God Only Gives You As Much As You Can Handle.

"God only gives you has much has you can handle." A common term expressed by some religious people, not all. No generalization intended. What is wrong with this statement? Oh boy here we go...

That little boy who didn't get any food today, or the next day, or the next because his family can't get a job. Was he given as much as he can handle?
That 93 year old woman who was given cancer and can't survive the surgery or Kemo-Therapy(spelling is probably WAY off). Was she given as much as she can handle?
The baby who was born too early and died soon after birth with no chance. Were they given as much as they can handle?

Whether or not that you believe in God, this term makes no sense to me at all. If God really controlled all that went on with you in your life, don't you think that he'd bring peace in your life? Not let such horrible things happen? If he really only gave you as much as you could actually handle...then why are so many perished without a chance to survive? Did God actually think that a weak newborn could save herself from lung failure? Do you actually believe that your God would give that to a child, knowing she couldn't handle it?

You are given a life, you don't know for sure how it started or how it began, what control you or anyone else have over it. You can think what you want, believe in what you want to believe in, but at least think of something logical.

My rant is finished!
Posted on November 4th, 2008 at 12:03am


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