Elliot Minor: Parallel Worlds.

But Kate, you’ve already done a blog on this music video?…not exactly. I reviewed the song, mentioning the music video, but encase you didn’t read that, I’ll be mentioning both videos, although mostly focusing upon the second. Wait, second? Yes, rerelase!! Which may be a few things, eg/ another signing! Meeting them four times already and live four times isn’t enough, 5th in April xD.

Anyway….so the videos…

The first video was simple, the boys were playing in a room, surrounded by items [all their own from home; from the rocking horse to the bookcases, [which Dan could pull a pin out of to get the shelves to fall out…if he wanted to]]. Dust and paper flew from draws as lights flickered; the paranormal occurred around them, which was what the song was about; strange happenings within Alex’s room, with nothing supernatural happening to the band, except possibly Ed’s guitar changing midway through [he broke it] and they sneakily changed it, it’s quite a simple yet effective video.

So, roughly a year later what have we got? Well, no longer are the ghostly beings haunting the boys, they have become what they once feared. Opening the video, the camera zooms through a set of double doors, pulling open as the lens approaches. We’re first led to a dinner party, calm, empty, but then the sing kicks it and we see the band playing upon the table, something unaware to the naïve guests, until things start happening.

Lights flicker as the fire blows out as the table pumps while the boys move and jump upon it. We see Dan [drummer] pull books off the shelf, then fly into the guest’s perspectives where the objects seem to fly off of their own accord. Glasses are kicked, food is knocked and people flee from the forces which are something supernatural. The video finishes with lights glowing as power chords are driven then all exploding as the final ones are left to ring out.

So, in one year, what’s the difference? I see it this way. No longer are the boys not in control. Back last year they had to listen to the record company, having to kind of shut up about what they wanted, especially when Warners are interested in signing you. But now, they’re calling the shots, moving their album forward a week, choosing the release date [it’s rumoured that the record company wanted to wait til May, but it has not been confirmed], which by the way is April 7th, one week before the album release.

They’re taking control; something reflected within this video.

Thanks For Reading.x
Posted on March 2nd, 2008 at 04:54pm


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