
I know that this is shit, I know I'm going on a rant, but this is how it feels. I know I sound silly, I know I say stupid things, I know I sound selfish. But this is how I feel.

he was mine, okay? It was us against the world. It doesn't feel okay to see him with someone else. She seems fun and nice. People like her. Oh, sure, I agree, but I can't help hating her. I hate hate hate her. I could kill her.

he is still mine. He should be. He could be. I don't know why it's not us two any longer. It doesn't feel okay to know she got flowers from him. It doesn't feel okay to follow their every move from far distance. But nowadays I feel like I need the full control. I must know who he talked to last night. Did he hug anyone? What was his voice like when greeting someone? Did he wear this or that shirt? He was mine. He is mine. I need full control; it's driving me crazy, because... I can't get full control. Controlling two people in a relationship is impossible. And my heart says no but my head says yes. It's all spinning around.

I can't sleep at nights. I miss him so. It hurts me to know that threehundred kilometres away, she is sleeping in her arms. It was always me. Out of six billion people, it was me!, and I was so proud. I was so happy for once. I felt appreciated. There were butterflies in my stomach when you grabbed my hand and everyone could see us; I felt like the queen of the world and you were my king. I've been pushed from the throne. I'm out of control. Please come back. Please tell me she's not for real. Please tell me this is just a nightmare.

I've seen myself die when reflected in hiseyes. I don't want to die. I want to live, and I want to live with him. I'm not really alive, I'm in some sort of sleepy daze. Alive, but not lively. My life was our life. What am I without you, darling? Everything is nothing without him.

I just want him to be happy. But still, I want to be the one to put a smile to his face. I'm going insane when I see him smile at her. It feels like I haven't slept or eaten for weeks when I see her hand in his.

There is always a clump of sorrow in my chest. Will it ever go away? Oh please, this can't be true. You're mine. I'm yours. Our life was my life. How am I supposed to live this life alone?
It hits me when I wake up. It hits me when I eat my breakfast. It hits me when I turn on the tv. It hits me when I meet my friends. It hits me when I walk home. It hits me when I go to sleep. It hits me during my dreams. I always think of him. His face is everywhere. His name is always the first one on my tongue. He is still mine.

I miss his scent, his safe arms, his eyes, his smile, his words, I miss laughing like only he can make me do. It's tearing me apart. Yearning kills me. I'm f*cking dying. I hate her. I love him.
Posted on August 2nd, 2008 at 06:29pm


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