's move on.

I thought this came out in the early 00s...meh. I never watched it, really. I read the comics when I see 'em, though.

Posted on January 27th, 2008 at 04:13pm


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