"When 95% of marriages end in divorce..."

Why is it that when two people find love, people get so angry?

This quote has always stuck in my mind...why is it that a couple of the same sex angers people so much? Why is it that it is so wrong that maybe...my soul mate happens to also be a girl?

A girl that makes me completely happy whenever I'm around her. A girl that I can be completely open with and not feel exposed or vulnerable. And it hurts...knowing that because of some people's hatred and fear...I could never be with her and be happy. It hurts knowing that because of the fear I have, I know I'll be married so many years away, without her, regretting the ignorance of others and the fears holding me back

Sure people can say... "forget about what others say"...but have these people ever experienced these polar emotions tugging at their heartstrings? When their own parents constantly crack gay jokes, cursing the protests over Proposition 8 in California, I'd love to see how easy it is for them to come out of the closet. Sure, I've come out to my mother...but a hearty laugh and a shake of the head was not the reaction I was hoping for.

So...here I sit, hating society...thinking of "what ifs" and a world where I wouldn't have to hide my true feelings.

Posted on December 21st, 2008 at 12:54am


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