Fuck The vs. I Love: The Cops

Bad boys, bad boys, watcha gonna do? Watcha gonna do when they come for you?

The boys in blue. The working force. Or simply as we know them, the cops. There have been movie parodies about them, song written against them; they seem to be a last resort to your 'I party at 3:30 AM' neighbors. The point is, people have mixed emotions about them.

On one hand, they can be on your sides. Whether we hate to admit or not, the cops make us feel at least a smidge bit safe. I mean, think about it. What would happen if the cops weren't around? Robbery, murder, and many other things would be out of control. The point being, they help to keep society under control, for the most part.

But what happens when they abuse that power and responsiblity? I'm just going to bring up a story that still, to this day, pisses me off. The Democratic National Convention, 2000. The scene, after the cops shut down the Rage Against The Machine due to two rowdy fans who were throwing objects at them. They cited that the crowd was getting too rowdy. So then what happened? Yup, a riot. Shouts of 'Nazi Pigs Fuck Off' could be heard throughout the crowd. So, naturally, the cops went into riot control. They used pepper bombs, police batons. and even horses. Doesn't sound out of the ordinary, does it? Well, the footage of one reporter states different. The footage shows a reporter who was trying to outrun all the pepper bombs, and was run into a corner, and then trampled by, 3 policemen on horses. When asked about the footage, one policemean stated, 'Well, you should have gotten out of the way, next question.'

Police brutality seems to be a growing problem in this country, as well as a few other others. Songs, such as Police Truck by the Dead Kennedys and Fuck Police Brutality by Cut Your Losses talk about it. Hell, it's even starting to get in the news.

In my firm opinion, I don't mind the police as long as they keep they're boundries and they don't act like douchebags.
Posted on June 2nd, 2008 at 08:58pm


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