Running is one of those things that I seem to enjoy for some reason that I can't quite put my finger on. I love going on eight mile runs during practice when I don't have to think or worry about anything - I feel like I escape to another place. There's something called "Runner's High," and you can achieve it after running for a certain period of time and you sort of forget about pain and just about everything else and you feel like you could run forever and never tire out.
It's weird, at first I joined my school's Cross Country team to stay in shape for softball. Cross Country is one sport that not a whole lot of people would be able to handle, because running doesn't require natural talent. The best runner is the runner with the most drive and ability to push their limits as far as possible. The feeling I get after completing an eight or nine mile run, or breaking my time for a three mile run is so fulfilling. Running gives me a sense of accomplishment and I feel like I could just run all of my troubles away.
I think it's funny how something as miserable as running brings me, and everyone else on my team, such satisfaction. Because nearly everyday at practice, especially after a grueling 6 AM Monday practice, after sprinting a total of four miles at the track, we will usually ask each other, "Why the hell did we join this sport?" And we swear that we want to quit and we hate running, but we still come back everyday and have the most fun ever. We're such a tight group. There's really no ego or "jock attitude" on our team. We're just a bunch of nutjobs who like to put ourselves through as much suffering as possible every day for two hours and we love every minute of it.
Cross Country is a super-intense sport and it deserves a lot more credit that it receives. If you're willing to try something new, or maybe if you're just having a crappy day and you feel really angry or confused, upset, whatever - maybe you should try a run. That's how my love for running all began. Maybe every step you take can be another step towards escaping your biggest fears or faults, even if it's just for a short while. Running sort of puts the world on pause, and it leaves you, the ground beneath your feet, and wherever your feet take you. It may not work for everyone, especially since running isn't very appealing at first glance, but it might be worth a try.
It's weird, at first I joined my school's Cross Country team to stay in shape for softball. Cross Country is one sport that not a whole lot of people would be able to handle, because running doesn't require natural talent. The best runner is the runner with the most drive and ability to push their limits as far as possible. The feeling I get after completing an eight or nine mile run, or breaking my time for a three mile run is so fulfilling. Running gives me a sense of accomplishment and I feel like I could just run all of my troubles away.
I think it's funny how something as miserable as running brings me, and everyone else on my team, such satisfaction. Because nearly everyday at practice, especially after a grueling 6 AM Monday practice, after sprinting a total of four miles at the track, we will usually ask each other, "Why the hell did we join this sport?" And we swear that we want to quit and we hate running, but we still come back everyday and have the most fun ever. We're such a tight group. There's really no ego or "jock attitude" on our team. We're just a bunch of nutjobs who like to put ourselves through as much suffering as possible every day for two hours and we love every minute of it.
Cross Country is a super-intense sport and it deserves a lot more credit that it receives. If you're willing to try something new, or maybe if you're just having a crappy day and you feel really angry or confused, upset, whatever - maybe you should try a run. That's how my love for running all began. Maybe every step you take can be another step towards escaping your biggest fears or faults, even if it's just for a short while. Running sort of puts the world on pause, and it leaves you, the ground beneath your feet, and wherever your feet take you. It may not work for everyone, especially since running isn't very appealing at first glance, but it might be worth a try.
I've only ran Cross Country twice in my life as a guest runner both times.
The 3 mile race was always exhausting, but I loved the sport. Everybody seemed to have such an awesome attitude. I remember being out of breath, but still running, and a girl ran next to me and said "You're alright," and it made me feel so good. Nobody was mad at anyone else. It seemed like a joint effort even though we were against each other. Such a beautiful irony.
And I don't see how you can run 8 or 9 miles straight. That's amazing :]
nimrodidiot, June 2nd, 2009 at 09:30:37pm
Everyone has their own thing. =] Just like you could pwn me at running any day.
It's what makes us individuals. ^_^
Hello, My Name Is Asshole, October 23rd, 2008 at 05:16:54pm
lol that's how it was for me and softball. I remember my first three-mile run. Epic fail. I was like this:
I enjoy volleyball, but I'm not good enough at spiking or bumping to pursue it in high school. I played in middle school and I had a killer serve and a decent set, that was about it. =l
Hiphopopotamus, October 23rd, 2008 at 04:01:57pm
I really admire that. =] I wish I could run more than ten minutes without feeling like my lungs will pop. =]
I play volleyball, though, and I'm forced to run to stay in shape. D:
Hello, My Name Is Asshole, October 23rd, 2008 at 03:58:57pm
Loser_face, you're probably either on frosh-soph or JV boys right? That's not a bad time starting off in freshman year. You're gonna get a lot better if you keep at it. I know some guy who started running last year and got like 33-35 three-mile times, but dropped his time by over ten minutes before this season started. He's at 22-21 times now. He's my hero lol
Running is such a great feeling. I might do the two-mile for track this year. I almost have a Varsity time, I need to drop it by another minute and I'll qualify =)
Hiphopopotamus, October 23rd, 2008 at 03:56:55pm
oh wow! i used to do cross country and a lot of running!
Its the best feeling ever knowing that your running fast and that you can keep it going. i loved it. but then i gave it up. i dont know why.
Vegemite, October 23rd, 2008 at 08:57:53am
we havent gone on that long of runs... prolly will next year. definately running next year. my pr is 24:29. im proud i broke 25 this season, since i started running with like 28 minute 3 miles. idk how well i'd do on half a marathon, not too great on long distance
Loser_Face, October 23rd, 2008 at 07:22:33am
lol I just fell yesterday while I was waving to somebody on our team taking a shortcut during practice yesterday. That was plain horrible. I totally ate it. Bad memories.
Hiphopopotamus, October 23rd, 2008 at 12:01:00am
i love running!!! D: but when i did join the running time, i ended up being the water girl because i always fall when i run. but it's really fun. :D
get famous, October 22nd, 2008 at 11:58:59pm
Ehh well at an invitational with some hills I got a 24:40, but in practice I've gotten like a 24:05. I'm not too good at three mile races, actually, I feel like I'd be a really good half-marathon runner instead. What about you?
Hiphopopotamus, October 22nd, 2008 at 11:39:35pm
im not a very big athlete, being in ninth grade, and this being my first year of CC, im not that fast, but i still love running but hate it. i know exactly how u feel.
whats ur best time for a 3 mile race?
Loser_Face, October 22nd, 2008 at 11:36:30pm
WHAAAAT? no way!
I'm a cross-country runner too. Today my school won SSSAA and NWOSSA! (both are extremely big competitions) We kicked butt. But now its all over for the season.. I am so going to miss it :(
ROSLYNN, October 22nd, 2008 at 09:58:59pm