Leaving for my birthday...

This is the best birthday present I've ever had. Back in February, my family sat me down and threw me a passport, and told me that for my 16th birthday, they're sending me to Japan to see my sister. OH MAN.

I live in Texas, and that's a huge gap. 7 thousand something miles. Wow. I get to stay in Tokyo for three days! My sister lives on Okinawa. It's her, my brother in law, and my two nephews. They're living there because of my brother in law's job...

Apparently they've been planning this since last summer. They fooled me, aha. I thought I was getting a passport just because. (we live close to the border of Mexico, though...) My dad gave me $500 on a Visa card, but I have to convert it to Yen when I get there, right? Or something.

Well I leave June 8th. JUNE 8th! That's three days after school lets out, in like... two weeks! I leave in two weeks. Oh wow. Time flies.

I'm kind of scared because I have to fly alone, but I talk to my sister almost everyday on the phone and she tells me what to do and where to go. I'm sure I'll be okay, but still.

When I come home, my sister and the rest and coming with me. Then we're having a HUGE party at our house cause we missed them so much.
Posted on May 26th, 2008 at 12:08pm


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