Dear Grandpa,

you are such a good person. You always used to make me laugh and smile. Such an amazing person you were. It just breaks me to know how sick you are because of your diabetes. I've forgotten what your voice sounds like. You have every reason right to cry out of nowhere and I could only imagine how it feels to sit alone in a dark room in a nursing home where the only thing you can do is stare out of the window.And how terrible it feels to have one foot cut off because of your disease. And how horrible it is to know you might die almost any day now. You are the nicest person that ever lived and I just don't understand why this would happen to you. I remember when I was little you smiled everyday and never stopped until now. You were so happy and so full of life and now you're the exact oppisite.I hope you lived a good life and I hope everything was the best for you. It kills me to know I can't do anything at all cause I rarely ever see you, But, Grandpa, remember,
I love you.
Don't ever forget that.
I promise.
Posted on October 2nd, 2008 at 06:59pm


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